43 - Bathtime

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I walked into the bathroom, just as Draco was turning off the taps.

"You didn't have to do that," I said, nodding towards the huge white tub filled with bubbles. "I'm capable of running my own bath."

"Weasley, you're barely capable of standing right now; look at you."

It was true, it'd been so long since I'd been up properly or eaten anything that every step I took was a dangerous effort.

And yet he was expecting me to get into a fucking bath.

"I've put some stuff in it which will help with your aches," he explained, handing me a fluffy white towel on his way to the door. "I won't be far. Just, uh... shout if you need anything."

"You're not going to help me?" I asked, as his hand paused on the door handle.

"Weasley, don't." He muttered, not looking at me.

"I'm not asking you to fuck me, Draco," I sniped. "But I can barely stand, let alone get undressed or wash my hair."

"Wouldn't you rather Blaise-"

"NO!" I cried. "Did you not hear him? Nothing's going on! I'm just asking you to help me, Draco. Please."

He sighed heavily, stepping away from the door, towards me. His face was set in a grim determination as if he was about to go on a fucking suicide mission.

"I never used to have to beg you to take my clothes off." I muttered, as he turned me around so that I was no longer facing him, I felt his fingers tug hesitantly at the hem of my long sleeved top.

I couldn't help feeling bitter, wondering why he was acting as if undressing me was the worst thing in the world.

"For fuck's sake, Weasley," he growled as he slowly started to lift the top, pausing everytime I winced in pain. "You just don't get it."

I turned to face him once he managed to wrangle my top over my head and off my arms, and didn't fail to miss the swirl in his eyes as they flicked down towards my bra.

And then I got it. He wanted me but he didn't want to want me.

"What happened to your arm?" He frowned, glancing at the bandage that was covering up the Splinch.

"Fucking Hermione," I muttered. "Supposed to be the brightest witch of all time and yet she can't even fucking Apparate properly."

"Can I look?" He asked, his fingers already tugging at the bandage. "I might be able to fix it. I know a decent healing spell."

"Go ahead," I shrugged, wincing as the air hit the wound once the bandage unravelled.

The next thing I knew, Draco had his wand out and was muttering an incantation I had never heard before.

"Good as new," he said, dropping my arm from his hold.

"Wow, wait till I show Herm-" and then I paused, feeling a horrible hardening in my chest as I realised I had no idea if and when I'd see them again. Did they even miss me?

"You'll find your way back to them, Weasley." Draco said, as if reading my thoughts. "Let's just get you fixed here, first."

"How do you do that?" I asked, glancing up at him.

"Do what?" He said, turning me back around away from him to resume my undressing. The tone in his voice suggested he knew exactly what I was referring to.

"You keep reading my mind. It's like you know exactly what I'm thinking. And don't give me that soulmate shit."

A soft chuckle in my ear sent goosebumps exploding all over the surface of my skin. Fingers started tugging down my trousers and despite my weakened state, I felt a sudden pool of longing in my stomach.

As soon as my trousers hit the floor, I turned around once more to face him, and I could see the hunger swirling in his eyes.

"Draco," I breathed, staring intently up at him, moving my body a fraction closer to him.

"Weasley, don't." He growled hoarsely, briefly closing his eyes. His breathing was starting to become jagged; matching my own shallow breaths.

I was desperate for him to kiss me, to finish undressing me and to hold me to him. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, and hear our heartbeats thud together.

"We can't, it's not a good idea. I'll never be able to stop." He murmured. But his lips drew nearer to mine, the tip of his tongue briefly darting across his own.

"I'm going to the shops, do you guys want anything?!"

Draco jumped back, startled at the sound of Blaise's voice on the other side of the door.

I turned around, trying to hide my flustered face.

"No, you're all right, thanks, mate!" Draco called back.

As soon as Blaise's footsteps disappeared, Draco and I turned back to each other.

"Look, erm... why don't you finish getting undressed and let me known when you're in the bath." Draco stammered, picking up my already discarded clothes. "I'll go and get these cleaned."


"Don't." He cut in. "You're not well. I'm not going to take advantage."

He walked out without another word, closing the door behind him.

I frustratedly removed my underwear, and shakily stepped into the bath, trying not to pass out. I sank down under the bubbles, closing my eyes, marvelling in the way the warm liquid soothed my body.

I reopened them, splashing and spluttering as I felt hands dragging me up to the water's surface.

"Shit! You must have passed out!" Draco cried, leaning over the bathtub and snaking his arms under my shoulders from behind, keeping my top half elevated above the water.

I spluttered and gasped, gulping heavily for air. He kept hold of me whilst I managed to get air back into my lungs, waiting for my breathing to return to normal. I couldn't help but notice his shirt was soaking where he had dived his arms in to scoop me out.

"Screw this," he muttered, his arms unravelling from around me once he was sure I was okay.

"What are you doing?" I panted, as I glanced up to see him throwing his sodden shirt off and then undoing his trousers which he proceeded to kick off.

"I'm not going to let you drown in Blaise's bathtub." He simply said, yanking his socks off.

Leaving his boxers on, he stepped in, ushering me forward as he sat behind me, and then pulled me back into his chest, placing his legs either side of me.

"This isn't fucking fair," I spluttered. "I'm stark naked whilst you've got your boxers on!"

"I'm trying to be as chivalrous as possible in this situation, Weasley." He muttered into my ear, tightening his arms around my chest.

I couldn't deny it though, I thought as I felt his heart beating against my back, this was utterly blissful.

"You know we never did this," I murmured, sighing contentedly. "Apart from that one time in the Prefects' bathroom, we never really bathed together."

I knew why, of course. My eyes glanced down to his left forearm and I felt my stomach knot uncomfortably at the sight of the harsh black ink etched menacingly into his pale skin.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I never wanted it."

A sudden sadness filled my heart as a lonely tear rolled down my cheek and splashed the water's surface.

"I know," I whispered back.


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