Capitolo 1: Fake Taxi

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And if you're reading that on TeenFic, you have smol peepee.

" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*AD 2001... 3 months of the new 21st century have passed. According to a certain movie "Space Odyssey 2001", men have traveled to Jupiter... Pfft. But let us start this story the same way the previous one started, shall we ?*

*I... Koichi Hirose... Traveled to Italy, a country that has historical economic problems... Accepting to do Jotaro's favor that he asked us... And yes, I'm not alone on this...*

"Jotaro, we're not your damn henchmen... If you need to find someone, then do it yourself..."

Koichi: We need to look for the boy in this picture... Haruno Shiobana, age 15. His name may look like a female's, but its a boy. he's half Japanese but looks Italian. He stays in his school dormitory...

"I was here too, I remember what he told us to do."

Jotaro: Koichi, Y/n, I need the two of you to take a skin sample from that young boy, the ICSF wants to do research on him...

"... What kind of research ? And why so suddenly ? Who's this guy exactly ?"

Jotaro: We're still investigating... He's not dangerous, just... To be safe, try not to come into contact with him. Just retrieve the sample. I had wanted to go myself, but you two are more suitable for this job then me. Your Stands won't attract the attention of others. I'll pay for the trip, so just treat it as a vacation with a part-time job. What do you think ?

Koichi: Everything paid ?! But this boy... I think he looks like you...

Koichi: Why is Mr.Jotaro investigating this boy ? He didn't seem to want to divulge too much...

"And you seemed more interested in the fact that all expenses would be paid for. But i'm not complaining either, I've always wanted to visit Italy. And before you even ask, no, we're not going to Disneyland Paris. Well, you can go if you want, but I'm not.

Cops: Whoa ! That's amazing ! Damn, that shit is disgusting, no matter how many times I see it.

Cops: UGHH ! Gross ! How is it possible for someone to stuff their whole ear into that hole ?

"... Yeah, gross."

Koichi: Some people sure can do crazy things !

Cops: Well, thanks for showing us a good time.

???: No problem.

Cop: Try not to attract too much attention here.

???: ... Buongiorno sirs, are you looking for a taxi ? This is a part-time job, and I'm on my way home now, so I'll give you a discount. How about 120,000 Lire to take you into town ?

Koichi: 120,000... ?

"That's like 8000 yen. Sorry but that's just way too expensive."

???: Oh ? Are you two Japanese ? You speak very good Italian. it's amazing... have you ever lived in Italy ?

"Not really, I'm just half-French..."

Koichi: Well, that's... We asked Rohan to-


Koichi: Uh, I mean... We learned...

"So, to answer your proposition, two things. One, aren't you a little young to be driving, and furthermore working as a taxi ? And two, we saw you giving money to those cops sooner. Sorry but I don't trust you one bit."

???: That was just a parking fee. In any case, don't worry about things like that. How about 15,000 Lire then ? I won't even ask for a tip. Exactly 15,000 Lire to get into the city, how about that ?

Koichi: Huh ? That'd be... Less than 1000 yen !

"That only makes you even more suspicious. Why the hell would you suddenly drop it so much ? Sorry but we're taking an official cab, if you don't... Mind...

"... Fuck."

Koichi: That's a pretty long line... Hey, why aren't you asking the people in that line if they want a taxi ?

???: If you're going to refuse, I'm going to go.

"... 15,000 Lire ?"

???: 15,000. But i'm going to have to ask you to put your luggage in the passenger's seat yourselves... I'm working without tip, you know.

"... Fine. It's a deal."

???: Good. Your luggage will go in the front seat, and you, the passengers will sit in the back.

Koichi: Listen ! I'm going to tell you this... Don't think we're just some naive Japanese tourists who're not used to traveling. Don't underestimate us !

"In short, try anything funny and you're gonna get it. And speaking of short, take us straight to the hotel."

???: Of course, I'll go straight to the hotel... However, only with your empty luggage.

Koichi: Huh ?! Excuse me ? We... Didn't get on yet !

Cop: Heh !

Cop: Don't look, ignore it.

Koichi: Ah ! It... It can't be ! W- Wait !

"So he wants to play it like that... I told you it was safer to have me carry everything. But he's getting away, you should do something."

???: Ciao.

"I think we told you, didn't we ? Try anything funny, and you're getting it."

Koichi: You can run if you want, as long as I get my luggage back, it's fine...

"Well... Run he did..."

Cop: Looks like Giorno messed up, engine trouble. That's what he gets for trying to trick Japanese tourists when he's half-Japanese himself.

Guard: Shh, they're going to know that we accepted the bribe.

Cop: Whatever, it's not like they understand... Well, no one would guess that Giorno Giovanna is Japanese, because of that hair...

Guard: No, apparently he didn't dye it. He used to have black hair, but it suddenly turned blond recently... Weird, huh ? He says that it's hereditary, that he got it from his father who died in Egypt.

"Giovanna ? Giorno Giovanna... Haruno Shiobana..."

Koichi: Ha ha, I guess you could say that they look alike, but... We just arrived. It can't be... W- WHAT ?! HOW ?! M- MY... MY LUGGAGE ! IT'S... IT'S NOT HERE ?!

Koichi: Th... This is... ?! Ahh !!

"It doesn't matter who they are... It doesn't matter where they might be... It doesn't matter if you know them or not... But Stand users are always attracted to each other..."

Koichi: AHH ! Wh, what is this thing ?! It's... It's not a Stand, is it... ? But that's impossible, right... ? It's impossible that there are Stand users in Italy, and that he just so happened to be the boy we were looking for... ? Right... ?

"Koichi, you know how much I hate that word, right ? There are no such things as 'Impossible', 'invincible', or 'Absolute'."

Frog: Ribbit.

Koichi: AHHH !! It... It's not a Stand ! From touching it, I know... It's a living thing ! It's a real frog !

"So the question here is, what happened to your luggage. How did he make it all disappear... In the meantime, try to find a phone and call Jotaro. I'll try finding back our guy. And that little guy, it's coming with me."

*Stand user: Koichi Hirose

Stand: Echoes, Act 3: -Power A

-Speed C

-Range D

-Durability C

-Precision C

-Potential B

These heavy rhymes a-gonna make you bleeeeeeeeeeeeee-*

Giorno: ... ...

???: You're Giorno Giovanna, right ? This is the first time we've met, huh, Giorno... ? Do you know who I am ?

Giorno: ... Leaky-eye Luca... I've heard that you refused to back down from a fight, despite the fact that the opponent had plunged a knife into your face... And that even though the wound's healed, your eye still keeps on tearing...

Luca: Hey, sit down for a second. Right here.

Giorno: ... ...

Luca: just sit down already ! I'll get a stiff neck if I have to look up when i'm talking ! So, Giorno, how old are you ?

Giorno: ... I'm 15.

Luca: 15 ?! Whoa, you're young, aren't you ? Listen, Giorno. There are three "Don'ts" when you want to establish a good friendship... the three "Don'ts". So, first one's Don't lie. The second is Don't bear grudges. And the third one is Don't forget to be respectful... Nice, huh ? The three "Don'ts" of friendship.

Giorno: ... Did you want something ?


Luca: I've heard you've been doing some part-time work at the airport, huh ? HUH ? I, Leaky-eye Luca, haven't received a gift of respect coming from you yet... We can't be good friends like this, now, can we ? Show me your wallet for a second, huh , Where do you have it ? In this pocket ?

Giorno: Luca. I've already paid for protection. I have no money.


Luca: the hell is this ? A family photo ? What is this, a photo holder ? Where the hell is your wallet ?! Come on, where's the cash ?! Give me your damn wallet !

Giorno: Luca... please, don't make me say the same thing twice... When I have to repeat something that only needs to be said once... It means that the listener is unintelligent. I've told you that I don't have any money, because I've already paid... please, don't make me repeat myself a third time.


*Frog noises*

Luca: huh ? What the hell is that thing doing there... ? Swat it off !

Giorno: It came back to me, after all... This frog isn't involved in this... It just happened to return to me. I couldn't bring myself to do something like swatting it off.

Luca: I'm giving you an order ! Besides, I've already ordered you to pay up too ! You're gonna ignore both of them, huh ? You're gonna say no to both, to Leaky-eye Luca, HUH ?!

Giorno: This is a living creature with a will of its own... It has the ability to think for itself. You should stop this... And I'm certainly not going as far as to kill it.

Luca: You're... YOU'RE...

Giorno: Stop ! It's harmless as long as you don't attempt to attack it !!


Giorno: I told you to stop... This frog isn't necessarily obedient towards me... It's only trying to protect itself. It has its own life to protect...


Giorno: Any attacks directed towards it... Will be reflected back, resulting in death. Besides, I had asked you not to make me repeat myself a third time. Making me repeat myself... It's useless, and I hate it because it's useless. Useless, useless...

"... I knew following this frog would be a good idea... Jotaro, next time we talk, you better have a good explanation ready, or else something might happen to your aquarium..."

Koichi: The boy in the photo, Haruno Shiobana... That reminds me, I've heard a bit about his background. His real father died soon after he was born... His mother got remarried to an Italian guy when he was 6, and ever since them, he's been living here in Naples.

Koichi: Giorno Giovanna and Haruno Shiobana... These two names sound way too similar. And what those guards said back there... Are these two really the same person ? I can find that out easily enough... I have his address. All I can do down here is to go to the address of the boy in the picture. He took my money and even my passport. At this rate, I won't even be able to stay at a hotel tonight ! Damn it, I knew I should've let Y/n put my luggage in that weird pocked dimension thing...

Koichi: the address is around here...

Koichi: Those men are so careless, just leaving their bag around like that... What id their stuff gets stolen like mine did ?

Shopkeeper: Heh ! You don't have to worry about that. No one would be stupid enough to try to steal those men's bags. Not around here...

Koichi: Oh... I guess it's pretty safe around here, then... Even in japan, that would get stolen...

Shopkeeper: Ha ha ! Do you want anything, sir ? A cake ? Sandwiches ?

Koichi: N- No, thanks... 'Uh, that reminds me, i'm hungry, but I have no money...'

"Choose whatever you want, Koichi, my treat."

Koichi: GH- ! You should stop that habit of suddenly appearing behind everyone's back like that.

"I'm using those skills right now, you know ? I've got my target on sight as we speak."

Koichi: Target ?

"Look over here... Well, in that general direction."

Girls: Hey, can I sit next to you ? / No, i'm going to sit next to him ! / Giorno, let's have some tea together. I'll pay !

"... I have a hunch telling me he is more closely related to Jotaro than himself wants to admit..."

Giorno: That's enough. I enjoy being alone, so go away.

Girls: Okay ! See you tomorrow then, Giorno ! Bye Giorno ! Ciao !

"That was definitely a smoother way to tel them to fuck off."

Giorno: Hm ? AH ?! You're...

Koichi: IT... IT'S YOU !! What is that ?! Whose money is that ?! Did you use my money ?! There's not a lot of it left anymore !

Giorno: How did you find me here ?

"A little frog told us."

Koichi: Give me back my passport ! Where is my luggage ?!

Giorno: ... My heart aches for you, but... I don't have it anymore... It pains me to say it, but I sold it... So please, don't follow me anymo-


"Ah, I see you're applying my teaching. Strike first, then ask questions."

Giorno: What is this... ? Heaviness ... ?! Can it be, that the car didn't stall back at the airport ? Was it you... ? Do you have the same kind of...

Koichi: What did you say ? The same kind of what ?

Giorno: It's heavy !

"I think I saw it... Now At least i'm certain of it. If Jotaro is worried, and the ICSF wants to research him... He's definitely one. But, is he a friend or a foe... ? That is all the question."

Koichi: ACT 3 !

Three: He... He's not there... S-H-I-T, the bastard got away... Beeeeetch !

"You know Koichi, I really wonder which part of your soul Act 3 is supposed to represent..."

Koichi: It can't be ! His hand should be so heavy now that he'd hurt himself if he tried to move it ! There's no way that he could somehow move out of "3-Freeze's" range ! On top of that, he even took my money with him...

"Good thing you're talking about top, Koichi. Look up."

Koichi: A tree... How did he manage to climb up that tree ?!

Giorno: I'll say it again. Don't even think of following me. I really dislike having to repeat something that should only be said once. That's because... It's a waste of time to say the same thing twice. I'll give you some advice for the future, you should avoid useless things.

('Sans' Y/n: *Sneeze*)

Koichi: KNOCK HIM DOWN, ACT 3 !!

"Koichi, while I comment your will to not stay idle... There's a thin line between determination and relentlessness. Attacking first if a good thing, but blindly charging at something you know nothing about, not so much..."

Koichi: Wh... What's this ? That tree... Act 3's attack was deflected towards me...

"Giorno Giovanna... Are you actually an enemy ?"

Giorno: The same kind of ability... However, your attacks towards me... I stole your belongings, and yet you didn't attack me with your full power. I can tell, by the amount of damage that you received. You are good persons.

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