Capitolo 24: Il Ideale

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Mista: What the hell ?

Abbachio: Bucciarati, mind explaining what's going on ?! What are you doing ?!

Bucciarati: ... Right... I'll get straight to the point. There's not a lot I can explain. We don't have time, and danger is closing in with each and every second ! THE REASON I BROUGHT TRISH BACK IS BECAUSE I'VE JUST TURNED TRAITOR AGAINST THE BOSS ! THIS IS WHERE WE PART WAYS ! IF YOU FOLLOW ME, YOU'D BE BRANDED TRAITORS AS WELL !!

Mista: W... What ?

Abbachio: ... ... ... ...

Narancia: I... I don't get it. What did you say ?

Fugo: You've turned traitor... Against the boss ?! W- Why ?

Bucciarati: The answer to that question... Is one you're better off not knowing.. None of you, are involved in this matter.

Giorno: I think you should explain. Some of you might choose to stay.

Abbachio: Shut your fucking mouth, Giorno ! When will you ever learn to follow orders ? You even barged into the church ! UGH-

"And that saved both Bucciarati and Trish's lives. I've had about enough of that attitude of yours, Abbachio. Try to look at the entire picture for once, would ya ?"

Bucciarati: Ungh...

Narancia: Bucciarati ?!

Giorno: What's wrong, are you okay ?

Bucciarati: Yeah... It's nothing... I'm just a little dizzy after losing so much blood.

Giorno: That can't be right. I replenished your blood while I was creating your transplants. Do you still have untreated wounds ?

Bucciarati: Then i'm just tired. I'll be fine.

Bucciarati: It's nothing. Don't worry.

Giorno: ... Did I really see that ? 'A nail went right through his hand... Does he... Does he not feel pain ? And... There was hardly any bleeding, either. W... What's going on ? ... N... No, was just my imagination.'

Fugo: Bucciarati, we want a thorough explanation !

Giorno: ... You should explain to all of them, Bucciarati... We need allies.

Bucciarati: The boss wanted to dispose of his daughter with his own hands. That's why he ordered us to escort her. he's doing this because Trish is his blood relative and can discern the boss' identity. When I found out, I couldn't allow him to get away with it. I was unable to ignore it and walk away. That's why I betrayed him.

Fugo: ... My god !

Mista: Have you gone mad... ? Bucciarati ?

Abbachio: You know better than anyone else what happens to traitors. The boss won't let any traitor escape... In fact... The boss' elite guards may have surrounded Venezia already.

Bucciarati: We need assistance. If anyone wishes to come with us, then descend these steps and board the boat. However, I will not order you to come with me, neither will I request that you do so, because this was my own personal decision. You have no need to feel any obligation for me. But, if you will allow me to say one thing...

Bucciarati: I only did what I thought was right. I have no regrets. Even in this rotten world, I still want to walk down a path I can believe in ! We just need to discover his weakness... All we can do now is run away... But someday, we will defeat the boss. We will find his weakness !

"This is indeed a lot to take in at once... You're basically asking them to choose between their lives and their ideals, Bucciarati..."

Fugo: ... I understand what you're saying, Bucciarati... And you're doing the right thing. But, let me make it clear... We can't let our emotions sway us into doing something so irrational. I owe you a debt, but that has no bearing on this. You aren't facing the facts. Nobody can survive in this world on ideals alone. We can't live without the gang. I'm sorry, but none of us will board that boat.

Abbachio: yeah, Fugo's exactly right, Bucciarati. What you're doing right now is essentially suicide. You'll never find a moment's rest, no matter where you go. And I only swore fealty to the gang, I never swore it to you !

Abbachio: ... However... I am also a man with no place to go and no place to call home. This country and its society have rejected me. And Bucciarati, the only time I feel inner calm... is when i'm by your side.

"Abbachio... UGH- !"

Abbachio: Wipe that smirk off your face. I almost feel like I've started admiring your guts, and I hate it. So for the last time, shut the fuck up.

"Same... To you... Figlio de puttana."

Abbachio: Vai a farti fotere, pezzo di merda.

Fugo: W- Why ?! Abbachio ?!

Mista: Once we defeat the boss... Since I'm the next strongest... That makes me the next officer, right ? Here, you forgot the turtle.

Mista: I know what kinda man Bucciarati is. He's a smart guy. Regardless of what he says, he never picks a fight he can't win. And we're gonna get filthy, stinkin' rich. He definitely knows where the boss' hidden stash is ! Ain't that right, guys ?! That's what you're after, too ain't it ? Tell me later ! Heh heh !

Fugo: MISTA ! W... What's wrong with you people ?! You'll be completely isolated ! Where will you go ?! No, that doesn't even matter ! You'll never leave Venezia alive !


Fugo: Even you ?! You're a teacher, you should be able to use your brain ! This is straight-up suicide !

"Fugo. Don't think I'm letting my emotions getting the better of my judgement. From the moment I stepped inside that church, I knew it would eventually come to that, and I was prepared for it. You could say I was anticipating it. I've made that choice very long ago, to follow the path I'd create for myself, and not let others decide of what would be best for me in my place. If you choose the other way around, Fugo, then I suppose this is where our paths will split."

Fugo: ... Are you implying that I'm a coward for not betraying the gang ?

"When did I said that ? You are simply putting value in your own life, Fugo. That is far from being cowardly."

Fugo: Then what about you ?! You all are running to your end !

"... Maybe. But by boarding this boat right here and now, we are proclaiming that our ideals are worth much more than our lives. Think about what you've been through, think about how much fate has screwed you over. What would you do, if by putting your life on the line, you could change the fate of others ?"

Fugo: ... Change their fate...

Giorno: ... Narancia... What will you do ?

Narancia: W... W... I... I'm... W- What should I do ? Tell me... Bucciarati, what should I do ? Do you think I should follow you ?

Bucciarati: Are you scared ?

Narancia: Yeah... I'm... I'm scared shitless... B- But just give me the order. Just say "Come with me !" and that'll give me the courage I need ! I'm not scared of anything you order me to do.

Bucciarati: No. No orders ! Not this time ! You decide. You have to be the one to decide the path you'll take.

Narancia: I... I don't know ! I don't fucking know !!

Bucciarati: But I'll warn you. Step back, Narancia. You can't handle this.

Narancia: U... Urghhh...


Fugo: Why ?! This is madness ! What are they thinking ?! All for a girl we met two days ago ! A girl we've never even really talked to ! She's nobody to us ! We don't even know what kind of music she likes !

Narancia: Trish... Was abandoned by someone she trusted...

Fugo: Arrgh ! The boss has his own plans for his daughter, but that isn't our problem ! All they had to do was look the other way ! I'll never understand them ! And all that crap about "Ideals worth more than your life"... if you die, then they aren't worth shit ! The world can't be changed by ideals alone !

Narancia: Long ago... I was abandoned, too... By my dad... And by my best friend... They both abandoned me... We're the same... Me and Trish... We're... Alike...

Bucciarati: Could you get the turtle ? We should put Trish inside.

"... Bucciarati... I think you should look behind."

Bucciarati: Huh ?



"I swear..."


???: Squalo, are you there ? Traitors have emerged here in Venezia. Their name are Bruno Bucciarati, Giorno Giovanna, and Y/n L/n. Capture them dead or alive ! These orders come straight from the boss himself !

Mista: So, about vegetarians... You know what they are, right ? So, I'm thinking... Are they allowed to eat cheese ?

"Cheese ? I... Don't think so. I mean, milk and eggs still come from animals, don't they ? So even things like cakes are a no-no for them."

Mista: Really ?! No cake, either ?! But maybe that's good for their health.

Narancia: I've got another question ! What do they use instead of shoes and handbags ?

Abbachio: Well, if you don't want animals to suffer, I guess you'd wear sneakers and use rucksacks instead.

"That would just forbid the use of leather... Things like cotton or polyester would still be possible."

Mista: Woah ! They got style ! Like, you got grannies walking around dressed like b-ballers ? I don't think restaurants would let them in like that.

Bucciarati: Giorno. Now that it's come to this, sneaking around won't solve our problems. Just sit down and have a good meal in the meantime. The issue now is the sea. Water surrounds us from all sides. We need a way to get through that ! I'm sure the boss already has men on our tail. If we can't cross the water undetected, they'll just ambush us there, and no amount of hiding will do us any good.

Giorno: Yes, I know. But we need to stay alert. They might even poison our meals.

Civilian: Hey ! What the fuck did you just do ?! You got wine on my fucking suit !

Narancia: Huh ?


Abbachio: Hold up, Mista, Narancia. I don't think he's an enemy... yeah, that's just a civilian.

Narancia: Shit, really ?! Aw shit, man ! I can't pay for this ! I don't have that kind of money !

Mista: ya mean this ? Yeah, this is gonna be a bitch to get out. A wine stain sticks out like a sore thumb on a white suit. But he got lucky here. If he keeps it buttoned, nobody will notice.

Abbachio: Well, what's done is done. While he's here, we'll let him check for poison.

"I'm... Not even gonna question what just happened. I'd rather focus on what to do next. Bucciarati ?"

Bucciarati: ... The boss' stand obviously has the power to erase time. And within that erased time, only the boss can move. I'd call that "Invincible"... If it wasn't for your "Dark Void". As things are, you are the only one who can possibly face the boss.

"It won't be so simple. Even putting aside that time-erasing ability, the fact he's able to predict all my moves a few seconds beforehand is the real problem. Even taking him by surprise would prove to be incredibly difficult and dangerous."

Bucciarati: Yes, however... That all will change once we pin down his identity ! Once we know his face, we can attack the boss himself and assassinate him ! We must find the boss' identity at all costs !

Mista: But... How will we find that ? The boss has erased all traces of his life !

Abbachio: Trish ! Trish has some hint ! Everyone's been going after Trish, and the boss was trying to kill Trish, too ! Am I right ?

Narancia: I... About that... I... I don't like that plan... I don't want to get Trish any more involved in this. Trish isn't a part of this ! She's gonna be devastated is she wakes up and find out he dad nearly killed her ! How are you gonna break it to her ? How are you gonna tell her she was betrayed by her own dad ? Bucciarati, please ! Keep this all about Boss' identity a secret from her !

Trish: You don't have to do that, Narancia. I... Already know. I've known this whole time.

Trish: I remembered something, when you said he erased all traces of his life. My mom once said she met my father on the island of Sardinia. I've heard bits and pieces from my mom when I was a little girl. She met him on vacation. He said he'd be back soon, then vanished without leaving so much as a name or picture.

Trish: Sardinia. That's where we'll find his past and his identity !

"... You do realize we're planning on killing your father. Why are you telling us all of that ?"

Trish: It doesn't matter what you do to him ! I want to know my origins, no matter what ! I refuse to die before finding out !

Abbachio: Narancia... Looks like she's tougher than you took her for.

"Sardinia.. Guess that's our next destination once we manage to escape from Venezia..."

Narancia: ... Huh ?

Narancia: ... It's the enemy ! The enemy's here ! THERE'S A SHARK... INSIDE MY SOUP !!

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