28 - The Art of Seduction

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"Malfoy is definitely a Death Eater."

"Oh shut the fuck up for once in your life about Draco fucking Malfoy!" I spat. I was seriously getting fucked off with Harry and his obsession with Draco.

It was the following day and we were on the train, going home for Christmas. I couldn't help but notice that Draco had been no where to be seen that morning, and he certainly didn't seem to be leaving Hogwarts with us.

"But I heard him talking to Snape about it! There was talk of an unbreakable vow and everything!" Harry spluttered.

"You followed him?!" I asked incredulously.

"With my Invisibility Cloak." Harry said smoothly, as if this was something to be proud of.

"So you ditched your date at a party to go and spy on Malfoy?"

"You ditched your date too!"

"Slightly different Harry, mine was openly fantasising about your date giving him the ride of his life."

"Wait- what?"

"Never mind." I grumbled, crossing my arms moodily. My high from the previous night had deflated somewhat.

Just because Draco sort of stuck up for me against that prick, didn't mean anything had changed. In his eyes I was still a blood traitor, and I always would be if I continued to hang out with the 'good' side.

And it didn't help that Harry was intent on trying to convince everyone that Draco was actually something worse than just being a prejudiced git.

That he was the literal enemy.

Anyway, Christmas was crap, as usual. I got the usual fucking shite from my mother. Does she actually believe that anyone likes those pissing ugly jumpers?

I had to spend the entire two weeks watching my little sister eye fuck my best mate. It was nauseating to say the least.

I even walked in on her wearing a fucking frumpy dressing gown that our great aunt Muriel wouldn't even be seen caught dead in, and tying up Harry's fucking shoelaces.

Did she actually think that was sexy?!

Personally, I thought it made him look like a complete baby whose mummy never taught him how to-

Oh. Never mind.

The final straw for me came when she started force feeding him mince pies. I sat myself in between them, starting to worry about Ginny's idea of what flirting actually was. I felt like maybe we should have a girl talk at some point. I could teach her a thing or two about the art of seduction.

Because, to be honest, this whole Ginny and Harry romance thing was just cringeworthy to watch.

We managed to survive Christmas without anyone setting fire to our house, or Harry doing anything stupid like running into some sort of freaky marshland where Death Eaters were lurking and waiting to kill him.

"Why would anyone set fire to your house?" Harry asked, when I brought this up.

"I dunno?" I shrugged. "Visual entertainment?"

My eyes couldn't help but sweep the Slytherin table upon our return.

I felt the familiar tug of disappointment when I realised he was not there.

And I was dismayed at our next Potions lesson that he had gone back to giving me the cold shoulder and acting like I was not even fucking there.

But rather than just accept it and move on, I decided to let the feeling of ripping anger to take control.


Draco turned around, allowing a flicker of shock to show on his pale and gaunt face. I don't think he had expected me to be there.

I had done a Harry and followed him. Potions had been the last lesson of the day and I decided I would just confront him. But I wanted to wait until we were alone and so I followed him up through the castle, wondering where he was actually going. Everyone else had headed straight to the Great Hall for dinner.

It wasn't until we reached the seventh floor when we were truly alone that I decided to make him aware of my presence.

"Weasley, what are you doing? Did you follow me?!" He spluttered. I couldn't help but notice there was a slight fearfulness to his voice.

"Yeah, because I'm sick of you acting like I don't exist!" I cried, just deciding to let it all out.

"Weasley, just go away." He said quietly, looking down at the floor. "We've been through this."

But I couldn't, I suddenly needed to know how he felt.

"The night of Slughorn's party, I could see it in your eyes." I implored, walking up to him, and silently begging him to look at me.

"For fuck's sake, don't do this." He snapped, turning away.

"You went for Cormac when he was saying those things. You wouldn't have done that if a part of you didn't still feel something." I knew I was sounding desperate, but my heart hurt too much for me to any longer give a fuck.

Draco froze, giving me a glimmer of hope.

"He's a prick. You deserve better."

"Draco-" I said reaching out to touch his arm. But I was dismayed when he quickly flinched away.

"Damn it - don't, Weasley!" He snarled, turning to glare down at me. "You made your choice!"

"Why? Why do I have to choose between you and Harry?"

"I can't believe you are even asking me that." He spat incredulously. "May I remind you where my father is right now?"

I squeezed my eyes shut in frustration. Why did this have to be about his fucking father?!

"Don't you miss what we had?" I tried desperately. "Tell me you don't and then I'll leave you alone."

He swallowed. He didn't say anything, just looked at me with sorrowful eyes. And then ever so slowly, he shook his head.

My heart broke. I felt stupid, I could feel a sting of hurt and humiliation prick behind my eyes.

I turned around before the tears could start falling and started to walk away.

But then a hand grabbed my arm, twisting me back round, and all of a sudden, I was staring up at Draco's face, the steeliness in his eyes gone, replaced by a yearning I hadn't seen in a long time.

"I do miss you," he said hoarsely. "I miss you so fucking much."

Our bags simultaneously crashed to the floor as he pulled me into his arms and kissed me hard. And all I could think in my shock was how good he tasted - minty like toothpaste and sweet like apple.

His hands tangled in my hair as he deepened the kiss, groaning into my mouth as he forcibly parted my lips, his tongue hungrily diving in, causing my stomach to knot and writhe with pleasure.

We pulled ourselves into one another as hands tugged and groped at everything they could find, not being able to get close enough. I accidentally bit his lip in the frenzy, causing him to groan again, but instead of pulling away, he slammed me up against the wall as we simultaneously moaned into each other's mouths.

I couldn't take much more of this, I wanted him so much. My entire body was literally trembling and buzzing, every surface of my skin tingling in desire, like pins and needles.

We broke the kiss, gasping against each other as our hearts both noisily raced beneath our chests. His hungry eyes pierced into mine and without a word, he took a step away and grabbed my hand, pulling me up the corridor, snatching up our bags along the way.

I was so consumed with desire for him, that I didn't really notice what door he took us through.

The second we were inside the room, he tossed our bags to the floor and pulled me back up against his chest to resume what we had started in the corridor. He lifted me up off my feet and I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me across the room, not once breaking our furious kissing.

Being all too engrossed in my yearning for Draco, I barely noticed our surroundings. I was only faintly aware of him lowering my back down onto a sofa, his body pressing down upon mine as he crawled on top of me, heeling off his shoes.

Just like the first time we had sex, he ripped open my shirt and buttons pinged in all directions. I gasped against his mouth as cool hands went to my skin, caressing my waist, his fingers moving up and down my bare body making me buck and shiver against him. I had missed his touch so much, missed the way he made me feel.

I was desperate to get his shirt off too, wanting to feel as much of his skin against mine as possible, but he kept restraining my wrists with quite alarming force every time I attempted to grapple at the buttons.

Giving me no explanation, he sat up between my legs, and pushed my skirt up around my waist, staring almost greedily down at me. He slowly removed my tights and trailed his fingers back up my legs, taking his painstaking time to reach the place I had missed him the most. His eyes watched me the entire time, darkening when I began to whimper and writhe as he rubbed my pussy through my underwear.

I had been longing for this for so long that I thought I was going to do a Draco and cum in seconds. The knot in my stomach became tighter and white lights began to flash at the edges of my vision, I knew the second that he slipped his fingers inside that that would be it.

"Draco-" I begged, reaching forward to clasp his wrist, desperately trying to guide him.

To my frustration, he pulled out of my reach and leant down over me, a smirk playing at his lips as he pressed them against my ear. "Patience, Weasley."

He claimed my mouth again, kissing me slow this time before eventually pulling away again, this time his lips began a path of bruising kisses along my jaw, down my collarbone, across my breasts - stopping to pull down the cups of my bra and deliciously swirl his tongue around each nipple – down past my navel, down, down, down until he began to kiss my now quite damp underwear.

"I want to taste you," he murmured as his hands began to tug at the hem. "I want to feel your juices all over my mouth."

I sucked in a hiss between my teeth as cool air hit me. I arched my hips upwards, desperate for any kind of contact, but he concentrated on removing my underwear first. Fuck, I felt as though I was literally ripping in two from anticipation. I had to refrain from reaching up and forcing his head down myself.

I could see the smirk return on his lips, loving the effect he was having on me. He moved back up my body and once again kissed me as he hovered over me.

"Beg for it."

"You're being cruel," I gasped breathlessly, trying to push his shoulders back down as I attempted to push my hips up beneath, wanting to feel anything.

He gave a low chuckle, and I realised how much I had missed that, how much I had missed all of this Draco.


"Good girl."

And then he moved back down, practically diving his face into my pussy as his hands rested on my outer thighs. I couldn't help but cry out as I felt his tongue push against me, exploring and tasting, the movements of his firm licks making me buck and squirm beneath him. My body seemed to have turned into a big ball of energy, with my pleasure mounting to peaks I had not known existed. I was aware of nothing but his tongue and the heat of his breath and the great big tidal wave which was about to rip in my stomach.

When I came, the feeling was so intense that I kicked my leg out hard and we both nearly toppled off the sofa.

"Fuck!" I managed to gasp out as my lungs worked to their full capacity and my heart threatened to burst from its cage. "Fuuuuck!"

When I looked up, Draco was half on the floor, trying to steady himself as he balanced on the sofa in a precarious position, still clinging onto my thighs.

"Shit, sorry," I said, quickly moving to untangle him from my still shaking legs.

He pulled himself back onto the sofa and crawled back up my body, a crooked smile appeared on his swollen glistening lips as his face hovered above mine, his silver eyes glinting in amusement.

"I take it that you enjoyed it, then?"

I reached up and brushed my fingers through his hair, marvelling at how soft it felt beneath my fingers. "It was fucking amazing, Draco. But it's not over yet... I hope."

My hands leaving his hair, I moved them down between us, fumbling at his belt. The fact that I was completely naked, save for my bra and skirt, was beginning to feel a little unfair and unbalanced to me.

Smirking, Draco took over and made quick work of his flies, kicking off his trousers and leaving his boxers on.

The second I pressed my hand against him, he sucked in a sharp breath and his eyes rolled upwards, revealing just a flicker of white. He was so hard. And I wanted him. Now.

We nearly fell off the sofa again in our urgency to get his boxers off. His cock pressed against my stomach as he leant down to kiss me again, and I knew he was trying to saviour the feeling of glorious anticipation.

When he pushed into me, he gave a loud groan which vibrated down my tongue. I had missed this sound, this feeling, this connection.

His face was already contorted and tinged with pink as he lifted his head and began to rock in and out of me, his thrusts slow yet deliberate, and oh so fucking glorious.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from him, desperate to see him come undone. I wanted this feeling to last forever, to have him like this until the end of time.

But it wasn't long until gasping apologies were spilling from his lips and his body began to shake and rut above me in his impending orgasm which seemed to rush through him with such force that his endless moans reverberated in the air around us.

Sweaty and breathless, he collapsed heavily on top of me. I could feel his heart going a million beats per second beneath his chest and I closed my eyes, relishing the moment, knowing the time would come all too soon when we would dress and part ways again.

"Fuck," Draco murmured into the silent room when he could finally talk again. "That was..."

"Fucking incredible?" I offered when he seemed to struggle to find the right words.

"Yeah," he chuckled, "that."

I went to move out from beneath him, but was surprised when Draco grabbed my arm, halting me. I looked back at him, confused.

"Don't go," he said, as something flashed in his grey eyes. "Stay."

It wasn't the first time he'd ask me to stay.

But it was the first time that I snuggled into arms and, together, we fell asleep.


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