Chapter 9 New faces and a new allegiance?

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After the bullhead had us returned to Beacon, it was four hours after midnight, all of the teams that had just returned were ordered to gather in Ozpins office.

You had laid down on the sofa and acted as if you were still feeling dizzy. All of the teams including team RWBY that looked like they went trough a good trashing were present.

(Coco)‘ What happened to you girls?‘

(Blake)‘ The thing we were looking for found us and wasn't happy about us hunting them.‘

(Coco)‘ And what's with him?‘ Coco points with her thumb at you.

(Ruby)‘ He got knocked out by that thing and glued to wall and the only way to get him of was to set the webs on fire.‘

(Coco)‘ You sure there wasn't any other way he looks pretty bad?‘

Ruby looks at Weiss.

(Ruby)‘ We are certain.‘

Ozpin enters the room were was he before is unknown.

(Ozpin)‘ I'm glad everyone made it back safely.‘ Ozpin walks up to his table.‘ As most of you have already guessed because of the sudden recall of all of the teams, one of the teams had found and engaged in combat with the monster we were searching for-‘The part about engaging in combat was emphasized by him.‘- gladly no one took serious damage-'

(Y/n)‘ Speak for yourself I was more damaged by my one teammates then the monster.‘

(Ozpin)‘If what team RWBY has told us about the monster that called itself Venom.'

(Coco)‘ Wait what do you me by called itself? It can speak?‘

(Ozpin)‘ Yes it can. And it can do much more than that, by what Blake has explained to us about Venom is that it can‘t be hurt by cutting, punching or any other physical treats it's uncertain if it even has a solid body and if that body can even be hurt.‘

Venom-*in Y/n head* She is good.
Y/n-Yes maybe even to good.

(Ozpin)‘ Also thanks to Blake taking a photo of the monster during the encounter we know how it looks.‘ A hologram of a photo of Venom shows up.

Venom- When did she do that.

Y/n sits upright in the sofa. Everyone is taken a back from the terrifying look of Venom.

(Cardin)‘ That's one disgusting thing.‘
Y/n lais back down.

Y/n-  It doesn't matter all will proceed the same no mather if they know how we look in that form.

Y/n notices that a man in a wheelchair is in the back of the Ozpins Office.

Y/n- Who is he?

Venom- Professor Parker.

Y/n- How do you know that?

Venom- He is the man that made Rubys Spider-girl suit you idiot have you forgotten.

Y/n- I'm not a idiot you are the idiot.

Venom- Maybe you should be listening to what the professor is saying you idiot.

Y/n- Don't tell me what to do. It's not like the fool knows anything about Venom being us.

(Velvet)‘Y/n are you okay you look spaced out.‘

Y/n sit up from the laying position. Y/n sees that everyone else is listening to what Professor Parker is saying.

(Y/n)‘Hhmm I'm fine just a little light headed that all.‘

(Velvet)‘ I'm glad your fine and sorry for the way Coco acted the other day.‘

(Y/n)‘You don't have to be sorry I'm already used to people treating me like that.‘

Velvet sits down next to you.

(Velvet)‘ Ummm well I just wanted to personally say thank you for helping.‘

(Y/n)‘ Your welcome if you have anymore problem with anyone  just tell me I'll help.‘

(Velvet)‘ You don't have to worry about that, most fo the time I'm with me team and Cardin and his team don't dare to bother me in fear of Yatsuhashi or Coco geting angry.‘

(Y/n)‘ I can vouch that no one wants Coco angry.‘ Professor Parker was getting to the end of his speech. And Velvets team were looking at you.‘ Well you should get going buns your team is getting worried about you and I don't want Coco to get to jealous of me for stealing her cute bunny.‘ Velvets face goes fully red, Y/n stands up and heads twords the elevator.‘ Bye.‘

After Y/n left Ozpins office he went to his dorm room had a shower took a quick nap. After waking up he went to the cafeteria. While walking Y/n and Venom could feel all of the students that they passed look at them, some looked with a face of disgust at you, some of fear, other of hatred.

Venom- Look at all of them at how they look at us, how they think there better than us lets show them who is the true weakling, we should rip all of there eyes out.

Y/n- No Venom haven't I told you we only want to get our revenge, we don't hurt innocent, and we kill only those that stand in the way of us achieving our goals.

Venom- Your no fun.

Y/n- I'll allow you to run wild this night will that be enough to shut you up for now.

Venom-Yes it will. Ohhhh we are going to have so much fun.

Time skip to ten in the evening.

Y/n- I already regret this.

Y/n in his Venom form is standing in a warehouse and the floor is littered with headless bodys of white fang goons.

White fang members barge in to the warehouse from all side and a man with a cane walks out from the shadows and is now standing on the metal  walkways that warehouse have I don't know what they are called. As the man is looking down on Venom.

(Man with a cane)‘ It's not enough I have to deal with one annoying bug and make sure all these animals don't screw anything up but now you show up and start killing everyone I'm so going to enjoy killing you.‘

(Venom)‘ It seem we aren't the only ones trying to squash a certain red girl.‘

A woman in green attire and with dark skin walks out next to the man.

(Emerald)‘ Now now Torchwick remember what Cinder ondered to catch him alive.‘

(Torchwick)‘ That was just a figure of speech....‘ Roman looks at the white fang.‘ Don't just stand around  get him dam muts!‘

All of the white fang goons start to open fire at you and four of them shoot a net that binds your arms and legs and send electricity running trough you body.

After all of the white fang members had used up there bullets everything went quiet. But then a disturbing chuckle came.

(Y/n-Venom)‘ Hahahaa You want to catch me with these toys.‘ Venom puls on one of the nets and a the white fang goon that is holding the gun that has the rope connected to it gets pulled and flies straight in to Venom waiting hand.‘ I don't even have to catch my one food it come to me almost on it one.‘ Venom bites of the head of the faunus. Everyone else that were holding there net guns drop them.‘ It would be smarter not to stand around and stare.‘ Venom takes a step forwar and all of the nets that were holding just fall of. The white fang members had reloaded there guns and opened fire upon you again.‘ They never learn.‘ There attacks do nothing to us.‘ Now would you kindly lay down and die so you stop interfering with my goals.‘ Venom jumps at a group of white fang thugs and makes them apart of the floor.
Venom with a single leap jumps up to where Torchwick is.

(Y/n-Venom)‘ So I'm going to gues your the ones in charge of this little operations and your also the one at fault of takimg all of the attention of her.‘

Torchwick takes slow steps back as he is speaking.

(Torchwick)‘ Wowow let's slow down, we can make a deal, you said something about us interfering with something your interested in, maybe we can help you out or maybe you whant money we can give you money?‘

(Y/n-Venom)‘ It is alot easier for us to just kill you.‘

Venom shoot a black web Torchwick dodges it.

(Torchwick)‘ Your interested in killing Spider-girl am I right!‘

Venom slams his fist one the ground Torchwick.

(Y/n-Venom)‘ For a fool your good at observation.‘

(Torchwick)‘ That mean I'm right. We also hate her she's interrupting our work.‘

Venom grabs him and lifts him up.

(Torchwick)‘ Wait listen to me I have an offer to you if you don't like it you can kill me just listen to me.‘

(Y/n-Venom)‘ Speak and make it quick I'm getting hungry.‘

(Torchwick)‘ You are the monster that been killing people all around Vale---'

(Y/n-Venom)‘ Get to the point of it already.‘

(Torchwick)‘ I'm getting ther don't rush me. Your doing it to attract the attention of spider-girl for you own reason and we are interrupting with that.‘

(Y/n-Venom)‘ You are correct.‘

(Torchwick)‘ Spider-girl lately has focused on stopping the dust robberies and she has been cousing  a large setback to our plans. Well I had this idea if she shows up at were we are conducting our works wouldn't it be better if you were there and she wouldn't know about you being there it would make it easier for you and it would be allot better for us.‘

(Y/n-Venom)‘ For a coward, lowlife criminal your words don't seem that they are lies. So let's entertain this tough that I join you what do you gain from this.‘

(Torchwick)‘ I get to keep my life and you kill my biggest pein in the ass.‘

(Venom)‘ Do hold me for a fool you human always have an alternative motives, what are they.‘

(Torchwick)‘ I'm not the one that might want something more from you it's my boss that's interested in conducting business with you.‘

(Y/n-Venom)‘ And who is that person.‘

(Torchwick)‘ Let me take you to her it will be a short bullhead flight from here.‘

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