How Do I Tag Thee? Let Me Count the Ways

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Tagged by  to list the first and last lines said by THREE of my characters. Let's hope I don't get carried away and do more... >:)

Abbreviations: CS for Ceristen series, SAS for Sorrow and Song

Mordred Kenhelm

First line (CS): "I thought we were near to Orden City. We should have come to it, I am certain, if we followed the road."

Last line (CS): "Yes – of course."

First line (SAS): "It has come?"

Last line so far (SAS): "We will meet again, {redacted} – will we not?"


Jedediah Crayes

First line (CS): "There's no need for that. If I were going to murder you, which I'm not, you would never be able to best me anyway. Let alone kill me."

Last line (CS): "Look for me in a year, or two, or three – I'll come back, and bring whatever news of the wide world you care to hear."

First line (SAS): "So while I gallivant over all the world and perform marvelous feats and save lives, you stay holed up in a little village and eke your living out of the soil, get yourself a wife and no fewer than three disgusting little brats."

Last line so far (SAS): "These men have families – families that will go hungry without the fathers to supply their bread."

Ah, Jeddy *wipes eyes* Such a soft heart.


*hits mute button on Jeddy* We gotta move on here.


Berethar Mycraí

First line (CS): "Who goes in Morarn?"

Last line (CS): "Pass! The light is leaving; foolish is he who would linger in Morarn past the nightfall."

First line (SAS): "That was better. But your guard is poor."

Last line so far (SAS): "Enydhwyn."


And for funsies, one more, because who doesn't love anything to do with the General

The General (Derek Winston)

First line (CS): "I am Derek Winston. Most know me as the General of Orden."

Ahhh, the Claw days... Inspector Dickson... Murcod... inns and peddlers and snowstorms... so much nostalgia.

Last line (CS): "Go. May you find the purpose and peace that you seek."

*breaks down and sobs* I LOVE HIM

First line (SAS): "And now, if they desire peace after so much conflict, ought we deny it to them? If they seek forgiveness, can we shut them out? We would be no better then than their men of old who shot down King Fenwick – blinded by prejudice, believing that past grievances can justify a present wrong."

Man I wish I could talk like that

Last line (SAS): "Forgive me, I did not hear. Yes, that is all."


The end! Super fun. I tag whoever wants to and specifically:






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