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~This is a skit with me and my friends wolf ocs, Raven and Withered/Cami. Enjoy!~

Raven slowly padded out of his den in the corner, shaking his fur as he glanced back at the crib he usually slept behind. His eyes widened as he saw a shadow moving in the corner, but shook his head as he remembered all the shadows he saw were just him.

Another head hangs lowly, child is slowly taken

Raven sighed, padding out and sitting by his old crib before he moved himself, getting memories of his old lover, Withered. The two had a pup despite being pups themselves, and had to give it away, after Withered died. Raven had no idea where the pup was now, but hoped she was happy. His ear twitched and he turned his head as he saw his former bullies approaching him, snarling.

And the violence causes silence

The strongest pup out of the three leaped onto Raven and dug their fangs into his pelt. He yelped, kicking and clawing at the other pup before one of the adult caretakers rushed over and separated the wolf pups, snarling words out at Raven that he didn't care to hear, he was busy glaring at the wolves that attacked him rather than the lecture.

Who are we mistaken?

The adult escorted the three other pups away from Raven and he stumbled up to his paws, just to see two adult she-wolves letting a smaller male pup hop onto ones back, before padding out happily, barking.

But you see, it's not me, it's not my family

Raven growled, his ears flattening as his tail flicked. He hated being in the adoption, all he knew was that he was close to being an adult and soon he would be kicked out. He was a teen, so to speak, that's how him and Withered were able to have a pup. His black and white spotted pelt bristled as his claws dug into the ground.

In your head, in your head, they are fighting!

Raven padded away and went back to his new den, specifically his new crib and fished out the flower crown Withered had made him, throwing it over his ears, feeling his paws carry him back to the main area of the adoption center, where the massive purple crystal lay.

With their tanks and their bombs, and their bombs, and their drones

Raven stared at the massive crystal, watching as a winged pup leaped and flapped their small wings weakly, crashing down, but luckily to land on another adult winged wolf, but it was a bat wolf. The bat wolf yelped, before smiling at the pup. They yipped quietly to each other before the bat wolf carried the baby winged pup out of the den.

In your head, in your head, they are crying

Raven felt tears enter his eyes as his gaze landed on another zombie wolf, and he dashed out of the adoption, hearing the yips of the caretakers after him, but he kept running. His paws took him running, and running. He tripped on some rocks but continued to run, until the sound of the caretakers stopped.

What's in your head? In your head?

Raven's heart pounded, leaping over boulders and such.


Raven ran as fast as he could, unsure where he was going.


All Raven saw were images of Withered's figure and fur in the blurred vision he had.


Raven heard the waterfall roaring a little bit away from him, ears lifting.

What's in your head? In your head?

Raven dashed through the trees, the opening of the waterfall infront of him. He tried to stop himself, but ended up plunging into the water.


Raven flailed his paws, blinking against the salty water, weak from the dive.


Raven felt himself growing weak, his eyes closing.


Raven jolted awake, uncomfortably in his crammed crib. He grunted, before frantically looking around. He was relieved as he saw his flower crown laying on the edge of the crib.

Another mothers breakin'

Raven gazed at the flower crown before tears entered his eyes and he cried. He wasn't ever ready to let go of Withered, and he missed her greatly.

Heart is takin over

Raven took his flower crown and jumped out to the main area, watching as the caretakers carried a zombie pup, that looked unconscious, into the place. They carried the pup off, hiding it from everyone else, and Raven simply watched in silence

When the violence causes silence, we must be mistaken.

Raven whimpered, remembering Withered once more. He shook his ruffled and lumpy fur, staring out the exit of the den, getting the urge to run out again.

It's the same old theme in two-thousand eighteen. In your head, in your head, they're still fighting.

Raven felt tears swell in his eyes, threatening at the corners of them. He took a few shaky pawsteps to the exit, glancing over his shoulder.

With their tanks, and their bombs, and their guns, and their drones.

Raven didn't see anyone around, it must've been early, he noted, specifically it was still dark out.

In your head, in your head, they are dyin!

Raven swiftly dashed out of the den. He didn't know where he was going, all he knew was that he was running. He didn't hear the sounds of anyone behind him, luckily

What's in your head? In your head?

Raven felt his heart thumping against his chest.


Raven could also feel his paws slamming on the marshy ground


Raven kept running, not looking over his shoulder at all.


Raven found himself reaching the waterfall

What's in your head? In your head?

Raven stared at the rocks leading to the center, leaping onto the first one.


Raven whimpered as his paws slipped, before leaping for the second one.


Raven stumbled, the rocks slippery and wet, but he leaped and made it to the massive rock.


Raven sighed and sat there for a while. He gazed up at the sky, having sat so long he watched the sunrise in the cloudy day, assuming there would be rain. He jumped down to the second rock again and pawed at the water, before leaping to the first rock, then onto land. He slowly trotted back to the adoption, his paws aching from his run. After a few long minutes, he found himself laying behind his crib, on the verge of passing out. His eyes closed and he fell unconscious.

Raven lifted his head as he heard yapping of the other pups and stood, sluggishly and tiredly padding out from his den, his flower crown rested on his head firmly. He sat down, blankly gazing out at the adoption center, honestly just wanting Withered back. "Raven?" He heard a familiar yip from beside him, and he jolted, turning. He saw the zombie wolf that was brought in yesterday, yet she sounded so much like Withered. "Yeah...?" Raven whimpered, staring at her. Her eyes seemed to glow, and tears gently entered them as she whispered. "It's me, Withered.." Raven's ears lifted, his gaze resting on the other zombie shewolf. He was taken aback, but was able to murmur a soft word. "Uh.. P-Prove it."

It's the same old theme in two-thousand eighteen

"Our pups name was Arcadia." The shewolf murmured, and Raven swore his heart skipped a beat. Raven stood and stared at her for a few moments before tackling her to the ground in a hug, digging his muzzle in her fur and sobbing.

In your head, in your head, they're still dyin.

Cami smiled, before Raven pulled back and tugged her over to the exit.

What's in your head? In your head?

Raven smiled at Cami, and ran. He heard Cami following


Raven barked happily, his flower crown rested on his head.


He could hear Cami barking behind him as they ran and doged through trees.


Raven knew their den was in the distance, and that's where he was leading her.

What's in your head? In your head?

Raven skidded to a stop at the gap of river that he recognized. They were close.


He leaped along the rocks with ease, his claws scraping the rock.


He turned back and smiled as Cami followed him, before running. He soon dived into the den, Cami by his side.


Raven's tail flicked, his paws aching. He nuzzled against Cami, having all the memories of the two as Withered and Raven. He padded over to the corner, surprised to see their moss nest still there. He laid down in it and flicked his tail, watching as Cami padded over and layed against him, licking at his matted fur. After a few minutes she laid her head down in Raven's paws, and Raven laid his head on her shoulder. He was happy to have Withered back with him, and he soon drifted into an easy and comfortable sleep.


1518 Words

Here's the video;


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