Capitolo Finale: Due re nei cieli

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Stand user: Vinegar Diavolo

Stand: King Crimson: -Power A

-Speed A

-Range E

-Persistence E

-Precision ?

-Potential ?

It- DVOOOOM -rks


Bucciarati: Don't worry about it, Giorno... Things are just going back... To the way they should be... Just going back... To normal...

Diavolo: Who was it... Who once said, that we are all soldiers chosen by fate ? But... The world has shown me one truth... Fate granted me the ability to erase time... And precognize... There is no mistaking... That is an obvious truth... The fate that governs this world selected my King Crimson to stand upon the invincible apex... I am no soldier... Damn it ! How dare they ! The arrow ! The arrow is not in my hands ! Damn them ! I, Diavolo, shall not be defeated by this !

"You don't have to worry about all of this... For the simple reason, that very soon, your life that has been on the apex, will plummet all the way down to the deepest pits of hell."

Diavolo: 'I must retreat... Hide myself from the arrow, and from him, and wait for a chance to strike back... A temporary retreat is not defeat ! My ability shall return me to the apex !

Trish: Don't let him... Get away. Giorno... Stop him... You have to... If he gets away, he'll go into hiding. He's trying to flee... I feel it... He just took a step back...

Fugo: That's Giorno... The arrow... He's got it in his hand ! The one who will control the power of the arrow...

Mista: Is Giorno !!

Diavolo: 'No... I should have known... I can't run away here ! I will lose my pride if I retreat here ! I am the emperor. What I seek is to remain upon the climax. If I run from here... That pride will vanish. I will have nothing left !'



Mista: No, wait, he's not running ! He's coming at you ! Not that it'll make any difference !

Trish: He did it ! The one who will go beyond the power of the arrow is... Giorno's Gold Experience !

Diavolo: NO, WRONG ! I thank you, my daughter ! Because you insulted me by saying I was trying to run... I have managed to retain my pride ! Good thing I didn't retreat... If I had run away... I wouldn't have seen this forecast !

Diavolo: This unexpected forecast... From King Crimson's Epitaph !!


Trish: He did it ! The one who will go beyond the power of the arrow is... Giorno's Gold Experience !!

"Huh ? Giorno ?!"

Diavolo: Hahahahahaha !! What a good thing I didn't run away... To be honest, my heart was shrouded in despair... If my daughter hadn't insulted me, I wouldn't have had the will to press on. Thanks to her, I saw the forecast of the arrow falling to the ground.

"It... It pierced him... What went wrong ?"

Diavolo: Giorno Giovanna... You naive upstart ! This proves neither you nor your friend have the right ! Who know where he is now, but didn't Polnareff tell you that ?! The arrow chooses those who are qualified to master it ! I may be repeating myself, but it's such a good thing I didn't run away... YOU'VE BOTH BEEN REJECTED BY THE ARROW !!

Mista: Run, Giorno !!

Diavolo: YOU'RE FINISHED !! I, DIAVOLO, AM THE EMPEROR ! This fact remains unchanged !

Fugo: G- GIORNO ?!

"Wait, Fugo... Something... Something's peeking out from the crack... Is that... ?!"

Diavolo: 'What am I looking at ? I smashed his head open ! Shouldn't his brain be splattered across the ground ? That thing inside... That's not his brain... I- Impossible ! And the arrow's being sucked into his arm, too !'

Diavolo: The arrow ?! The arrow's- !! D- DAMN ! YOU'RE FINISHED, GIORNO GIOVANNA !

Mista: That's... !

"Giorno... He wasn't rejected by the arrow... It's the opposite..."

Trish: The arrow now belongs to Giorno for eternity ! Now the boss will never be able to lay a single finger on that arrow ever again !

Diavolo: 'Am I... Looking at reality... ? This must be some sort of mistake ! I'm supposed to see Giorno's corpse, with his head smashed open. This is not reality !'

Fugo: is that...

"Requiem... Giorno's requiem... [GOLD EXPERIENCE REQUIEM] !!"

Trish: Gold Experience has gone beyond the power of the arrow !

Diavolo: G- GUAAAAH !!

Giorno: All that will survive... Is the reality of this world... Righteous actions born from reality... Will never be annihilated. Bucciarati is dead, and so is Abbachio... But, their actions and their wills have not been annihilated. They are the ones who gave me this arrow. Now, are your actions born of reality ? Or are they born of superficial evil ? We're about to find out. In the end, will you be able to escape annihilation ? Boss...

Narancia: Wh- What's going on ? What's gonna happen ?! Don't tell me our souls are gonna get switched again !

"I don't know... At this very moment, no one knows, not even Giorno... But right now, Giorno as complete control of his Requiem... It's not going berserk !"

Diavolo: 'I couldn't see it... The moment when he attacked... But... I was able to forecast that attack ! The reason I evaded the brunt of the attack is because I saw the forecast of a hole appearing in my hand ! I can just barely dodge his attacks ! I'll admit that Gold Experience can attack with incredible power, but that's all there is to it. It's just a power-up ! It is a threat, but it it nothing that I cannot overcome with my ability to forecast !'

Diavolo: Fate has chosen me for the apex ! I, Diavolo, am the Emperor who has overcome every crisis that I have faced ! Don't lecture me, you cocky brat ! Giorno Giovanna ! I will not even allow you the time to lament your own death !



"I think you're forgetting a little something here !"

Diavolo: It matters not. I see it. I see his stand's actions ! Everything he's trying to do ! I can predict it all ! Everything this filth does !

Diavolo: Now I've completely blocked off Gold Experience's attacks ! Even after time resumes in a few seconds... Your eyes will never look upon either me, Diavolo, or King Crimson ever again ! MY ABILITY STANDS UPON THE APEX OF REALITY !!

Diavolo: I did it ! I won ! I was a moment faster ! My forecast shows me punching straight through his heart ! The future has chosen the cations of my King Crimson ! IT'S OVER !!

Diavolo: Wha- ?! What ?! No ! Impossible !

Diavolo: The erased time is reversing ?! D- Damn it !

"This power... I do not know if Giorno himself is using it consciously... But it appears its might is enough to even overcome Dark Void stand immunity... Even I am brought back to where I was. This is a frightening ability, Requiem is standing on a level above everything else !"

Diavolo: But the forecast has still chosen me ! Giorno Giovanna !!

Diavolo: Wh... What is this ?! W- What am I looking at ?! Is this a dream ?! Or an illusion ?! No, that's impossible! None but I, Diavolo, should be able to move within erased time !

GER: This is... Requiem. Yes, what you see is indeed reality. Your ability indeed sees what will actually occur. However, you will never arrive at the reality that will occur ! None who stand before me shall do so, no matter what abilities they may wield ! This is, Gold Experience requiem ! Not even my master, Giorno Giovanna, knows of this !

Diavolo: Giorno Giovanna ! I shall not even allow you time, to lament your own death !

Diavolo: W- What am I saying ?! I... I- I haven't moved an inch from where I started ! M- My forecasts... Are a reality that I guaranteed to occur ! My invincible King Crimson is meant to achieve victory ! M- My forecasts...

"If Giorno wasn't rejected by the arrow... Then maybe, just maybe..."

Diavolo: W- What ?! Another arrow ?!

"Such a shame, Diavolo. Had you run away while you still had my body, instead of destroying requiem, and you'd have succeeded. But now, you're about to face what makes us fundamentally different. You live your life, thinking that fate has chosen you... I live mine, CHOOSING MY OWN FATE !!"


Diavolo: Impossible... My forecasts never showed me that... My forecasts ?! It- It's gone !! What's happening ?!

"If your forecast can't show you what will happen, Diavolo, then the answer is simple... In a few seconds, all your power will be gone. Darkest Void... [DARKEST REQUIEM] !!"

*Stand user: Giorno Giovanna

Stand: Gold Experience Requiem/GER: -Power: 0

-Speed: 0

-Range: 0

-Persistence: 0

-Precision: 0

-Potential: 0


Diavolo: Another arrow... Another requiem... But this time, it barely changed... You're bluffing, I now know that your ability cannot go against Requiem either ! I don't have any reason to fear you !

"You know... There was something that always bugged me, ever since I unlocked my 'Act 3'. I am right-handed, every time I use a pen, or a sword, it's with my right hand... And yet, when activating Act 3, it always appears on my left hand, and I couldn't explain why... But with that, it's clear. It just means that until now, I've merely been using a half of my Stand's capacities."

*Stand user: Y/n L/n

Stand: Darkest Void requiem/Darkest Requiem: -Power: B

-Speed: B

-Range: E

-Persistence: A

-Precision: B

-Potential: E

Appearance: The glove on the user's left hand features few visual changes if not for a more "Metallic" aspect, and an arrowhead embedded on the back of the hand, pointing up. It can no longer be removed, and is "Stitched" to the user's body.

Ability: "Stand erasure". Direct contact upon the stand or the user will utterly and irremediably destroy said stand, leaving the user unharmed. Unlike Act 3, whose ability activated automatically, Requiem's activated consciously. It also includes the same Stand immunity than Act 1.*

Diavolo: Half... ?

"With every light comes an equal amount of darkness, and vice-versa. Jean-Pierre told us that, too, that the power to control the arrow would be the power to control the souls of all life... Rather than 'Evolved', I should refer this power as 'Complete'.

*Secondary ability: "Spirit Gift".

Along with the first gauntlet, a second one has appeared on the user's right hand, similar to the first one, with the exception of an inverted color scheme, Pure white instead of dark, and the arrowhead pointing down instead of up.

Direct contact with that right gauntlet will, if the user allows it, and if the target is worthy, grants it a Stand power, similarly at what the arrow would do, the only difference being that if the target isn't deemed worthy, nothing will happen, instead of the target's death.*

"Yes, the power to govern souls... This is indeed what 'mastering the arrow's power' should be, isn't it ?"

Diavolo: You... You little- !

Fortune teller: Light and dark ! Observe and inverse ! A double personality ! As long as you have this secret, the deaths of others will bring fortune to you, and your glory will never diminish... But as soon as it is revealed, it will cause your downfall ! Light and dark will fall upon your fate !


Diavolo: GUARGH !


Trish: They- They did it !!


GER: You will never go anywhere... Especially not reality... Ever !

Diavolo: You... GODDAMN KIDS !!


Narancia: Y- You did it ! At last ! I- I didn't really see or understand what the two of you just did, but either way... ! The boss's King Crimson was helpless against it ! You've finally defeated him !

Trish: But... Wait a minute... Is he floating up anywhere ?! Well ?! Where ?!

Fugo: F- Floating up ? Where' the corpse ?!

Trish: Find him ! Where is he ?!

"No... There's no need for that."

Trish: F- Find him ! We have to find him ! I can still sense that he's alive ! We can't rest until we're sure !

"I told there's no need for that, Trish. It's over already, isn't it, Giorno ?"

Giorno: Yes... Although, I didn't get a clear look at Requiem's ability, either, for some reason, I know it in my heart. He no longer has anywhere to go. Especially not reality... Never again... He will never even arrive at the reality of death... Infinitely...

Trish: B- But he's still ali-

Giorno: The ending is something which has no ending. That is Gold Experience requiem.

Trish: Th- Then... We're the victors, right ?! At last !

Mista: Hey ! Let's get going already. Back to the Coliseum ! Bucciarati's soul is back, but his body's still hurt ! He's probably still in the Coliseum, wondering what happened to us !

Giorno: ... ...

"We couldn't hide that from them eternally. We'll have to tell them the truth, Giorno."

Narancia: Let's go, guys ! To the Coliseum ! Let's get Bucciarati healed and go home !

Giorno: ... Yeah... Let's go... I'll be right there...

Bucciarati: 'Giorno... This is fine... Don't worry, Giorno... the fact that we made it here, is a complete victory... This is good. Everything will be fine... Fate is a sleeping slave, and we have set it free... That is victory...'


"The arrow... Giorno, if you don't mind... I'd like to take it with me."

Giorno: I don't mind... But what about Gold Experience requiem ?

"Consider it my gift to you, then. I'll admit that 'Null' is not a very appropriate cry for that, but please don't pay it attention. [DARKEST REQUIEM] STAND GIFT, NULL !"

Giorno: GUH !

"For you, Giorno, I give, [GOLD EXPERIENCE REQUIEM]."

Mista: Hey, you two, get a move on ! If you don't go, then who's gonna heal Bucciarati, huh ?!

Trish: Hu-

Mista: Whoah ! You dizzy, Trish ? Careful, now.

Trish: Thanks. But it was like something just popped up by my feet.

Mista: ... Huh ?

"It's a single rock..."

Mista: Trish... ? Hey ! Trish !! W- Where are you, Trish ?! TRISH !! Hey, guys ?! Where is she ? Where's Trish ?!

Fugo: Trish is right there, Mista.

Trish: I'm right here. I didn't trip over this stone lump. Look behind it.

Turtlenareff: Don't leave me here. If you go without me, I don't know how long it'll take me to get to the Coliseum.

"... Jean-Pierre ?"

Trish: Y- You're alive ? B- But now that the soul switching between is back to normal, your soul is... Well... You and the turtle...

Polnareff: It's all over now, it seems. My body has already died, but, this turtle's stand is pretty impressive. I managed to cling on to its inside in the moment that my soul was sucked out. I can't leave the turtle's key, but I've decided to live inside this turtle as a ghost for a while...

Narancia: Whoa !

Mista: While I'm glad to see you're alive, it's not over just yet ! We're going to heal Bucciarati's wound in the Coliseum.

Polnareff: Bucciarati... ? I'm certain I saw his soul ris-


Polnareff: ... Oh.

Mista: *Sniff sniff*

Trish: Hey ! What are you doing ?!

Mista: Oh, sorry... I was wondering if you were right... Maybe I really do smell weird... So this is how I smell? Maybe I should use Cologne.

Trish: Really ? Although I said some weird things back then... Maybe it was because I was so frantic back then, but I don't mind anymore. It actually smells pretty comforting now.

Mista: Really ? You think so ?

Trish: Yes, but your fingers still look funny.

Mista: ...


Fugo: That makes me think, why do you still have those butlers' clothes, even after all this time ?

"Oh, that ? You could say I got used to them. After all, it's not that bad."

Narancia: Heh. We all have changed. Can't believe it's only been a week.

Mista: Speaking of, Narancia, didn't you said you wanted to go to school back there ? And that you wouldn't mind being called an idiot ?

Narancia: Huh, I-

Fugo: Say no more. Narancia, you're coming with me.

Narancia: Mista, you damn traitor !! I'll gut you for that !!

"Get you or gut you ?"

Narancia: YES !!


Giorno: So, I take it you're not gonna destroy that arrow ?

"That's right. I have no idea why, but... It's like there was a part of me, telling me to go and gather them. Who knows why."

Turtlenareff: if you say so. Now, let's go... To the Coliseum.

"But really... Who would've guessed that in the end, what would save us would be a Traitor's requiem... You have the fighting Gold, Giorno, never ever forget that. That what brought you here, was a Golden wind of destiny..."

Turtlenareff: Say, I wasn't expecting Mista to be so scared of a rock like that...

"A rock... Speaking of, that reminds me something that happened not so long ago."

Turtlenareff: Funniest shit you've ever seen ?

"No, no, not that. That happened just before entering Passione..."

"Where did he go ? I'm sure that Giorno guy took that street... What is that ?"

"Small... Stone statues ? Who left them here ? What the..."


"Holy- ! Didn't expect it to break as soon as I touched it... Better put the other two somewhere safe before something happens..."

"Annd done. Now to resume that pursuit !"




"That definitely was weird."

"Well... I suppose that concludes it."

Turtlenareff: It really does... Wait, there's still "that".

"Oh, right, that thing you told me about. Giorno, can I talk to you about something ?"

Giorno: Sure, what is it ?

"Now that you're the boss, I have... A favor to ask..."

Giorno: I'm listening...

"Okay, so hear me out on that one..."


I've been asking myself something lately. Jojo... IS a rather manly universe, right ? But... What if there was a way to make it even manlier-



You, are already written.

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