Chapter 2

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Hey I really have no excuse for the lack of chapters and updates besides that I just don't have the motivation I use to have. It is like pulling teeth to write anything as of late and with college starting back up it won't help the issues I have been having the past couple months. I will be honest with you guys the reason I have lost so much motivation and enjoyment in writing is because the hate I have been getting. But just randoms on Wattpad wanting to hate wasn't the final push, the final push was when I had a college writing course and my professor more or less said to my face I don't know how to write and that my writing is crap. That hit me hard and I just haven't done anything that could be considered creative writing since. But i am trying to get back into it for you guys so I am sorry. Again I am sorry but my stories will all be finished I just have no clue when. But here is a long waited update. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

It had been five years since y/n and Cerberus fought and Cerberus becoming the companion of the half human half demon. Y/n knowing that Cerberus couldn't walk around in his giant demon dog form so he made his new companion take the form of an adult rottweiler when not in combat or allowed by y/n. Five years..... The once twelve year old boy who was able to defeat the great Cerberus was now seventeen years old. But not only did he grow in age. Over the years y/n would train with his companion or 'pet'. Over the years y/n even started to look more and more like his father Vergil. His power grew far beyond the power he held when he first met the old wizard and his blonde witch with massive............................. Anger issues...................................... Her tits were kinda big too. But that wasn't the point ever since that first meeting the wizard had constantly sent his huntsmen to try and get you to join him in his own personal war with a woman named Salem. She meant nothing to you since you learned what made her oh so 'powerful' she had tapped into some demonic power which gave her the ability to make her own monsters. The monsters couldn't even be considered as demons they were only made with the weak demonic power she gained. Y/n in the beginning to just kill her and take over the ever so little power she held but he didn't see her inner circle , her monsters, and most importantly her as a threat. To y/n she was just a girl trying to gain power of beings that were better than her.

Cerberus: Master

Y/n and Cerberus had been staying in a cave that once belonged to an entire pack of Ursa... Use to... Y/n was meditating sitting on a rock holding the sword his father gave him. When Cerberus spoke he stayed still as if he heard nothing but Cerberus knowing better spoke again.

Cerberus: Master humans are approaching from the north in one of those metal flying machines.

Y/n once again didn't move an inch or even acknowledge Cerberus but instead continued to meditate as Cerberus sat down in his rottweiler form next to his master. It was silent until y/n finally spoke.

y/n: Cerberus.. Go and hide in the bushes around the cave I will call you if needed.

Knowing better than to try and reject Cerberus ran off and hid in a bush next to the cave. As soon as Cerberus was fully hidden a group of Atlas robots started to walk into view.... All y/n did was smirk...

Half an hour before the robots come into Y/n's view. Weiss pov~

Professor Ozpin had just called my team, JNPR, CRDL, and CFVY ( I believe that is how it is and im to tired to check lol) to head to his office he wanted to speak with us.

Coco: Ok so who did what?

Everyone looks at either Yang or Nora

Yang and Nora: Hey I have done nothing/ I am innocent

The elevator doors finally open and all three teams enter to see Ozpin looking out the massive window in his office.

Ozpin: I'm so happy you all were able to make it so quickly

Weiss: of course Professor... So what do you need?

Velvet: If Yang or Nora did anything I don't know why we are here.

Yang/Nora: You to Velvet?!?!

Ozpin: *chuckles* no one did anything... That I am aware of yet..... *Yang and Nora gulp* But I have asked you all here to go on a mission to help me recruit a new student

Blake: three teams for one person? Isn't that a bit much Professor?

Ozpin: on the contrary, I should have more teams but for some reason it feels like I only have like 3 or 4 teams in this school...

*cricket cricket*

Ozpin: Anyway... I doubt this will be enough so Atlas as sent some of its robots to assist in the mission.

Timeskip half an hour still Weiss pov~

Ozpin has us waiting with him behind a couple trees as the robots move in. Being curious I peek from my hiding spot to see a boy just sitting there meditation holding a badass sword.... The robots continued to advance but in a blink of an eye they started to fall down destroyed with what looked like blue swords inside them. In the span of a few seconds every single one of them were on the ground destroyed.

Ruby: *whisper yells* H-How did he do that?!?!?!?!

Yang: I don't know Rubes but I do know he is hot~

Blake: Really Yang.....

Pyrrha: He hasn't even moved... *watching intently*

Ren: Any person could look at him and see nothing but a teen... But even as he does nothing he gives off an aura of domination and pure power.... *watching with more intensively than Pyrrha*

Coco: Velv whats wrong?

Velvet: H-his aura.... *She stares at you with eyes full of fear*

Fox: Every instinct I have is telling me to run.....

Coco: *stares at two of her team members in shock*

Ozpin: Let us introduce ourselves... * He walks into the open shocking all three of the teams*

???: It has been a while old man..... Thought you would have learned your lesson by now *the three teams start to walk into the open as well and at that you open your eyes showing them your (e/c) with a sharp gaze*

Your pov~

The good old wizard yet again comes to bother me but this time he brought more backup than usual... Guess he is tired of constant failure. So three teams two look to be first years and the one looks like second or maybe third years... most look scared as others look excited.... Idiots...

y/n: what do you want Ozpin? *you finally stand up and walk to the front of the cave*

Oz: you know what I want. Join my school we could use someone like you.

y/n: I won't be one of your child pawns in a war that means nothing to me. Besides isn't your army of children large enough? Or do you want more to be slaughtered in your pathetic lovers quarrel.

Ozpin losing his cool rushes at you but stops instantly as you have your sword pointed at his throat

y/n: tsk tsk tsk you really didn't think this through... 

The teams pull their weapons out but instantly drop them when blue swords start to materialize in front of all of them and points at their throats as well.

y/n: Quite the mess you got yourself into now Oz.... Even your war children....

Oz: I didn't come for a fight y/n

y/n: don't lie to yourself it wouldn't be a fight but a slaughter *the blade touches his neck now*

Oz: I have a deal that you can't refuse..... 

y/n: Speak while you still have a throat

Oz: Join my school *the blade starts to break his skin* and I will help you find a way to bring back your father! * as soon as those words left his mouth he felt the blade move from his throat*

y/n: *putting the sword away* You do know what I need to do that correct?

Oz: yes... and if you promise to help I will give you what you need

y/n: fine.. *a blue sword blocks a blade that would have slashed his back* Now why would you try that snowflake?

???: *blushing* Don't call me that!! and you tried to kill us!!!

Oz: Weiss stop! 

The girl now knowing named Weiss stops but still glares at you. But before anything else could be said a giant ursa starts to rush at Weiss but not one of them notice which annoys you.

y/n: *sighs and snaps your fingers* Cerberus kill it....

All of them were confused until a dog runs out of a bush and jumps over your head and lunges behind Wiess and bites down on the grimms neck before with one rough pull makes the grimms head fall clean off.

y/n: *smirks* looks like you owe me one snowflake

That is all I have for now I hope you guys enjoyed this if you did leave a vote or a comment on the chapter. But that is all I have for now take care.


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