Chapter 42:Saad

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Saad's pov:

Next day, Mirha wasn't as grumpy as yesterday when I woke her up for exercise. She was smiling every time she touched her hair and it brought a smile on my face as well. When we came down for breakfast, Dado asked her. 

"When did you get your hair cut? They are looking good" even in a ponytail, her hair cut could be seen. her 1 length hair now had layers and were 2 inches shorter.

"Last night, Saad cut it for me" Mirha replied with a small smile on her face.

" Finally, he used his intelligence for something other than reading books" Dado said making me role my eyes and Mirha laugh. 

After dropping Mirha to her class, I went towards my own. Things were getting a bit busier in university, there was a seminar going to be held and I was expected to represent my university.


Mirha's pov:

I decided to take a short nap after spending some time with dado. By the time I woke up, it was already 5pm and as usual, Saad was in his office, I didn't know what he even did in there. 

I freshened up and headed towards the painting room, Saad's office door was open but he was on a call with someone, so I decided to let him be and focused on the work in hand. 

Saad's pov:

When I got off the call, my eyes went to the room in front of him, She was bent down find something in her stash. Her slightly swollen eyes showed that she had just woken up.

I picked up my phone and called downstairs for a fresh glass of juice for her. My gaze kept going towards her as I replied to the mails. 

"Ah!...." her whimper made me get up and go to her immediately. She was holding her hand and tears had already started filling her eyes. There was a deep cut in her palm. 

I quickly took her to my office "Are you out of your mind?! What were you even doing?!" My voice was angry even to my own self. I pulled out the first aid box from the last drawer and started dressing her hand. A flickering look at her face told me that she had felt it, her tears were falling by now. 

"I - I was going to add texture on the canvas, but ended up cutting my hand with the cutter" her lower lip quivered as she spoke and I felt my heart melting. 

"Stop crying, Its going to be fine soon" I made my voice softer as I got done with the dressing. At that moment, the need to hug and comfort her was too much to control. But, I looked away, I wasn't sure if I could handle it with my emotions. 

"Sit down, I had called for orange juice, It would be here in a minute. I don't know what's taking her so long." I muttered and picked up my cell. Mirha wiped her tears as she sat on the sofa. Her face had gone blotchy with just a few minutes of crying.

Before, I could even hit call, I saw Dad storming inside with Hira just behind him. I watched as Dad took in Mirha's condition and then moved towards me angrily, though I couldn't guess the reason of his anger. 

"You!!!!! I have raised you to be this!!!" he held me by my collar making my eyebrows knit together. 

"You piece of shit! Is that what I have taught you? To torture a girl, your own wife!!!!"His eyes looked at Mirha, making me understand what possibly caused this anger. It made my blood run cold with icy anger. 

"It was a mistake, definitely a mistake to make you marry her" he said raising his hand to slap me.

"Uncle!!! " Mirha's gasp stopped him midway. I could see the horror on her face.

" Get out! Go to the room right now!" I told her in a calm yet cold tone, making her shiver visibly. 

"What are you saying to her?! She isn't going anywhere! You have made her life difficult enough!" Dad shouted but my eyes remained on Mirha. I wanted her out of this room. I didn't want her to face the hate, the venom I could feel bubbling inside me. 

"Get out,Mirha!!!!" I shouted and the anger in my voice made her run out of the room finally with tears streaking down her cheeks. Hira followed her with the color drained from her face.

When my eyes fell on dad, I jerked back, making him leave my collar." Yes! you would definitely think of it as a mistake, me marrying her!!!!If not her mother, the love of your life!! why not just get the daughter!! I could feel your regret!!!!" 

His slap wasn't enough to break the haze of my anger " Have you lost your mind?! what are you even talking?" Disgust on his face was clear. 

"Mr Ibraahim! you don't need to hide it anymore. I have known this truth from a long time now. I have heard you talk to her myself. Offering her my mom's place!!!!! When mom was pregnant with my sister"I seethed. The anger, the hatred I had been storing for him for years was finally coming out. Mom had died just after a few weeks. They had started fighting a lot in those days.

"You were the reason, mom died. Your betrayal killed her!!!!" The stinging in my eyes was making things blurry around me.

"S-aad..... I never betrayed your mom. What have you been keeping in your heart all these years..... Mirha's mother was my first cousin and I won't deny that I had feelings for her. But, when I sent proposal, she rejected it saying that she only saw me as a brother and I also backed down because there was really nothing likeness.

Then ammi married me to your mother and she was the first and the last woman I had loved. The time you are talking about, It was just a cousin offering a help to his cousin. Mirha's grandfather wasn't even ready to talk to his daughter and her husband was an abusive man. Mirha's mother wanted out but she couldn't see any way out. I offered to help, but she died before it could happen."Dad's voice was weak, as if my words had broken him.

"Why were you fighting with mom all the time before she died" I questioned but my voice didn't hold the same venom now.

"The baby's growth wasn't normal. Doctors told us to have it aborted as it was putting your mother's health in danger too. But she wasn't ready, she had gotten pregnant after years of your birth and didn't want to lose the baby. I kept trying to pursue her, even if it turned into arguments. I wanted to convince her, but it was my mistake. It costed me her life. I should have taken the decision, and maybe she would have been with us now" A tear fell from his eye and I felt shame surrounding me. The way I had been giving him a cold shoulder for years, when he had gone through so much alone......

"Dad...." I moved towards him, not knowing what to say....

Salaam readers! Heres the update❤️

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