How Well Do You Know... Your Character?

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*rubs hands gleefully* I'm always up for wasting more time.

After three takes and different combos of different characters, I decided to go about this differently. I know this is to test how well you know your character, but I could have answered all of these for any of my main characters and quite a few sides. I found myself getting bored with some questions and deciding to switch characters, only to find that the interesting questions with the first character were boring with the second character. And frankly, I don't want to waste my time being bored. I want to waste it having fun.



I bring you Verity's take on the how-well-do-you-know-your-character tag. In which I answer each question with the character that has the most interesting answer. And occasionally this means answering with multiple characters. ;)

I divvied these largely between my main favorites, a.k.a. Mordred, Jeddy lad, and Berethar, but I tried to also include a fair selection of secondary characters.

3, 2, 1, showtime!

Psychological Questions

What does your character want most?



Chase out whatever picture entered your head, because it's wrong. Mordred's not a soft, precious, smol golden-hearted bean who spends his days wishing he had a home.

He's a soft, precious, smol golden-hearted bean who thinks he's tough and has no idea that he wants home.

He doesn't know that the other things he wants are just symptoms of his deepest craving.

For almost three books, he hasn't got a clue.


Therelane wants the approval of others. He wants to be noticed, liked, accepted. He's shy and lack self-motivation, though, so that makes things difficult...

What do they fear the most?


Berethar fears captivity. Like, really fears it. So much that it partially defines him during Starlight Under Clouds. And Berethar's not afraid of a lot. Irrationality has a very small place in his life, so the things he fears are the things he has experienced and knows in their bitterest sense.

But Berethar fears one thing more than captivity, and that's himself.

What is their worst habit?


A tendency to assert control to an unhealthy degree when it serves his interests. He has a certain degree of forceful charisma, which he is aware of and may abuse.

Jeddy is trying to butt in here...

Jeddy: "I disagree. Berethar's worst habit is not telling me anything. Including when he gets injured."

Berethar: "What is the point of telling you if I can manage?"

Jeddy: "That's right! 'I can manage'. You can manage and then you collapse when there's no more need to be 'managing'. At least you don't--"

Mordred: "I'm sorry, Berethar, I agree with Jedediah Crayes about the injury part."

Jeddy: "--have the audacity to say 'I'm fine' like some people I could mention."


I let one person say one thing and suddenly y'all are trying to assert your first amendment rights. Characters these days.

What bores your character?


Inertia bores Berethar. If it goes too far or too long, it stresses him out. He's the kind of person who has to be constantly moving, and even when seated you'll usually find him caring for his weapons in order to keep his hands busy.

Jeddy wanted to answer this question, so I'm graciously allowing him to give his input.

Jeddy: "Stupid people."

Are they an optimist or pessimist, introvert or extrovert?


Mordred's interesting because he starts out highly pessimistic. His upbringing has left him cynical, prone to project bad intentions onto everyone he meets and bad outlooks onto every situation he sees. As he experiences more kindness and grows older, it balances out into a more philosophical outlook, not exactly optimism or pessimism, just contentment in life.

What is their greatest weakness and greatest strength?


I can think of several answers to this.

Personality-wise, his greatest weakness is his impulsivity. Impulsivity in making decisions, impulsivity in forming hatred/affection. His greatest strength, highly connected to his impulsive nature, is his empathy.

However, if you look at the question another way, the thing that hurts him most in life is his love for Fenris.

And the thing that preserved him through his degraded, abusive childhood, and keeps him going when nothing else does, is his love for Fenris.

This is probably the best response and my answer of choice.

Do they have self-doubt, or are they completely gung-ho?


Ailean's forced to make some difficult choices in Sorrow and Song. She often vacillates strongly but briefly before making what may seem an uninformed or hasty decision. Afterwards, she may continue to second-guess herself but doesn't let it affect her determined course of action. In ordinary life, she operates with confidence and sometimes a touch of aplomb.

What is the most violent thing they've ever done, and the most violent thing done to them?


The most violent thing Mordred has ever done, outside a war situation (and maybe even including it), is knock his own self senseless against a stone wall. I am giving no context.

The most violent thing ever done to him... huh. Could probably answer with any of Cern Dersturi's rage attacks.

Whom do they love the most, and whom do they hate the most?


Derek doesn't spend much time thinking about whom he loves. If confronted with this question, he'd probably answer it in terms of "favorite people". Those would be, in order, Douglas, his father, the Mycrai girls, and possibly Margaret Thorne (due to their longtime frenemy relationship).

Hate list: Derek gets mad fast, but it takes a lot to get long-term resentment churning inside him. The only definite person I can think of would be the Rodronian court retainer who framed Douglas for assassinating a nobleman.

What do they do in their spare time?


I'm answering this for Marcus because the old version adored playing checkers. He loved playing checkers so much that he was in danger of becoming the "Checkers Man" and nothing else. (His friend, Aragorn Elfstone/Haerin Oefras, did, and consequently faded out of existence)

Jedediah Crayes

Jeddy: "Excuse me. How do they expect me to to consolidate all the things I do in my spare time into a single response? If I've got too much coin weighing down my purse and I've got nothing better to do, I might bury it by the side of the road. Sometimes I badmouth myself in an Ordenian tavern. That always gets some charmingly disapproving, if not threatening, looks."

*cough* What about visiting Mordred?

Jeddy: *grumbles* "When I'm in the area, I do drop in and pay the boy a visit. His wife's a good cook."

How hungry are they for power?

Jedediah Crayes

Jedediah Crayes laughs at power. He spent his life building recognition; fame soothes his vanity. But the actual craving of power, that he disdains entirely. He knows he could do terrible things with power, and that he could get more power if he tried, yet he chose the loner's life long ago and a loner he will forever remain. Even such power as he has holds no charm for him. For underneath his vanity, eccentricity, and sarcasm, Jedediah Crayes has an iron-hard core of common sense and truth. You might corrupt Jedediah Crayes into an evil overlord (somehow). But if you succeeded, it wouldn't be through temptation of power. He'd laugh in your face.


It would be a mistake to think that Berethar is above the lure of power. Yet it is an easy mistake to make. After all, Berethar scorns offers of power with scorn comparable to Jedediah Crayes', if lacking the side of mockery. His logic-tuned mind, well aware of the corruption and detriments of power, reacts promptly to the suggestion of being placed in command -- even the smallest type of command -- with alarm. Like Fred, in a sense, he fears responsibility, except that he does not fear his incapacity to fulfill the responsibility. He fears his power to abuse it.

And there, in the fear, is your key to the truth. Berethar fears because power can tempt him. Jedediah Crayes does not want power; Berethar knows that he could want it if he let himself. Could want more, and then more. Power can do good things, can help friends, can keep oneself free and safe. Power can ruin him.

How ambitious are they?


Sandy's always had ambition. Small ambitions, to be sure. Walking fences. Being her brother's favorite. Fixing a little six-year-old's problems. But whatever she tries, she means to do it well.

Do they have a strong moral compass or are they willing to break the rules if it benefits them?

Jedediah Crayes

Jeddy's an odd case, because he has some of the strongest moral principles you'll see in anyone, but at the same time he'll break half a dozen mini rules in the process of accomplishing some "greater good" and not bat an eye. He'll always have a justification on hand, though. The rule was stupid. The authorities would have made an exception for him anyway. He was obeying the spirit of the law. It didn't hurt anybody. He didn't transgress the code of Thoritur. If Jedediah Crayes lived in modern America, he would have so many points on his license he wouldn't technically be allowed to drive.

Who is this character deceiving? (It may be themselves or they may be putting on a facade for someone else)

Jedediah Crayes

Jeddy's whole life is a facade. Not that his wit, brilliance, and eccentricity aren't a part of him, or that they're a coverup for some past hurt or tragedy. They're simply the part of him that he lets the world see. The other part he was unaware of for the first thirty-odd years of his life, and didn't quite know how to deal with it when it began to manifest itself. He, who had always forsworn affection as absurd and attachment as perilous, buried his embarrassing feelings under even harder denial. By the time he met a certain "young fool", he was still in denial, but it had become ever-so-slightly more habitual and less credible when he stated it outright.

The thing with Jedediah Crayes is, he can lie, but not to himself. The more he comes to see the truth, the less convincing his denials grow. Many people in Legea still fancy that Jedediah Crayes is a peculiar monster of morality, sarcasm, and stone-heartedness. His deception will trail behind him to the grave and echo down through the ages. But there will come a point when he doesn't care about keeping it up any longer.

What makes this character feel the happiest?


Being with loved ones. Especially his children.


Mordred gets "high" from adventure. New experiences, especially if they involve tactile sensations, thrill him as well. He loves spending time with his wifey, and long walks in nature.

Who does this character admire the most?


All his childhood, Mordred had no-one to look up to. The closest he came was admiration/aspiration towards the heroic characters in the legends and histories he read in the orphanage (see the young Mordred short in my Extras book). He did not know real respect until he met the General. With the General, he saw a greatness that he could not pretend to surpass, and a father's tenderness that he had never known. He responded the only way he could: with impulsive, wholesale loyalty and love.

What is their biggest secret?

Jeddy: "My past."

We all know, Jed.

What is their sense of humor like?


In a good mood, he teases. His sense of humor gravitates towards dry remarks, oblique observations, and playing with words.

In a bad mood: S a r c a s m .

Jedediah Crayes

Jeddy enjoys very obscure humor. Enigmatic and eccentric would be the best words to describe it, and the more so, the better. Case in point: as mentioned above, he loves slipping unrecognized into a conversation and heaping vitriol upon his own name. His verbal humor usually consists of highly veiled allusions and sarcasm, similar to Mordred's -- which is part of why they hit it off so well together.

He also gets a kick out of the unexpected, especially if it involves risk to his own person. Oddly enough, his own oversights/errors in judgment amuse him.

Several more minutes passed before he decided they were far enough away. Then he leaned against a tree with an expansive sigh, his lean, hungry face sharply chiseled in the moonlight. And he began to laugh, soft, almost hysterical yet quite controlled chuckles, under his breath. "Well, that was something," he said finally, and laughed again. "What a coincidence. What a coincidence.

"I tell you, Mordred, I thought I was prepared. That near knocked me off my feet." He tilted his head back, looking up through the bare tree-branches at the stars. "I met that Leader, that Cern Dersturi. I met him face-to-face, Mordred. Aye, and worse still, talked to him. Ten years ago, but neither of us much changed – and me, me babbling on about 'one of the soldiers in that mammoth army–" And yet again he laughed.

"But the funniest part is that I was right. I was right about him, all along. When I saw him those ten years ago, a captain in Runnicor's army, I thought to myself, 'This Cern Dersturi has high ambitions in his head.' The look in his eyes told me he was not satisfied with the promotion he had just received, no, he had only had a taste of power and he wanted more. 'He'll go for more,' I thought, 'and he'll get it.' And get it he did!

"Well, well. A turn it gave me, I'll own; and I wasn't sure he wouldn't recognize me under all my guise for a moment there. But it all smoothed out, and you acquitted yourself splendidly; so let's try to keep it that way."

What would this character do which would be out-of-character for them?

Does it mean something they would not do, or something they would do which would go against their ordinary personality? Other people did the latter, but I was thinking the former. Also, when my characters do things unlike their character, I have a reason for it, so it ends up fitting into their character anyway??? #isconfused

What are they superstitious about?

Okay so I forgot to answer this and I'm so not bothering now

What's Most Interesting

Do they like or hate their nickname?

*yodels* Jeddyyyyyyyy!

Jeddy: *ducks into corner*

Do they have ardent political beliefs?


Mordred's been in the position of underdog his whole life. As a rule, he philosophically accepts that there are higher powers up there and he's a pawn who can't do anything about it. At the same time, he's perversely proud of being a pawn, of not having any say, as though it makes him better than whatever jerks are in office. Along with his ridiculous pride comes a resentment towards those higher powers, which occasionally manifests in sarcastic remarks to/about them. So no. Aside from the General, for whom he'd die a thousand times over and vote into office till the world's end if Orden had that government system, Mordred's only political belief is "they don't care two straws about me and the feeling is mutual".

Jedediah Crayes

Jeddy is 100% a political atheist. He is cynical towards governments in general, though he gives persons of authority what (he considers) their due respect and works with VIPs on a regular basis. He's a loner with no confirmed country, preferring not to answer to anyone, and I guess you could say that his political beliefs revolve around a strong concept of personal freedom.

How do they practice their sexuality?

I was going to skip this one because I had no idea how to answer it. Everyone else seems to have responded with flirting, so.


Until he meets Lethira, he barely knows that girls exist in *that* sense. Men and women were largely kept apart in the orphanage. He's never dreamed of flirting and wouldn't know how if it had to save his life.

Jedediah Crayes

Impressionable girls and older women find him attractive, and in his younger years, he wasn't above catching the eye of a female to coax out whatever information he was after. As he gets older, (somewhat) more considerate, and (slightly) less vain, he does tend to avoid this method. He is a sworn bachelor and has never so much as kissed anyone. The very concept makes him squeamish now (he probably fancied trying it out sometime in his twenties and is embarrassed by the memory).

What is their relationship like with their siblings?


with Fenris: I love you and you can do no wrong and I would die for you.

with Laufeia: I love you and I would die for you but we will argue till our dying breath.

with Ahearn: iT's cOmPliCateD (I don't care about you/I hate you/I love you I think but it might just be guilt)


with his first three siblings: You exist. I don't hate you. I don't care if we never exchange words with each other despite living five miles apart.

Lyathi: I love you and you understand me, and the feeling is mutual. Despite this, we will not express these sentiments to one another as emotion is hard and our parents never taught us communication skills.

What is the one object they would save from a burning home?


This question was the catalyst for doing the tag with multiple characters. I couldn't give an answer for Mordred. Why? Because Mordred wouldn't do it. One thing would be tearing apart his mind: I need to get my family safe. Once that was assured, the idea of going back for an object would strike him as absurd. As a person who rarely had anything to call his own growing up (and as an INFP), physical possessions mean little to him.


Berethar's attachments are often strongly linked to physical objects, which makes this question perfect for him. In much the same way he finds ease of expression in formality and symbolism, he transfers his affection to a concrete reflection of it.

One would be his clan knife, which has been passed down the line for thousands of years. It's all the tangible remains of his family's heritage, and that heritage is hugely important to Berethar.

It also represents, in his eyes, his father Cirnac, who bore the knife before him and taught him about their family's past. Cirnac died away from home, and the knife, found on his body, was the only way in which he ever returned to them; again, a very tangible association for Berethar to latch onto.

What is strange or odd about the way they dress?

*mumbles* redundancy


Berethar dresses in a kind of hybrid style between Ordenian and his own cultural ancestry, Enydhwyn.

Do they own a gun?

Jedediah Crayes

The old modern AU version carried like 50 pounds of steel in handguns on his person.

What is their relationship like with their parents?


Mordred's parents were highly neglectful, not a good situation for any child, and definitely not one of Mordred's sensitive, touch- and affection-craving nature. Mordred wanted to love them, not that he had the self-awareness to put it in so many words, but he was never met with anything but indifference. And it hurt. He learned very fast to hide his caring, learned that people will hurt you and reject you if you let down your guard, learned an unchildlike attitude of aloofness and arrogance that masked the hurts and loneliness until he even fooled himself. Only on the few "safe" people in his life (Fenris, and later Laufeia) did he shower love, and that all the deepest love he could give.

The Ceristen series breaks Mordred, many times over, but it's in that breaking that he learns to be vulnerable again. The breaking is ultimately what helps him heal from wounds he didn't know he had.

Y'all, can you believe I never purposefully made ANY of this up? It just happened.

Which is why I will insist to my dying day that these people are real.

What strange decoration do they have all around their bedroom?

It's not her bedroom, but creepy Disney witch assassin lady, anybody? I'd say decorating your house with random paraphernalia from a broken-down castle is a trifle odd.

What is their biggest pet peeve?


People who don't care for their weapons properly. That, and people who expect him to be an Ordenian "just" because he's lived there for twenty-three years.

"Had your king not marched a fifth of our males on his war," said Berethar, "we might not be in this predicament now."

Lord Dunstan threw a sharp look at him. "Our king," he said with deliberation, "is condoned by neither of us in his actions."

An angry challenge crackled between them, hot and heavy on the air.

How would someone realize they were irritated or impatient?

Jedediah Crayes

You don't not realize.

"Good grief," Jedediah Crayes grumbled when he caught up. "It's like dragging a two-year-old around with me."


Jedediah Crayes was sitting on a handsomely carved wooden chair, padded with cushions and hung with fine damask velvet. That is, if sitting is the right word when one is lying back at an angle, with his right foot on the floor and his left leg draped over the armrest. Jedediah Crayes' black brows had met over his eyes in a scowling V, and he was tapping his fingers on a small table in front of him. "A nuisance," he muttered. "A perfect nuisance."


There were footsteps banging in the hall. The door slammed open with a force that made her jump, and a lithe, hawk-faced man stormed in. "What do you think you were doing, you idiot?" he shouted at Mordred, flinging an accusing finger at him. "Getting yourself practically killed in the stupid battle, and then not telling me a word about it! No, Jedediah Crayes waits in the dark for three days before anybody thinks to enlighten him to what is going on. 'Oh yes, make sure Jedediah Crayes doesn't find out about this. He doesn't want to know that I was stupid and {redacted}.' How witless can you get? What do you think you were doing? Is that enjoyable to you, stupidity? An enjoyable pastime?"

Ahem. Sorry for the Jeddy spam.

What filler words do they use in everyday speech? Do they have an accent or speech impediment?

Jedediah Crayes

Jeddy uses all kinds of filler words. It's part of what makes his dialogue so idiosyncratic and enjoyable. "Rather", "well", "I daresay", "after all", "excuse me", and more.

As for accent, it depends on where you find him. He speaks most languages with near-perfect fluency, but he doesn't try to adapt his Common tongue to different regions. If you met him in Orden or Rehirne, you probably wouldn't say he had an accent; in Rodron or Arahad, you probably would.

His voice has an unusually dry overtone, not quite nasal, but rather as though he's experiencing an unpleasant smell. His singing voice surprises people by being deep and very resonant.

What is their nationality or ethnicity?


Was born in Rehirne, lives in Orden, and is of Dirionian descent.

What is their top goal on their bucket list?

Jeddy: "I've met my goals. I'm living my dream. What more do you think I need? Oh, hold it. I can think of a goal."

Berethar: "Why are you looking at me?"

Jeddy: "My goal is to know EVERYTHING about you."

Are they strangely short or tall?

Ehla is tall for a woman, about 5'10"

Dr. Gibley is short for a man, being only 5'4"

On a scale of 1 – 10, how beautiful is your character?

Jeddy: *butts in unasked again* "10, of course. Now, I might not be drop-dead gorgeous like some unfortunate people, but who finds that attractive? Definitely 10."

Erm. Okay then.

I'm really finding it hard to answer this question. Beauty is so subjective, plus different people are beautiful in different ways. Either way, Jeddy is not a 10. Maybe a 6 or 7 down there.

Jeddy: *grumbles* "We all know who's right."

*stares at characters* Assigning points to your physical appearance is really the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. I give up on this question.

What is their relationship to religion? Devout or skeptical?


Braegon grew up in Fearnland, where most knowledge of the Ruler has denigrated into superstition and veneration of priest-figures called the hrithh, or "old ones". Like most of the population, he was illiterate and largely ignorant even of the small religious practices in his country. After coming to Orden, however, he began to hear of things he had never heard before. His open heart and humility led to a ready understanding and simple trust in the one who made the worlds.

What physical tic do they have? Spitting? Blinking? Snapping their fingers?


He unconsciously bites his lip after declaring his opinion on any topic.

Are they vegetarian or vegan or gluten-free or hardcore carnivores?

Jeddy: "These questions keep getting weirder."

Hush, Jeddy.

I could see Berethar ending up vegan for some reason or another. In a radically different environment/upbringing.

What is the one object they always keep near them?

Derek: "I don't go places without a knife. Ever."

Jeddy: "Excuse me, I was about to say that."

Derek: "Oh. I'm sorry." *in his ironic voice that means he's not sorry at all

Jeddy: *grumbles* "No respect for the aged these days."

Douglas: *pokes head in* "Did I just hear Jedediah Crayes admit to being..."

Jeddy: "BE. QUIET. And I SEE you pretending to hide that aggravating smile, you little idiot." *this parenthesis addressed to Mordred*

Uhhh someone remind me how we got here...


What is their recurring dream, whether nightmare or fantasy?

Mordred has a semi-recurring dream in The War. Basically reliving when the Leader found out you-know-what.

Did they have an easy or difficult childhood?

HAHAHAHA none of my characters have easy childhoods HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Okay, not true.

Inspector Dickson had a comparatively uneventful childhood. He grew up in Delgrass, which despite adjoining Rehirne is a much, much nicer place to be than Rehirne. Aside from the ordinary percentage of peer problems, misadventures, and adolescence that invariably dog a boy's existence, he had an easy time of it.

What is the story behind their biggest scar?


I'm sorry, I had to pick the obvious one XD

Well, let's just say one time Fenris was wandering where he shouldn't have been wandering... and there was a bear... and the bear took offense... or maybe he was just hungry...

What is their most powerful memory?

*mumbles* how are we quantifying/qualifying "powerful"


A better question would be, what memory isn't powerful to Mordred? In Sorrow and Song, Mordred lives in the past as much as in the present. The world of memory is very real to him; the littlest thing can trigger a recollection of another little thing, or maybe a great thing.

Lagola's face was tearstained, her breast heaving with swallowed-in moans; little Lanyss was silent, brown eyes dilated in her blanched face. Mordred had seen Fenris like that, too terrified to speak or cry, and memories and grief overwhelmed him, and he could not speak.


His feet carried him to Therelane's side, Therelane who needed him as much as the young, one-handed soldier Therelane had needed him in the grey hospice, and he knelt and put an arm around the older, broken Therelane's shoulders.


Mordred waited, alone, resting his elbows on the warm stone bulwark, feeling oddly caught between this world and a warm summer of twenty-four years ago – standing guard on the white, flecked ramparts of Mianu...

The memories filled him, one after another, tumbling, breathless, fleeting, and he lost himself in the General's quick, gentle touch and seeing dark eyes, the keen wind that blew around the towers of the Refuge City, the swift fluttering wings and the low croak of the eraris. He forgot the darkening sky, and the man at the other end of the wall.


It was so like to the other time, the time with Runiz, that Mordred lost himself between them and could not make out where he was. He lay paralyzed under the unbearable weight, helpless to move, think, or breathe.


Heh, yeah... that last one might be a bit of PTSD...

What event in their past is most responsible for shaping who they are today?

Jedediah Crayes

Three nights of solid contemplation on whether to become the greatest hero or the greatest villain the world has ever known.

What is your character's history of romantic relationships? (worst or best)

Worst or best? Pfft. Why not both?

Inspector Dickson

I was sooooo tempted to do Holwena. But adequate explanation would also involve a lot of spoilers. XD

I'm pretty sure Inspector Dickson had some boyhood flame that didn't go anywhere, not sure about the details currently. After that, he was single pringle until he met Sandy.

What has your character not yet understood about their past?

*grumbles* "Yet" implies that there will be a time when they do understand, but what if I'm writing them at that time? Or what if I'm not writing them right now but am looking at their life holistically?

Too complicated. Pass.

What is their greatest achievement?


Coming within a hairsbreadth of besting his sword trainer.

But let's be real, nobody can best Jedediah Crayes.

Except Berethar.

Jeddy: *peevishly* "He won't even tell me who trained him. That man is like a clam."

Have they had any allergies or diseases or handicaps since birth?


Since birth, no. The Kenhelms are actually made of remarkably tough stuff. The fact that they survived the conditions in the orphanage to near-adulthood is a testament to this.

How much schooling did they have, and was this a good experience?


As a noble's daughter, she was learning duties, etiquette, and skills almost from babyhood. She loved and appreciated her studies, and when her family was robbed of their inheritance and demoted to servitude, she missed her former life.

Who had the biggest influence on them?


The General. No contest.

"You are so full of courage," murmured the General, shaking his head a little in wonder. "Aye, if you are willing to take the chance then send to him. No gain is too small to be counted in this war. But, Mordred – take care for yourself." He paused, his hand firm on Mordred's shoulder and his eyes keenly searching. "There are times to think of one's own well-being."

Mordred hesitated – and dropped his gaze, and bent his head. "Aye, my General."

It might not look like much. But coming from Mordred, who as readers will tell you, never listens... it's huge.

Has your character ever served in the military?

Mordred, Therelane, practically every named guy in Ceristen

*points at The War*

What was their first love?

I have this uncomfortable suspicion what you meant to say was, "Who".

*Miracle Max voice* But that's not what you said. You distinctly said "What", and now I am left to wonder whether you want more romantic information or simply a catalogue of obsessions/interests.

How have they been humiliated throughout their life?


I'm not going through an exhaustive list, because I'm dying to be done with this tag, + spoilers. As sky-high as Mordred's pride is, he's bound to meet quite a lot of humiliation in life. Here's one scene for your pleasure (displeasure?):

Then Ebrun shook his head authoritatively, and spoke louder, and Mordred heard something about a horse. After that they argued, and Ebrun's cheeks got very red, but he must have won his argument, for he slammed down his spear with an air of satisfaction as the other two departed, and when they came back they were leading a horse.

Ebrun turned to Mordred. "Get on."

Mordred stared at him, half in bewilderment over the situation and half in disbelief at the thought of trying to mount. He did not move.

"Get on the horse," repeated Ebrun, urgency and impatience seething in his voice.

Mordred caught his breath, and then blindly leaped up and lunged for the animal. One step and his right leg buckled; another and he crashed to the ground. He lay there, hot, sick anger and humiliation burning in his throat.

Someone laughed loudly. Mordred buried his face against the matted grass, his shoulders shaking. He was not going to get up, not ever again, and they could not make him.

How many sexual partners have they had?

Ugh, what a casual term.


His little bird is the only girl in the world for him.

Have they ever gotten someone pregnant or had a child?

Jedediah Crayes

I mean, no to the first one. And if second refers to being pregnant and undergoing labor, definitely not. But *cough* if it means regarding someone as a *cough* son...

Jeddy: *barks* "Son? Are you insinuating things about me again?"

Better not let him see the actual question. o_o

What is their relationship to their hometown?


What does hometown refer to? He was born in Edu Ghul, but he's spent over half his life in Ceristen. Either way, Berethar doesn't regard one or the other as home. They're places he lives, nothing more. Home, to Berethar, is the country he's never set foot in, Enedhwin.


Wheeeeeeeew. It took me half of Monday and scattered efforts throughout the previous week to finish this. Hope you enjoyed, but if not, no blame to you. It's a 5.5k monstrosity, after all...

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