Bad Story Description Tag

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I've been tagged by so many people

The Journey

Boy with low self esteem and girl with insecurity complex spend their lives leaping out of the frying pan and into the fire. Missing siblings turn up everywhere and horses who aren't horses save the day.

The Village

A lot of refugees end up in the same place and have to get along with each other. One particularly volcanic refugee makes this difficult. In the midst of bears and snow, two moderately happy people fall in love.

The Claw

Two seemingly innocent people go on vacation. Murders, kidnappings, and general mayhem ensue. The detective and sidekick are ineffectual, and must acquire help from a foreign VIP. A nondescript man refuses to give the answers that will help everyone, and there is much ado about a claw.

The War

A general allows a personal vendetta to interfere with his war plans and goes slightly crazy as a result. The object of the vendetta nurses his own vendetta and borders on being crazy for most of the book. Another general and a self-avowed sociopath do their best to keep him from being crazy. Many people are caught in the crossfire and a solid number die.

Sorrow and Song: Winds Rise

Happy people have fun adventures until the king's successor decides to conscript 20% of them for his own personal reasons. Unhappy people try to convince him that his personal reasons are unwise. An evil overlord sends a minion to tell the king that his personal reasons are very wise and to continue pursuing them.

Sorrow and Song: Path of the Tempest

The evil overlord springs his trap in classic evil overlord fashion. The king deals with massive guilt complex. The throne regent wishes he was dead. An impulsive, middle-aged man and a very prudent middle-aged man try to carry out rescues on opposite sides of the world.

Flare in the Darkness

An orphaned teenager leads an army against werewolf ripoffs. Three men crush on her, including her arranged-marriage husband. Literally almost everyone dies.

A Cold Cry

A cocky upperclassman decides to take on a nameless, unknown, unlocated public menace and disappears into the wild. He is Presumed Dead and his best friend suffers a major lapse in judgment. People die as a result, but the public menace also dies and a humble young peasant gains his manhood as a bonus.

A Farseeing Flame and Other Extras (this is the word document where I stash all my one-shots)

Sleep-deprived author writes miscellaneous angst.

Swirls of Sand

Adolescent runs away with foreign slave, ignoring the political unrest. Adolescent's brother goes to war without parents' sanction.

My 'Deia

Alcoholic venerates wife so strongly that he forgets to care about her.

(It's so pathetically true it's not even funny)





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