Capitolo 8: Strati a un mistero

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Giorno: Y... You... THIS STAND !!

Bruno: Use Gold Experience to defend yourself ! Giorno !!

Bruno: I... Impossible ! What is this... ?! He managed to use his Stand without even allowing Giorno to defend with his own Stand... And in the same breath, he managed to hide Giorno.. GIORNO ! Where are you ?!

"Bucciarati. Don't. Don't approach that area any further."

Abbachio: That kid... He does some pretty crazy stuff, I'll give him that. I still don't trust Giorno Giovanna as a member of the team, neither him nor you, but it looks like he trusts you not to abandon him... Didn't he think that the attack might kill him ?

"Either way, he is certainly still alive, hence the reason you shouldn't approach. Look."

Bruno: Th... This fly... Giorno must be still alive !

Abbachio: It's coming closer... Hurry, do something, Bucciarati !


"They're not in the cabin... Narancia, Mista, Fugo, Giorno, none of them are there... But then, where is the enemy attacking us from..."

Abbachio: Hey, the fly is coming around this way...

Bruno: ... How is he moving around the ship ?! How ?! Where can the enemy possibly be hiding ?!

Abbachio: Regarding this enemy's ability... Goddammit, I guess I have to acknowledge what Giorno was saying to be true... I'll use my Stand to solve the mystery ! But staying put is dangerous, Bucciarati !

Abbachio: [MOODY BLUES] !!

*Stand user: Leone Abbachio

Stand: Moody Blues: -Power C

-Speed C

-Range A

-Persistence A

-Precision C

-Potential C

-T H I C C: A

*Leone Abbachio's Moody Blues* *

Abbachio: Is "Narancia from 5 minutes ago" fine ?

Bruno: Yes... that sounds right ! Are we good, regarding the fly ?

"It hasn't come over here yet. It's lingering around the rear of the ship, near the wheel... But get this done quickly."

Abbachio: Don't order me around.

Bruno: What's that noise ?

Abbachio: It's from the headphones. 5 minutes ago, Narancia was listening to music on his stereo.

'Narancia': Heeeeeey ! that's weird, it stopped ! Why'd it stop ?! I just bought this thing, and it's not working ! Goddammit ! That electronics guy is gonna get it, he sold me a piece of crap !

Bruno: Not here... Narancia was attacked much later.

Abbachio: I'll "Fast Forward" then.

'Narancia': Where in Capri did you hide 10 Billion, Bucciarati ?!

'Bruno': I can't tell you that yet. The organization's got wind of the rumors concerning the hidden treasure.

Bruno: That was my voice, just then... It was "after" I said this ! Afterwards, Narancia was attacked ! You're sure that we'll clearly be able to see the moment he was ambushed, Abbachio ?

Abbachio: I'm replaying all of the past memories ! We'll be able to see every "Sweatdrop", every pulse going through Narancia's body ! My Stand will trace everything, unrelentingly.

'Bruno': We aren't safe until we have the money safely secured in our hands !

"Just after this... Narancia was ambushed from behind right after that !"

"Just like Giorno... a wound shaped like a hole."

Bruno: There he goes !

Bruno: Th... This is... ?! It's like all the air is escaping from him... ! He's shrinking ! It's as if it were a balloon with air escaping ! Narancia's body... That hole... !

Abbachio: It looks like we're beginning to see what the enemy's ability looks like...

Bruno: He's getting dragged in ! 'Pause' it, Abbachio !

"He's being dragged into the pipe... What about the fly ?3

Abbachio: It's still near the steering wheel. But... It's slowly coming closer.

"... nails, flesh, and even bones, just as limp and flexible as a deflated balloon. Even his clothes as well, surprisingly... But there's a pulse. Just as Giorno said, he's still alive."

Bruno: He's managed to burrow into such a tiny space, by stretching himself thin. So the enemy must have rendered his own body the same way, effectively hiding himself within pipes or between cracks in the floorboard or walls... And managed to drag in Mista, Fugo and Giorno as well... That would explain why Giorno's fly could detect the general gist of where Narancia was, without being able to actually find him...

Abbachio: It looks like we've uncovered the enemy's ability... Now, all we have to do is to trace Narancia and the others and bring them back up... And then Beat the bastard in ! I'm going to resume the replay with Moody Blues !

"Wait just a second... If your Stand is currently 'replaying' Narancia... How is it going to attack, or even defend itself ? Can it even fight like that ?!"

Abbachio: Listen here, you little shit. I can still sense where Moody Blues is moving ! If I feel it getting close to the enemy, Bucciarati, open up the pipe with a zipper and hit him ! If we don't follow that bastard, we'll never be able to defeat him !

"... Should I acknowledge your fighting spirit or find a way to back-sass..."

Abbachio: It's moving to the right ! It's following the pipe down and is moving toward the spot where Mista was attacked !

"... But the fly's suddenly moving towards us now. The user noticed what you were trying to do. Better be careful."

Abbachio: Right now... Moody Blues is moving just underneath where that life preserver is ! It's moving around to the entrance to the cabin, where Fugo and Giorno were ambushed ! It's moving slower now... The bastard must have been lurking around there. It's on the other side of that rope pin, moving underneath the deck, now !

Bruno: The fly's moving closer ! Does he know that we know about his ability, or doesn't he ? Abbachio... We should open up the pipe before it's too late !

Abbachio: He's got some damn nerve, coming over here... ! All right, open it up ! Drag the bastard out, Bucciarati !

"Uhh... Where is he ? Be it the enemy or even Moody Blues... Where are they ?"

Abbachio: It's... Right here... ?! It's my Stand, I know where it is... It's definitely right around here !

Bruno: What do you mean, "Right around here" ?! The fly is coming closer !

Abbachio: What I mean is, where you just opened the zipper ! My Moody Blues is definitely right there !

Bruno: There's something wrong ! Abbachio !Stop the replay and bring back your Stand !

Abbachio: I already have !


Abbachio: Did you hear that ? Moody Blues just blindly hit the nearest wall. It sounds like the walls of a pipe ! Right now... Moody Blues is somewhere around here ! I can't see it, but it's definitely underneath this floor ! It's inside a pipe ! We just opened said pipe, but... it's still "Inside a pipe" !

Bruno: What are you doing ?! Hurry up and run ! It's coming closer !

Abbachio: Run... ? That annoying little Giorno Giovanna told ME to solve the mystery... Arrogant little brat. Yeah, I'll solve it. there's another "Layer" to this bastard's mystery ! And I'm starting to understand it ! I'll finally unravel it and kill that bastard !

Bruno: Pull your Stand back, Abbachio !! It's coming ! Now !!

"Act 3, Null."

(A/n: All credits to @HarveyAlcide for that)

Abbachio: THE HELL ?!!

"You can thank me for saving your ass another time. But since it was thank to you that we solved this mystery, I guess that makes us pretty even."

Abbachio: W- What do you think you're doing ?!

"Let me ask you something else, Abbachio. What do you think you're lacking, right now, as things are ? And I'm not talking about anything material, but a fundamental strength."

Bruno: The fly's coming this way ! Get out !

"To be fair, that applies to all of you, even you, Bucciarati. No offense intended. Your Stands seems to all be powerful, and you all seem to have the 'Resolve' to go up against anything, and to kill. So what could you possibly be lacking ?"

Abbachio: Stop asking stupid questions and get your ass over there ! You're about to be attacked !!

"And that proves my point. What you're all lacking... Experience."

Bruno: E- Experience... ?

"Although powerful, your fight with Giorno Giovanna proved me, that you only received your Stands recently, haven't you ? Probably about a few months ago, when you entered the gang."

Bruno: And your point is...

"Up until now, you've been using these abilities by 'Instinct'. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but... If you truly want to bring out the full 'Potential' of your Stands, you need to think... Differently. For example, my Stand is absolutely horrendous when it comes to fights, it can't do a thing. So then, why the hell am I offering myself for an attack, may you ask ?"

"Think about it. The enemy is standing in the open, right in your range of attack, and calmly assessing that his Stand cannot fight. What would be the most logical course of action in that case ? It depends on what level you're thinking. Thinking on the first level would make you believe what he said as true, and attack immediately, which is what a complete dumbass would do. The second level would make you believe what the enemy said to be a bluff, and not attacking."

Bruno: And so... ?

"What I'm trying to say, is that there are as many ways of thinking as there are different people. And by the looks of it, judging by how carefully he's listening instead of attacking, the enemy must be either a dumbass, or snorting his own brain, trying to untangle the truth of what I just said."

Bruno: ... I... Think I'm gonna have a headache... Did you pierce the mystery of that enemy's hiding spot ?

"Remember when Abbachio said there was another 'layer' to that mystery ?"

Abbachio: Are you mocking me ?!

"I'm as serious as possible here. I also 100% trust you when you say that your Moody Blues was right where you said it was. But if we couldn't see it, even after opening these pipes, it can only mean... That just like we're stuck between two 'Layers' of that mystery, your Stand was also stuck somewhere 'Between'. The answer is pretty simple. All that time, the enemy was-"

???: That's it ! I've had enough of your bullshit, kid !! I was being careful after everything you just said, but spout another word and they all die !!

Abbachio: Th- That...

Bruno: Where does it come from ?!

???: Originally, I wanted to ambush you all one by one until Bucciarati was alone, but this will do just as good ! Now all three of you shut yer trap ! Shut the fuck up until I ask you a question and tell you to answer me, got it ? I'll let you clean out your goddamn ears in the meanwhile... Heh, alright ?

???: Alright. Just know I could kill you whenever I feel like it. Your friends are all still alive... No, that's not right, I'm letting them live, just barely, though. You should be grateful... Could've killed 'em and tossed them into the sea, by now. Not before I'd chopped them up for the fish to eat, though, huh ? So. Depending on how I feel, I can return your team back to you. The way they were... if you tell me where the 4 billion... No, 10 Billion are... Heeheehee ! If you tell me where Polpo's hidden stash is !

Bruno: You... Are you from 'Passione' ?

???: ... Looks like someone doesn't get it... I'll fucking kill you, huh ?! Dumbass ! Listen up... The only one of you who allowed to talk is Bucciarati, and the only thing you're allowed to talk about is where the 10 Billion is. Spew one more word besides that topic out of your shithole on your face... And I'll kill one member for each word that comes out of your mouth !

???: You ask me why ? I kill one of them ! You sneeze ? I kill one of them ! You stay quiet ? I'll kill one of them anyway ! If I find out you were lying ? I'll kill another one ! Got it ? Now, think about what you're gonna say carefully before you talk... Alright, here's the question ! Where did you hide, the 10 Billion Lire ?

Bruno: ... Given the timing of his revealing, I take it yo just hit bullseye.

"That's what I meant by experience. I've been honing my skills for more than a decade now."


"Oh, please do try. Trying to stall for time after you're discovered... Looks like you are a dumbass after all."

???: Wh... What the fuck is happening ?!

"One of the many wonders Hamon is capable of. See this, this is called thinking in three dimensions. Making the enemy believe you are strong by pretending to be weak, all so you can use the time and distraction to prepare a trap."

???: The... The ship isn't sinking ! It's the water that's rising up !!

"I don't think you've got time to worry about that. It was thank to Abbachio that I was able to discover your hiding spot. Moody Blues was stuck somewhere in a pipe, between the floor and the pipe we were searching in. Knowing your ability to deflate objects like balloons, it was only a matter of time until someone connected the dots. From the very beginning..."

Bruno: There were TWO ships !

"Just like a diving suit, you covered our yacht with another one, and hid yourself inside the thin space between the two boats, using it to freely travel around and ambush us."

Zucchero: Haah... Haah... Don't come any closer ! Any of you ! Or I'll kill your damn team members !

Bruno: You've already shown yourself... You should know better than anyone that none of us got where we are by pissing ourselves every time someone gave us an empty threat. If you stop, I'll let this slide. But the moment you try to kill them, I take your life.

Zucchero: ... ... AHAHAHAHAHAHA-

Abbachio: I can't believe that brat Giorno was right... An ability where you have to hide is also its own weakness... What a slow bastard.

"Which one ?"

Abbachio: The three of you.

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