Capitolo 22: Ciambella con cerniera

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Bucciarati: Can you see our destination already ?

"It's just over 200 meters away."

Narancia: And there's nobody following us around !

Bucciarati: Good. Keep the boat moving. I'm checking the boss' orders again. Approach carefully, by boat...

*But first, there is something I must warn you of. The data on this disc was entered when you boarded the train in Neapolis. As such, I do not know how many more pursuers still live. Neither do I have any way of knowing how many of your team have fallen in combat.*

Bucciarati: Our pursuers... if we subtract the ones we've taken out... That leaves only one left... But we don't know whether or not he's in Venezia right now.

*The disc contains the information you need to safely allow me to meet my daughter. These will be your final orders. I shall also warn you that you are not allowed to deviate at all from the orders detailed on this disc. If any of you act in violation of these orders, even if it is a coincidental occurrence, then I shall take it as a warning of your hostility. And it will become very difficult to reunite me with my daughter. Now, here are your orders !*

*Your next destination will be the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore ! This island contains nothing but a lone church, and that church contains a lone belfry ! You shall be taking my daughter to the top of the belfry ! Your mission will conclude once you bring my daughter to the top of the belfry !

Order 1: Ascend the belfry not by the stairs, but by the one elevator installed in the building. Trish and one escort must be the only ones to ascend !

Order 2: The escort must not bring any knives, guns, mobile phones, or any other object !

Order 3: You must reach the island within 15 minutes of acquiring the disc ! The disc is equipped with a tracking device and I will have already detected its movements.

Order 4: The remaining members are to wait on the boat. They are not to set foot on the island !*

Narancia: The top of that tower... So, the boss is in there, huh ?

Fugo: He's very cautious. But that's exactly why he's the boss of the gang.

Abbachio: Anyway, this is how our mission ends, and with of us safe and sound, too. Not so bad huh ?

"One little advice right here. Don't say it's over before it really is over. there's still one after us, and who knows what could go wrong at this point."

Abbachio: Shut the fuck up.

Mista: Even so... I'm beat as hell. Why don't we stick around for a few days and have some fun in Venezia before heading back ? I know it can't beat the taste of home, but I've heard good things about the food here !

Narancia: They really got good food ? I just realized how hungry I am ! What's there to eat ? C'mon, tell me !

Mista: Well, the pizza ain't no good... But they've got Spaghetti al nero di seppia and Horsehair crab salad. And if you want meat, they say te Hotel Ciprani's Carpaccio is outta this world !

Fugo: We haven't had any real food to eat for two whole days. I'd like to drink some wine out of real Venetian glass.


"Sorry. That was me."

Bucciarati: Narancia ! Keep watching the radar ! And the rest of you better not let up just yet, either !

"Well, the last thing to decide now is who will accompany Trish."

Giorno: Bucciarati, I volunteer to escort Trish... I shall take her to the top of the belfry.

Abbachio: What the hell do you think you're saying ?! A rookie like you ain't worthy of escorting her !

Giorno: ... The boss never said who had to take her up. The mission is as good as done. If all we need to do is bring her up there, then I can-

Abbachio: Why would anyone else but our officer, Bucciarati, take her up there, you stupid bitch ?!

"No, no, he's got a point."

Abbachio: The boss never gave a name because he didn't know who would make it here !

Bucciarati: I'll go. It's only natural. Step onto the island, Trish. Only you and me, as ordered.

Giorno: ... ...

Bucciarati: 'I know, Giorno... I know ! If we want to learn even a little about the boss' identity... This is our chance ! i'm not here just to escort Trish... I just need to get something, even the slightest lead...'

Bucciarati: Oh right... Giorno, would you mind giving me a lucky charm ? As a prayer for success on our final task. Ladybugs are beetles of the sun, and symbolize life, isn't that right ? And you wear those brooches as lucky charms, don't you ? Or am I wrong, Giorno ?

Giorno: ... Not at all, sir. You're exactly right. The ladybug is a beetle of the sun. they are harbingers of good fortune...

'I see what you did there, Giorno. You just used Gold Experience's ability to give life to the ladybug brooch... Turning it into a sensor. Now, if Bucciarati can manage to put it on the boss, you'll be able to sense his location.'

Bucciarati: Y/n, you better make sure that no ones try to takes us by surprise.

"Yes, sir."

Bucciarati: There are only buttons for the first floor and the top. It's a direct trip and there are no other floors to get off at.

Trish: What... ... ... What's going to happen to me ? Gangsters like you have been coming to kill me or take me hostage... And now I'm going to meet a father I've never even met or loved. Where will I go after ?

Bucciarati: ... The boss, is only worried about your safety. What will happen to you ? here's what I think... You'll get a new name. You'll get a new face. You'll take on a new identity, and you'll live a happy life in some other country far, far away. Nobody, not even us, will ever know where you're gone. Your father has the power to make that happen. Now... Take my hand. We're getting on the elevator.

Trish: ... I wasn't huddling because I was worried ! My legs just fell asleep from sitting in the turtle for so long !

Bucciarati: ...

Trish: Hey... Do you think... I'll like my father ?

Bucciarati: That's not something any family worries about.

Trish: ... yeah... You're right, that was silly. I don't need to worry about that at all...

Bucciarati: We're almost there ! This is the top floor !

Bucciarati: Trish !! Tri-

Bucciarati: WHAAAAAAAAT ?!!! TRISH !!

Bucciarati: Did he- ?! NO ! How could he ?! The boss ! I don't believe it !! he wanted to completely erase his whole identity ! Trish !! THE REASON HE MADE US ESCORT HIS DAUGHTER WAS SO HE CAN KILL HER WITH HIS OWN HANDS !!

Bucciarati: The boss... You are the very definition of nauseating evil ! You abuse the innocent and unknowing, all for your own personal benefit ! YOU'RE USING YOUR OWN INNOCENT DAUGHTER JUST TO FURTHER YOUR OWN GREED !! YOU MUST PAY ! YOU HAVE BETRAYED MY HEART ONCE AGAIN !!

Bucciarati: There he is ! I don't know how he got there, but he's at the bottom of the belfry ! I was only planning to uncover your identity... But there has been a change of plans ! i'm going to kill you instead ! Right now !

Bucciarati: But how ?! How did he take her from under my nose ?! Is that his Stand ability ?! The boss used some method to take Trish out of the elevator !

Bucciarati: Damn it ! I can't see his face ! I don't have much time ! There's only a few seconds, or maybe a minute at most ! The boss will put a certain end to Trish's life before he leaves the church ! I have to act before he can do that ! And right now, the boss still doesn't know I've betrayed him ! The plan of action... Is an assassination ! I'll cut him off on his escape route and strike him down !

Bucciarati: ... I get it... This would certainly allow him to escape the church undetected while the elevator heads for the top of the belfry.

Bucciarati: There's a staircase under the floor. It must leads to the basement. Where the crypt is... There, he can kill Trish without any intrusions, and then he'll probably leave the church through a back door... I must kill him, now ! This is my only chance !

Bucciarati: He's here ! Here he comes ! Down the stairs ! Now ! Made it with time to spare...

Boss: Leave this place... Bruno Bucciarati... If you emerge from that pillar, you will die.

Bucciarati: ... [STICKY FING-] !!


Bucciarati: He caught me... Should have expected as much... But how did he vanish again ?! I don't know what he's capable of, but he's no big threat. That much is obvious.

Boss: Let me hear your reasons. What do you seek ? Tell me, Bucciarati. You risked life and limbs for this mission. And you have, at last, completed it without any casualties. I even held you in esteem for your performance... So what is the meaning of this ?! What is is that you wish for ? Has becoming a Capo awakened a thirst for greater stomping grounds ? Or has your hubris fooled you into thinking you can defeat me ?

Bucciarati: When Trish wakes up, I will tell her, that she never had a father.

Boss: Trish ?! What Trish to you ? My daughter means nothing to you !!

Bucciarati: You will never understand how I feel !

Giorno: He's moving ! I can sense it !

"A problem ?"

Giorno: The ladybug brooch I endowed with life is moving away from the top of the belfry ! This isn't a walking pace ! It's falling from the belfry ! And now ! It's heading for the crypt ! It's the Boss... Bucciarati attached the brooch to the Boss' clothes, and now it's moving !

"... You think something happened to Bucciarati ?"

Fugo: hey. Excuse me, but could you pass me that water ? I'm thirsty. And you guys better watch yourself. Because right now, we still have orders to wait on the boat, without disembarking.

"Oh, right."

Mista: Whoa ! Narancia, you bastard ! What the hell are you doing ?!

Narancia: Hey ! Give that back !!

Mista: Hey, this is chocolate ! How come you get all the grub while we're sitting on our asses here ?!

Fugo: Damn.

Abbachio: Greedy fucker.

Narancia: There's only three left, dude ! I bought those with my own cash ! Give it back ! C'mon ! It's not like we're stranded in the mountains or anything !

"Ahh, kids these days... Am I right ?"

Giorno: I'm 15.


Narancia: Aah !!

Mista: Huh ?

Narancia: M- Mista ?! You ate them ?! You ate the whole damn box ! Give it back ! Give it back, goddamn it ! You'd better pay me back for this shit ! I thought we were a team, you son of a bitch !

Mista: What the hell is that on your face... ?

Narancia: Huh ?

"... How exactly did you manage to eat all of it without noticing it... ?"

Narancia: W- Woah !

Mista: What do you mean "Woah" . Quit fucking around. When the hell did you eat them anyway ?!

Narancia: Ooh, tasty... !

Fugo: Oh, I don't I've thanked you for the water yet.

"Yes you did... You guys must be severely lacking sleep, if your memories are so jammed."

Giorno: This is... Bizarre ! I don't know what's going on, but this feels strange !

Abbachio: Damn it, Giorno ! What the hell are you doing ?! We had orders not to put single foot on the isla- !

"Well, fuck you too, Abbachio."

Abbachio: ... What are you on about, I wasn't even talking to you.

"Okay, what the fuck is wrong with you all ? One moment you're acting normal, and the next one it's like you forgot everything that just happened..."

Giorno: ... This is abnormal !! What is this ?! What is this sensation ?! Damn ! Something strange is going on ! Something's happening to Bucciarati ! Did the boss- ?!

Abbachio: Where the hell do you think you're going, Giorno ?!

*BEEP !!*

Phone: Giorno... You there ?

Giorno: Yes ! Bucciarati, I know you're on the move ! If you're looking for the location of the brooch on the boss... It's currently below the spiral staircase in the crypt ! Roughly two meters... From where it landed, next to the pillar ! But wait, Bucciarati !! Something unusual is happening !! At this very moment !

'What has gotten onto him... I had my stand activated this whole time, and nothing was off...'


Bucciarati: Is this... Who was behind the pillar... ? It's me... ! W- What is this ?!

Boss: This is the end. So why don't I tell you... ? What you have witnessed and laid hands upon... Was your own future self ! The "You" of a few seconds past... Saw your future self. This is the ability of my [KING CRIMSON] !!

Boss: I eradicated time and forced it to skip ! I shall not allow anyone, no matter who they may be, to threaten my everlasting climax. I will eradicate... Every last one of them.

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