Capitolo 35: Ma ero io, Diavolo !!

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Narancia: Hope... ?

Turtlenareff: First, allow me one thing ! This was something I had to do because Diavolo left me no choice. This abnormal situation currently affects almost all of you equally ! It is the ability of my Stand, Silver Chariot ! But... I have already lost the power to control or erase this ability, and I don't know where Chariot is, either... It has gone berserk !

Giorno: he's not lying... It's there on the second floor... There's a dead man next to a wheelchair !

"... ..."

Turtlenareff: You don't have to feel bad. In a way, you did save me. Without you, I'm sure Diavolo would've killed me before I could use the arrow.

"If you say so..."

Narancia: Your own stand's gone berserk ! What an irresponsible man ! What happened to you and the boss ? Where is Diavolo right now ?!

Turtlenareff: I'll start with the conclusion ! I don't know where Diavolo is ! Obtain the arrow ! Before the boss does... You must stop my Chariot, which holds the arrow, the only way to defeat his King Crimson for sure ! You need to take it from Chariot and master the power of the arrow !

Narancia: Th- This situation is... Uh... Caused by the power of the arrow ? And if we get the arrow, then it'll stop ?

Turtlenareff: ... It was a small incident, a coincidence, two years ago... I had barely survived and was no longer able to fight. I hid in an abandoned house in a farming village... And that was when this small incident occurred.

*A small bump had knocked the arrow, which I found in Egypt, off the wall. And into a little crack between the wall and the furniture. It was an unremarkable little incident A normal person would have been able to just reach back and grab it, but it was a difficult task in my condition. I figured I could just leave it there, but I decided to try picking up the arrow with Silver Chariot. That's when it happened...

Chariot cut his finger on the arrow. It was an accident. To Stand users, the arrow is nothing but a tool that makes more enemies. But, I was unable to fight anymore... Nobody knew who I was... However... I discovered something very simple.

The arrow draws out the stand abilities of those who have talent ! However ! If that arrow pierces a Stand... ! I don't know how old that arrow is, but I began to understand what the maker of that arrow was thinking ! There is something beyond Stand powers ! Something that is beyond what already exists !

Suddenly, birds started falling out of the trees around the farmhouse... Bugs hid beneath the leaves... Livestock slumped over in the fields... And the farmers by the road fell asleep. I realized something. If the arrow were to bu used by someone with the power... That person would be able to dominate the souls of all life ! That was my discovery ! I didn't have the power to control it because I was no longer fit for combat. Before it went Berserk, I took the arrow from Chariot... And everything went back to normal, as if nothing had ever happened...*

Turtlenareff: And I waited... For people like you, who were seeking Diavolo's identity, to appear... Although, Diavolo outsmarted me...

"The power to dominate souls..."

Trish: Is that what it is ? Even though all it did was switch our souls ?

Turtlenareff: No... I told you, this is only a fragment of that power... Without the ability to control it, I am unable to see what lies beyond. But it exists ! If any of you obtain the arrow, you will be able to control it.

Narancia: To obtain the arrow, would mean to kill your chariot. Is that a fair assumption ?

Turtlenareff: Go ahead. Chariot will be extinguished regardless if you take the arrow from it. And, I already have been killed. One more thing. There is another vital but unbelievable fact I must tell you. You are the girl... Names Trish, right ?

Mista: yes... Although, I have hair on my fingers right now.

Turtlenareff: ... The Boss works as a pair. There was a boy who managed to disguise himself as you and fool Bucciarati. That boy and Diavolo are a well-coordinated team of two.

Mista: What ? W- What do you mean ?

Narancia: That's impossible ! The reason the boss has kept his secrets so well is because he trusts nobody !

"That may be true, but the fact there are two of them is also true. That boy is the whole reason Diavolo was able to get so close in the first place."

Giorno: Giorno ! Une blip at nine o-clock ! At the gate on the right ! Something's moving ! It's a human ! A human's running through the gate !

"Did someone already woke up outside the Coliseum ?"

Mista: Th- That's ! That face !

"No time to lose. Narancia, move Aerosmith behind him !"

Turtlenareff: Wait, to the left ! Look in the shadows on the left !

"It's Chariot... Or perhaps we should call it Chariot Requiem... ?"

Turtlenareff: So that's where it was... It really has evolved further using the arrow !

Narancia: That's D... Damn it ! Diavolo was looking for Chariot, too ! He's trying to take the arrow !

Turtlenareff: Wait, Giorno ! Don't attack yet !

"Th- That Stand... Sticky Fingers ! That's Bucciarati !! Bucciarati's soul !!"

Narancia: Nice work, Bucciarati !!

Diavolo: But wait ! If only my soul has been swapped... Then the soul my body is holding... ! The soul inside my real body is- !

Trish: If you're worried about your body, it's still sleeping ! Glad to see you're alright, Bucciarati ! I'm watching over Diavolo ! he's still on the ground.

Pistols: Woohoo, Mista! Dang ! I'm jealous of that body ! Can I give you a hug ?

Trish: I've got Sette from my pistols on watch duty ! He hasn't moved an inch! He's still fast asleep !

Giorno: All right... Bucciarati's alive... And we've already got the arrow... ! We beat the boss to it ! Now... Now it's over ! W... When I get home, I'm gonna go to school... It might be cool tolet the guys make fun of me for being dumb... And I wanna eat some fresh, hot pizza ! An authentic Margherita from my hometown, baked over an oak fire, with porcini mushrooms on top !

"Shut up, you're making me hungry."

Narancia: Bucciarati ! Chariot requiem is getting back up ! We already know how to use the arrow ! If you control the arrow... Then everything will end !

Narancia: What are you doing, Bucciarati ?! Grab the arrow ! Requiem's charging at you !

Diavolo: Sticky Fingers... What's... Going on ?!

Trish: I'm shooting the arrow ! Grab it, now !

"I think the problem was not he couldn't grab it... But something didn't want him to grab it !"


Diavolo: The pillar next to you !! Take cover, Mista !!

Mista: [SPICE GIRL] !!


Trish: U- Uno ! What are you doing ?! Stop that ! What's wrong with you ?!

Narancia: What the...

Turtlenareff: Impossible !

"You said it yourself... The one who controls the arrow could control the soul of all life..."




Uno: Ah... W- What's wrong ? Guys ?

Trish: H- Hey ! Stop him ! The arrow ! He's gonna pick it up ! What just happened ?! What the hell is going on ?!

Turtlenareff: I think... It's completely gone berserk ! This is my first time experiencing requiem's Stand ability, too. The berserk requiem is carrying on my heartfelt desire and became a guardian stand... To protect the arrow ! It refuses to allow anyone in the world to obtain the arrow, so it automatically defends itself from whoever tries to take the arrow !

"So if anyone tries to touch the arrow... Their own stand will attack them to protect the arrow."

Narancia: The arrow has the power to dominate souls ! And this is one fragment of it ?!

Giorno: Then what are we supposed to do ?! O- Our Stands are powered up... But if we try to use that power to get the arrow, then... !

Mista: How are we supposed to get it ?! Is there any way to obtain the arrow ?!

"... I must say, Polnareff, this has certainly become a rather obnoxious Stand..."

Cinque: Mista, Sette is getting antsy ! It says he's getting up ! Bucciarati's body ! It woke up !

Giorno: What do we do ?! It's getting away ! It's taking the arrow and leaving the Coliseum !

Diavolo: Forget about the arrow for now, Narancia ! We can chase him later ! Move to a place where you can see his body !

Pistols: He's getting up ! He's waking up !

Diavolo: Do it, Mista ! Shoot him !

Trish: Huh ? Wh- What did you- Bucciarati...

Diavolo: What are you doing, Mista ?! He's getting up ! Shot him dead !

Trish: Y- You want me to shoot ? B- But... That body's... Bucciarati, wouldn't that-

"Are you worried about the bullet wounds ? Don't worry, Giorno's Gold experience can heal them later. We just need to immobilize him for now."


Giorno: Got him !

Trish: Trish, you've got my bullets. Hand them all over. They're inside your boots.

Pistols: He's going into seizures ! He won't be moving anywhere like this !

Diavolo: Mista, play it safe. Shoot both his legs, too.


"It's kinda painful to see, not gonna lie..."

Diavolo: But now we can go after requiem.

"True, I guess. Do you see him, Narancia ? Narancia ?"


Giorno: Uh- Y- Yes ?!

"Stop daydreaming about pizza, and focus on finding Requiem ! Where did it go ?!"

Giorno: To the left ! Looks like people are waking up where it passed through.

Mista: Bucciarati... If we're chasing it, then what about your body ?! What will we do with it ?

Trish: I didn't hit any of his vitals. But, he won't be getting up anymore ! I made sure of that...

Diavolo: Let's go ! Watch out for anyone who gets close !

Bucciarati: Boss... is that... Where... You are ? That spot... That moment when we got sleepy, and our souls... Were dragged out of our bodies... You told me that it would be dangerous to remain... So you were leaving.. You went, to that body... ? Yes... If you're in there, boss... Victory is guaranteed for us ! Haha... ha... But... I miss you, Boss... Call me, like you always do... I'll be waiting... Call... Me...

Fake cop: Hey, you ! You're under arrest ! Why don'cha come down to the station with me ?!

Mista: Something wrong ? Mista ?

Trish: Nope ! Nothing at all. When he jumped out at us, I mistook him for the boss. It's just a policeman. I'll keep watch around us. Nobody's getting close to us as long as I'm here. You guys can back the others up.

"So this is requiem... It doesn't seem to be heading anywhere, just like it doesn't have any emotions... Is it a living creature, or is it just black plastic ?"

Diavolo: It doesn't even seem to detect us as an enemy. It's movements are slow and dull. And it is a materialized stand. Even normal people can see it and touch it.

Mista: B- But... How ?

Narancia: That didn't work. It's not letting us near ! It doesn't just affect stands. Even if you try to touch it with an object, it just bounces of. This arrow may indeed be invincible. Now that I see just how unsolvable this problem seems, I'm getting more convinced that it's a power of solitude that refuses to let anything near it.

"Hey, it's getting back up."

Mista: H- How are we supposed to pick the arrow ? It's right in front of us..

Turtlenareff: Hey... Requiem... Will not allow any stand user to take the arrow. But, what if... Someone who isn't a Stand user tried to pick that arrow up... ? What do you think would happen ?

"Polnareff, are you serious ? But then, a non-Stand user..."

Mista: Requiem just stood back up ! It's trying to walk away again !

Turtlenareff: Well ? What do you think ?

Trish: Don't ask me ! How should I kno-

"P- Polnareff, what in the name of... ?!"

Turtlenareff: I am just a soul... Who clung to a turtle in my last moments... I am no longer a Stand user... That's why I can touch it ! Mista, hurry ! Pierce your Stand on this arrow !

Trish: He's lifting it !

"GUH !"

Mista: W- What ?! R- Requiem suddenly turned back !

Turtlenareff: Pierce your Stand now, Mistaaaa !!

Diavolo: Giorno, Narancia, stop Requiem ! Mista, protect Polnareff !

Giorno: It's too far ! I won't make it !

Trish: What ?! He's still coming ?! Is he after me ?!

Turtlenareff: No, Mista ! I'm the one it wants ! Even though I'm not touching the arrow anymore ! Even though he took back the arrow ! I dropped the arrow, but it's still charging at me !

Turtlenareff: Since I touched the arrow, requiem is... Trying to kill e for sure ! Nobody in the world can approach that arrow ! No Stand user, and no normal person, either !

"Run, Mista ! Keep your distances !"

Trish: i'm passing it to you, guys ! Catch ! I'm throwing you the turtle !

"... P- POLNAREFF !!"

Trish: Wh- What ? A- Again ?

Diavolo: What... Just... ?

Mista: He's alive ! B- But how... ? It was trying to attack the turtle with incredible power up until now ! Why did it suddenly stop ?!

Trish: Are you all right, Polnareff ? B- But what was that, huh ?! That motherfucker just keeps getting more confusing !

Turtlenareff: I told you about requiem back in the Coliseum... Do you remember ? There is something beyond... Didn't I tell you that... ? There is something beyond Requiem's abilities to switch people's souls, and I don't know what that something is !

Turtlenareff: And I believe... At this point... Now I'm starting to understand... Why did requiem suddenly stop trying to kill me ? I finally understand now... What requiem's true objective is... Requiem's stopped because it is time to begin ! My body has... ! IT'S STARTING TO CHANGE ! THAT'S WHY IT STOPPED TRYING TO KILL ME !

Turtlenareff: That is the out-of-control requiem's objective ! The ability to switch souls between bodies is, in other words... The ability to switch creatures from our world with something else ! The prelude is over and the main piece has begun ! That's why it stopped trying to kill me !

"Something else... The history of life on our planet spans 4.5 billion years... At first I thought assessing the situation from a distance would be best, but given our limited time... We've got no choice but to take action."

Diavolo: Easier said than done ! How do you intend to take back the arrow from requiem ?

"I've been observing it for all that time... Maybe... Maybe I've found a way to..."

Narancia: R- Really ? What is it ?!

"Well, first and foremost, I think... I think that you just lost, Giorno."

Narancia: W- What ?

"You heard me correctly. I'm positive. This time, i'm sure of it. i'm sure... THAT YOU JUST LOST, GIORNO GIOVANNA !!"

Narancia: WHA-

'Y/n': [KING CRIMSON] !!

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