04. Unexpected Arrival

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(unexpected arrival)

Don't look for us. There isn't time to waste. Remember: Tanya, Siobhan, Amun, Alistair, all the nomads you can find. We'll seek out Peter and Charlotte on our way. We're so sorry that we have to leave you this way, with no goodbyes or explanations. It's the only way for us. We love you.

The letter that was all left of Alice and Jasper had been the one to allow the growing of allies. Shortly after the arrival of Peter, Charlotte, The Irish Clan and the Egyptian Clan the bare of witnesses had grown by numbers.

Emmett and Rosalie had sent individuals—any nomads friends of Carlisle's that they could track down.

The first of those nomads was Garrett—a tall, rangy vampire with eager ruby eyes and long sandy hair he kept tied back with a leather thong—and it was apparent immediately that he was an adventurer.

He seemed like one of the challenging ones to convince, but the moment he laid eyes on the Denali sisters, it was the persuasion all he needed. He spent most of his time with endless questions about their unusual lifestyle, and even wondered if vegetarianism was something, he'd give a try.

Mary and Randall who were friends already—but arrived separately, had gladly listened to Renesmee's story and the tale was enough to convince them to stay. It was possible that the number of witnesses was the main persuasion, on hope to any chances of aiding their old friend Carlisle.

He was a man that had many friends, and most of them all had felt no desire to disappoint the kind man. Although, most of them had one question; Where was Vivienne?

It had been the least expected when Garrett had been the one to ask out loud," I'd expected to see Vivienne Beckett" He voiced making all the immortals in the room look at him.

The sound of her name had rung in the Egyptian Coven's ears making Amun's head quickly turn up as his mate and younger clan member looked at him shocked," Vivienne?"

Benjamin said in a weak voice at the sound of his mate, who his leader Amun had claimed to have been long gone from the world. He was told that she had lost her life during a hunt, and thus that answered why he never left Amun's side because he was heartbroken. He had thought his mate was gone forever, and hearing the name had not been for the faint of his heart.

Edward had read the Elemental's mind and narrowed his eyes, as he turned to Amun.

"Vivienne is she expected to arrive?" Kate shot up from her seat as she smiled at the name, she had last seen her when she left the Cullens. The Denali's and the Cullens had been so devastated when she chose to leave but they all respected her decision.

Bella looked at all the immortals that had seemed to be acquainted with Vivienne Beckett, she was slightly nudged on the side by Jacob who leaned closer to her as he whispered," Who is Vivienne?"

She looked at her friend than to her husband who was standing next to them with Renesmee in his arms," She is my sister, she left in 1980"

Amun felt himself cower as he felt the intense stare of his mate and Benjamin. He had not told them the truth of what happened and lied that his injuries were from trying to save her. In truth, he felt regretful for tearing her apart from Benjamin, and when he found out she was gifted. He selfishly thought of her being an asset, but then he was afraid of her after nearly being killed. So he decided to go with the lie over the truth.

"Vivienne is alive?" Benjamin got up from the lone couch he had been sitting as he looked at the other immortals. Edward had looked at him for a moment and his eyes widen," She is your mate" He said astonished at the understanding.

He nodded and sent a glare to his leader," I been told, she had passed—Amun, why did you lie to me?"

Amun closed his eyes as he looked to the ground, and the warmth of Kebi was absent as she stepped away from him," Amun?" The first word that most of the clans around had heard her utter since their arrival.

He turned his head up and looked at all the eyes that had confusion, disappointment and anger.

"I had banished her from the Coven because I felt like she was the reason of your behavioural change. You felt regretful that she was isolated along with you, and I thought to make her leave was the best for both of you" Amun confessed

Benjamin could have easily used his powers to harm his leader, with the anger within him, but most of it was overwhelmed with the news of his mate being alive. She was alive.

The Denali's and Garrett had all shared anger towards the immortal Egyptian leader, but none of them felt the need to take actions, since Benjamin was her mate, and he deserved to be the one to lead that anger.

Edward had promised to be the peacekeeper, as he stepped forward," We lost contact with Vivienne after a few years she had departed with us" He decided that if there was going to be an argument, he'd take the end of it. He didn't want to lose any allies as he swore to Carlisle to make sure there was no unnecessary bloodshed.

"Honestly, if I was going to be the reason for an argument, I would have tried my best to arrive sooner" All the heads turned to the new arrival, Vivienne Beckett.

She waved her hand," It's been a while" She scanned the room and felt weak to her knee's when she saw her mate. Both of their eyes locked as she sent a smile his way and he kept frozen in place not believing who stood before his eyes.

"Vivienne?" Edward's voice cracked as he stared at his sister," In the undead flesh? Is that how we'd say it?" She joked but was quickly trampled in a hug by him.

"Woah there!" She laughed returning the hug

"Alice and Jasper sent you" He said pulling back reading her mind and she rolled her eyes," I told you to not get in my head—But yes, they found me" When she said that she saw her former leader only recognizing him now, since his appearance was much different from when they known each other. She gently pushed out of the hug as she kept her eyes on him," Amun" Her tone was sardonic, as she caught his attention.

"I'm surprised to see you here" She folded her arms, while everyone in the room felt the heavy tension fill the room.

Vivienne—an arrogant vampire who had the looks that could allure anyone in sight and one look could tell you that she was not to be messed with—

Bella would have come to describe that of the female immortal.

"Vivienne" was all Amun said the clear sound of guilt in his voice, she just looked at him not sending a single glare or look of anger, but instead just calm and blankness.

"186 years have I last seen you" She said slowly as she kept herself in the same spot, not moving a single bone," I don't know if I feel grateful that you lied on my behalf, or feel angry that you told Benjamin that I was dead" He opened his mouth about to speak but was cut off by her next words," But then I learned after being in the hands of the Volturi, that maybe it was for the best that I left, despite how much it hurt me"

"The Volturi?" Edward asked and she looked to her brother," Yes, it was why I lost contact—They found out I had a gift"

Eleazar had looked at her and felt the immense power residing within her. The Denali's had known she was gifted but none of them knew what she could do since she never showed them what she was capable of.

"I'd like to speak with Benjamin" Vivienne then spoke, as she looked at Amun," Not that I need your permission" She declared as she looked to her mate, as she soon was gone, as he followed after without hesitation.

Amun couldn't help but be worried and wanted to follow but he felt the hold of his mate," Let them Amun—You owe it to them" He looked to Kebi as she kept a firm stare at him, she had never spoken up to him, and he was now in set of understanding that the authority was her own right this moment.

"I always wondered if she had a mate" Garrett spoke up and then smirked," Now that is another answer I been waiting for—I don't know decades?" He joked mainly to change the subject. One thing he hated the most was heavy tension, and he rather is in a good mood than a bad one.

Kate and Tanya laughed at the male knowing what he was doing, deciding to go along with it.

"Dad, is she really my auntie?" Renesmee asked making all the adults in the room look at her, curious about what the child was going to say. The child that they were all going to risk their life for, the child that had won most of them over.

"Yes, she was the first out of Me, your aunties and uncles," Edward said softly.

"She's beautiful and powerful—I can feel it" His daughter confessed making him smile," Yes, yes she is" He responded running a hand through her hair.

"But why did you and the family never talk about her?" This time he was taken by surprise at her question, and he felt the overwhelming of sadness take over," I guess, since she was there since the beginning, we all expected her to always be there, but then she decided to leave, so it was a subject we never wanted to bring up"

"Oh" she mumbled and then looked up to her parents," I hope she stays" She revealed and this time the ones acquainted with her smiled. Edward smiled to his daughter, as Bella walked over putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I hope you don't have any more hidden siblings" Jacob looked at Edward smirking making him chuckle," If there are, then I wouldn't know—Vivienne is the only one"

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