16. New Generation

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The Orsinos and the Rosarios were sitting down the private dining room of an Orsino hotel. Ottavio and Verona were mostly quiet. They just ate and listened to what their parents talked about. Of course Ottavio just loved sitting opposite Verona and watching her. It was his dream scenario for his family to dine with hers and they all feel close. They could have been this close all their lives if their fathers worked out their differences. 

Verona's parents and Ottavio's parents were sitting facing each other and they hardly ate unlike their children. Viggo drank mostly and his wife held his hand from time to time. As for Orlando Rosario and his wife Cinzia Carboni, they were enjoying themselves having the company of the Rosarios. 

It had been a while now they were seated. Only Venetziano was absent as he had gone outside answering a phone call. 

Viggo Rosario was now staring silently at Orlando listening to him talk as he was sipping from his wine. This was going to be one long dining experience. Lunch time was meant to be a quiet time with his family but he had been dragged in to endure dining with the Orsinos. Orlando had been complimenting Viggo for his business ethics and his successes recently. Viggo just kept nodding in silence.

Cinzia told her husband "Orlando. Stop talking about business... We are here for a personal gathering..."

Angelia wanted to roll her eyes. Cinzia was good at stirring up situations. She loved their families to bond as much as her husband and she had not been able to hide her excitement. A Rosario and an Orsino dating was a big deal.

Orlando smiled "Of course... I agree... We are here to have a the first of many get togethers with the Rosario family... Aren't we Viggo?"

Viggo said "I am not sure that would be practical. I live far away from you.... Travelling to this part of town is quite a trek..."

Orlando said "Of course... I agree... Thats why you should always have overnight stays at one of the Orsino hotels when we have such visits... Of course Cinzia and I would love to stay at Rosario hotels when we come over..."

Viggo said "I dont think overnight stays are necessary..."

Orlando said "Nonsense. We are not strangers Viggo." Orlando raised his glass of wine "I would like to raise a glass to our families having closer relations...

Viggo was drinking from his wine and almost choked on it. His wife held his free hand that was on his lap and squeezed it.

Verona was looking at her father warily hoping he did not get angry. There was so much the Orsinos could say before her father reacted. Her father was a lenient and liberal father but when matters concerned Verona, he took no prisoners if he retaliated to threats.

Angelia was looking worriedly at Viggo. She did not want her husband to react. How could she de-escalate the tensions. To her relief she saw their son coming inside the private dining room of the hotel. It was a perfect distraction "Oh. Venetziano is here.  I say we start ordering some deserts" She then handed out menus enthusiastically.

Venetziano sat at the table next to his father. He opened the menu that his mother passed onto him.

Viggo eyed him "Where were you this long?"

Venetziano said "On the phone..."

Viggo asked "You spent this entire time on one phone call?.." He was surprised. Who in their right mind spoke to his son for this long on the phone.

Venetziano shrugged and looked down at the menu.

Orlando looked at Venetziano and asked "I hear you have joined Ottavio's school."

Venetziano said as he was looking down at the menu. "Yes. I have..."

Orlando said "That is wonderful news..."

Verona thought to herself "Not really." Having him close was the last thing she needed at her new school. He was an over protective brother. Besides the girls at her dorms fancied him so much. She was sure her friends were going to be curious about him. She was used to compliments about her looks and also Venetziano's looks. The pair of them just attracted attention wherever they went.

Viggo said "Venetziano is only joining temporarily. He will be there part time."

Orlando said "As long as he plays for our school's football team that wont be a problem..."

Venetziano said as he was looking down at the menu "I play basketball... Not football..."

Orlando raised an eyebrow "Really? But you can play football..."

Venetziano said "That is correct.... I can play football... I choose not to. I like basketball..."

Orlando turned to Viggo "Is that your doing? Are you making your son play your favourite sport? Your son truly takes after you.... All his cousins play football except him... They are good at it too..."

Viggo wanted to laugh but with alll the tensions he couldn't. There was no way he could influence Venetziano's choices. No one knew why Venetziano did things the way he did. Even Vincenzo had tried to get Venetziano to play football like how his sons did. But Venetziano did not listen to his uncle Vincenzo on that which surprised Viggo.

Venetziano said "My cousins play football for business reasons mostly. They want to invest in American football as one of the branches of their businesses in the future. So understanding the game, the techniques, the dynamics, the structure and the contacts in the American football world is important. I have no intention of even investing in football or any sports..."

Orlando said "So you want to invest in basketball? Is that why you play it?'

Venetziano said "No..."

Viggo was surprised Venetziano was even responding to Orlando.  Venetziano was hostile and cold to others but he seemed close with Orlando like always. He could see Venetziano approved of the Orsinos while Viggo didnt.

Orlando asked "So why do you play basketball?"

Venetziano said "Its a good sport... And as you said... I take after my father... He played with passion and I admire that..."

That was news to Viggo. 

Orlando said "I agree... Your father was passionate for the sport... He won the sportsmanship awards all the time... If it was not for Tristan O'Neil, your father would have been vice captain to your uncle Vincenzo..."

Viggo said "I did not want the leadership badge..."

Venetziano said "Of course... True leaders dont need a badge to prove it..."

Angelia was hearing this exchange with surprise. Their son never disclosed this much admiration for Viggo. 

Viggo asked thoughtfully "So... Tell me Venetziano... Do you think Tristan O'Neil is not a true leader because he needs a badge to prove it?" His son's revelations were news to him.

Venetziano shook his head "No.... I did not say that... He is a different type of leader .. He is the ... tyrant leader type..."

Viggo chuckled "Thats my son for you Orlando...."

Orlando asked "So what type of leader is your father?"

Venetziano said "My father is the diplomatic leader type... My father and Tristan O'Neil are both born leaders..."

Viggo knew that his son hardly opened up but when he opened up it was to family. It was clear to him that Venetziano saw Orlando as close to family which was something Viggo could not comprehend and was not even trying to comprehend. This was a strange situation.

Orlando asked "So.... Give me an example of a leader who is not a born leader."

Venetziano said "Any business that fails has a leader who is not born to lead. They are born to follow... A true leader needs to have instinct, motivation or interest and passion in everything that they do... My father has that..."

It was Cinzia Carboni who spoke now "What about my husband? Does my husband have it..."

Venetziano looked at Ottavio "I think I dont wish to answer the question... Ottavio can if he wishes it..."

Ottavio stared at Venetziano "You say it... I wont be offended..."

Venztiano shook his head.

Ottavio sighed "Mother.... Venetziano is too traditional to tell you this...  He wont say it because he does not wish to offend me by commenting on your marriage with father... He has told me this before and I never minded... Venetziano believes that if father was not a born leader he would not have been your husband... It's a compliment.... A man worthy of you is a born leader... Venetiano's uncle Vincenzo may not be allies with the Carboni family but Venetziano admired leadership qualities in your family..."

Cinzia picked up her glass of wine "I drink to that...." She then smiled to Orlando.

Orlando said "I like you Venetziano....You are wise...."

Verona was relieved. At least her brother approved of the Orsinos and did not offend them.

Angelia was definitely as shocked as her husband, Viggo at how venetziano interacted with the Orsinos. He liked this family and was ok talking to them openly. That only left Viggo now to be fully approving of an Orsino dating their daughter. And knowing Viggo, she knew he may have given consent to Ottavio to be Verona's boyfriend. But of course in Viggo's eyes, no one was perfect enough for their daughter. No one.

The waiter came along and took orders for desert. 

Orlando said "Viggo... I have been asking questions from your son... If I had a daughter I would have loved for her to go out with your son... Your son has honour... Who is the lucky girl for him?"

Viggo wanted to say "You mean unlucky girl"... But held back. He said "You can ask Venetziano." He would have liked to see Orlando dare ask Venetziano about his woman. Hell could break loose if he did.

Orlando looked at Venetziano who was having his dessert silently and looking at Orlando. 

Orlando gave Venetziano a smile but he did react and stared back at him. Orlando could feel the threat somehow. It felt strange. This kid was looking at him like daring him to mention his woman. 

Orlando turned to look at Viggo "I think your son will not appreciate that question. He has honour like his uncle Vincenzo... No one can stare at his woman for too long and expect to live very long..."

Venetziano objected "That is not true... If people have respect in their eyes they can expect to live...." He stood up "Excuse me.... I need to ask the hotel staff to change the music..." He then walked away. 

Orlando said "We can wave them over... You dont need to go..." But he saw as Venetziano just kept walking away.

Viggo shook his head. He wished Orlando had played with fire some more and had gotten burnt. 

Orlando said to Viggo "Viggo... May I be blunt?"

Viggo knew he was asking for his agreement so he couldn't object if he offended him. He nodded. He knew Orlando liked to push him.

Orlando said "I wish my father in law was like you... When I dined with Cinzia's family, her father fired questions left and right at me. No one else really spoke at that table except me and him. But I have not seen you question my son at all tonight."

Viggo sighed and thought of how to give it back to him. He said calmly "Do you think I need to be challenging your son?"

Orlando smiled "You are wise... Your son gets his wisdom from you..."

Suddenly an Italian song came on. 

Ottavio looked at Verona. "You like this song..."

Verona said "I do..."

Angelia said to Verona "Why dont you go with Ottavio to dance... Its your favourite song..."

Verona could not believe her mother. Her mother was trying to help because she could see Verona was getting quite worried about tension at the table. Her father was calm but was close to the edge. She could tell. 

Verona said "Yes..." She turned to a shocked looking Ottavio. "Let's go."

Ottavio followed Verona to the dance floor "Are you sure about this?"

Verona said "Yes... Didnt you feel the tension at the table? Our parents need to clear the air and its best we are away. This was Venetziano's sign for us to get away... I know my brother. He wouldn't request this song for no intentions..." She looked at the direction of her brother who was holding a folder of music notes and instructing the assistants to the live musicians about what to play.

Ottavio said "You dont have to do this... We can go to the balcony for fresh air if you want an excuse to get away.... I want you to want to dance with me..."

Verona said "I think I owe you a dance either way..."

Ottavio nodded knowingly. The memory came to him. It was at a wedding and they were paired up together. But Verona had ran leaving him on the mini disco scene in the children section of the ballroom. 

Verona said "I dont want to run from you any more.... I have decided that... I am hoping that you stop protecting me too much too... Now that we are dating... You are officially my boyfriend. You dont need to terrorise our school campus. Let me have a normal life..."

Ottavio didnt respond as they started dancing. 

At the table Viggo was staring at Ottavio dancing with his daughter. He couldn't believe his wife had suggested this. If the Orsinos had suggested this dance, he could object but not now.

Orlando cleared his throat "Viggo.... I think any father would question the intentions of the man who is asking for their daughter's hand..."

Viggo turned sharply at Orlando "Asking for what? Your son did not ask that... They are teenagers in school. They are dating... It happens in high school..."

Orlando said "Come on Viggo... We both know this bond that my son has with your daughter is for life..."

Viggo wanted to shoot Orlando dead at this point and stared daggers at him.

Angelia quickly said "That is upto our daughter to decide. She is in high school right now.... Viggo and I have agreed that she is allowed to date like how we were allowed to do so as teenagers. What happens beyond high school is Verona's decision." She turned slowly to Viggo and said carefully "Isn't that correct Viggo?"

Viggo looked at Angelia. He said "I do not dispute that... That is the decision we made together as Verona's parents...." He then turned to Orlando "You do not have a daughter Orlando... So I think I let your comments pass..." 

Orlando said "I wish I did have a daughter... But Cinzia and I could not have more children..."

Cinzia said "But of course we love Verona like our own daughter..."

Orlando said "I agree...."

Venetziano approached the table and Orlando chuckled "Here comes honour and chaos... I bet your son wont appreciate this kind of talk.."

Venetziano sat down "What kind of talk?"

Angelia said "The kind of talk that is over..."

Viggo rolled his eyes. His wife did not want Venetziano to show his dark side. He did not mind at all. He liked to see Orlando and his wife say one wrong thing or commit one wrong action and make their way into venetziano's bad books. He had to compromise with the Orsinos for his daughter's sake but Venetziano did not.

Orlando said "Venetziano... You seem to be wise and know all the answers... Tell me... Why is your father not questioning my son more tonight... Thats what has been baffling me.... Can you shed some light.... Your father should be livid with my son... But he isn't.... It makes no sense to me... If I was in your father's place I will have my shot gun with me ready to use it if needed..."

Venetziano looked at his father and then at Orlando "How do you know my father does not have his shot gun with him ready to use it?"

Orlando said "Because he would have used it by now if he had it... So answer my question Venetziano..."

Venetziano said "I think you answered your question.... You and my father are not so different..." He then sat down and poured himself some soda in his glass from the bottle that was in front of him. "Sons are the images of their fathers... My father gives Verona and I choices like how my grandfather gave my father... My father is a free thinker but bound by traditions and family values and of course believing in individuals making choices... My father allows Verona to make her own choices... My father has not thrown Ottavio out of the window for dancing with my sister right now because this is what my sister wants and this is what makes her happy."

This was not what Viggo expected. He did not expect Orlando to get along with Orlando this much.  

Orlando asked "If you admire your father's values so much then why do you idolise your uncle Vincenzo so much?"

Venetziano said "My father and my uncle Vincenzo share many beliefs and principles... I respect my father but I do not always agree with all the principles he has firm beliefs in... I respect my father's rules and principles but I dont live by all of them... I live by my own principles..."

Some desserts were then brought to the table and suddenly another song came on. Orlando decided to dance with his wife while Viggo sat down eating dessert with his wife and son. 

Angelia said "Viggo... Thank you for enduring this meeting... You have taken it better than I thought..."

Viggo sighed "My endurance has a limit Angelia... I think I will need to call an end to this meeting..."

Angelia said "We can wait until after the dessert... It shouldn't be long..."

Viggo stayed for his wife. It was hard to endure this meeting for sure. 

Orlando and his wife came back to the table and sat down. Then suddenly a guard came close to the table and said to Orlando "Sir. There is a phone call for you... This related to the matter from this morning... Your presence would be needed sir for signatures..."

Orlando nodded. He waved the guard away "I am sorry to have to cut this meeting short... Business calls... Its been lovely seeing you..." He then stood up and so did Cinzia. "Ottavio has to come too...  I am sorry.... You have to finish dessert without us..."

Viggo said " Dont be sorry..." He wanted to say "Its our pleasure...." But held back. At least he could have dessert in peace with his family. But he knew full well that now Ottavio was in his daughter's life, he could not ever have true peace.

As the Orsino family left the private dining room, Venetziano said "They left quite abruptly. What kind of business was so important?"

Viggo said "I have no problem with them leaving our family in peace...At the summit we will see enough of that family...." 

Venetziano said "I want to go after Ottavio and ask him... What is his father signing?"

Viggo sighed "Feel free... But don't bring him back..."

Angelia sighed. She wondered if her husband could ever accept Ottavio fully. She knew and she was sure that Viggo knew full well that there were much worse candidates out there who could have asked for Verona's hand... At least Ottavio could be trusted. 


Verona had decided to join her mother to attend a concert for classical Italian music that was near near the hotel. Her father and Venetziano were at the hotel doing some business work. The summit was the next day so they could do some preparation for the next day.

She was sitting with her mother at the concert hall in the balcony with a very good seat overlooking the concert hall. When the intermission came, Verona decided to get some ice cream. She walked to the counter and was deciding what to choose. As she walked up to take a closer look at the menu she bumped into a hard chest. She looked up and saw a face she had not seen in a long time. She froze for a few seconds and then ran for it as recognition came across his face. She ran as fast as she could and found herself lost in a dark corridor that seemed to be for staff. She quickly entered the first  office and hid behind a table.

Verona's heart was beating fast as he heard his voice "Come out Verona... We need to talk... I will search every room here and will find you... You might as well come outside now. 

Verona was panicking. Where was the Rosario security. Damn it. Her mother had sent them away to guard the entrance of the floor as the concert was deemed safe full of cameras. And no one in their right mind would have come after her near an Orsino hotel. No one but a Constantini. The thought of him made her shiver. He was Crescenzio Constantini, the son of Cesario Cain Constantini. But Crescenzio was not like his father at all. He was like his grandfather Cristoforo Constantini.

Verona jumped as Crescenzio  roared "Come out... We have so much to talk about..."

Verona shut her eyes as his footsteps outside the room in the corridor echoed. Crescenzio was a boy she feared so badly... He had been raised by his grandfather's principles because he lived in New York with his grandfather while his father lived in Italy managing the businesses there most of the year. Crescenzio had chosen his grandfather's side and brutality was in his genes. He was cold. He was full of hate and always acted like a true dictator. 

Cesario Constantini had done a compromise. His wife had been condemned to die years ago for her betrayal and calling the cops. Cristofero Constantini had put a hit on her head. But only if she was banished to Italy and Cesario compromised with his father, she was saved. If Cesario betrayed his father, then his wife would have been assassinated by Cristoforo's followers. 

Cesario tried to be a good father to Crescenzo when he was in America and then had to leave to Italy to tend to his businesses there. Most of the businesses in Italy belonged to De Luca Constantini, the unwilling younger brother of Constantini since his daughter Cristina had married an Irish, Niall O'Callaghan and did not like to be involved in Constantini business. But the Constantini businesses in America all belonged to Cristofero and he had full control of them. 

Every time, Verona had met Crescenzio, his love and affection for her had grown worse. But she could not love him. Crescenzio was a monster just like his grandfather. His grandfather loved brutality and revenge and so did Crescenzio. And Cristofero's love for his woman knew no bounds. Crescenzio's obsession and possessiveness of her knew no bounds either. 

Verona shook hard as she heard the door of the office she was hiding in opened. Damn it. He was searching that room now. Crescenzio called out her name "Verona..." 

Verona's heart was beating out of her chest. Chills ran down her spine as he heard his dark tone "I don't like hide and seek... Come out now..."

Verona had to find an escape route fast.

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