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Dear bullies,

That boy you made fun of in class today? He committed suicide a few moments ago.

That girl you called dumb? She has dyslexia.

That girl you called fat? She's starving herself.

The woman you called bald? She's fighting for her life against cancer.

The man you laughed at for having scars? He fought for our country.

The boy you punched in the. hall today? He's being abused at home.

The child you called retarded because they were in a wheelchair? They risked their life to save a 4 year old.

That girl that you called a "silent freak"? She is mute, she was born that way.

That boy you laughed at for crying? His mother died in the hospital.

people assume that if someone is different they don't deserve respect, well wake up and smell the roses. people commit suicide to get away from pain. i almost commited suicide when my best friend committed suicide himself me and an ex stabbed a knife into my leg, so if you bully people, don't feel betrayed that they hurt you back, because you betrayed them first.

and karma always comes to collect her due

even if she comes later in life

if any of you wonderful people have been bullied for being who you naturally are, comment down below and you will always have a friend to talk to

until next time

sois toujours toi-même

*translation* always be yourself

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
