Moving In With The Ex

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Moving in with the Ex

Moxxie was in his cell in thought, he was thinking about what happened.

"What the fuck is going on, why would Stolas' wife say that we killed him even though we didn't." Moxxie said

"You have a visitor." The prison guard said

Moxxie was led to the visitation room where he saw his wife & Loona who had an angry scowl on her face.

"How could you?" Loona said

"Loona, we didn't—." Millie said

"I know Blitzø was an ass to you, but did you have to stoop that low?" Loona scolded

"Loona, please, we didn't kill Stolas, we swear." Moxxie said

"Then why was a Blessing-tipped rifle at your house?" Loona growled

"We don't know." Moxxie said

"You don't know? Stella showed us her memory of the night you killed Stolas with that weapon." Loona said

"She what?" Moxxie said

"Yeah, in the memory we heard you say that you never cared about him & how he never had any success in his life & how the company he worked his ass off for is a weak-ass joke just like him!" Loona said angrily "How could you say that about him, my dad trusted you!"

"No, we would never say that about him." Millie said tearfully

"Because of you, IMP is disbanded & Blitzø & I are now jobless!" Loona said "I had to move out of our apartment leaving Blitzø behind while worrying what he'll do now that I'm no longer living with him."

"But Loona, whatever Stella showed you, that wasn't us." Moxxie says

"Then where the fuck is your proof?" Loona asked

"..." Moxxie & Millie sat in silence

"That's what I thought, I hope you two are happy." Loona said as she left

Meanwhile Verosika was on her way to Blitzø's apartment as she was on the phone with Striker

"So, his daughter moved out?" Verosika asked

"Yep, she had to be on her own since she doesn't have a job at IMP anymore." Striker said

"Good, at least she won't be much of a problem." Verosika said "How was he when you saw him?"

"A bit devastated, but I think he'll be alright." Striker said

"Okay, I'm nearly at his apartment, thanks for helping me out, Striker." Verosika said

"No problem, good luck in getting your man." Striker said as Verosika hung up & arrived at Blitzø's apartment

"Okay, Verosika, you can do this, this is your one chance to be with him again. Do not blow this up for yourself. Darling, here I come." Verosika said as she knocked the door

"Yeah?" Blitzø opened the door

"Hey Blitzø." Verosika said with a neutral expression

"'s you." Blitzø said

"May I come in?" Verosika said

"I guess so." Blitzø said

Verosika entered the house before she & Blitzø sat on the couch next to each other

"So...I heard on the news that your company got shut down & your employees got arrested for killing Stolas?" Verosika said

"Look Verosika, I had nothing to do that, I did not send them to kill him." Blitzø said

"I never assumed you did." Verosika said

"You didn't?" Blitzø said

"No, but why would they do something like that?" Verosika said

"They did to close off the deal the company had with Stolas, that's one of the reasons why the company was shut down." Blitzø said "But when Stella showed me her memory, they said some things before they killed him."

After Blitzø told Verosika what Moxxie & Millie said

"I really thought they were my family, I thought they still cared about me despite the way I acted, but I was wrong." Blitzø said

"Blitzø–." Verosika said

"Verosika, listen, you can say whatever insult you wanna throw at me, I deserve it." Blitzø said "I'm sorry I wasn't a good boyfriend to you & I'm sorry I stole your car & your credit card. I don't expect you to forgive me, I'd hate me too if I were you."

Just then Blitzø was suddenly wrapped in a hug by Verosika.

"Verosika, what are you doing? Why are you hugging me?" Blitzø said

"Because you looked like you needed one." Verosika said

"Oh, thank you, I guess." Blitzø said

"You're welcome." Verosika smiled "So, where do you think you're gonna get a new job."

"Well, I just had a deal with an acquaintance, we're gonna start our own killing business together." Blitzø said

"How long are you gonna live here until then?" Verosika asked

"I don't know, probably not long, I don't think I'm gonna be able to afford a new place to live." Blitzø said

"Okay, how about you move in with me?" Verosika offered

"What? No, V, I can't do that to you, I don't want it to be any trouble." Blitzø said

"It's no trouble, I don't mind." Verosika said

"I really appreciate the offer, but I'm thinking about moving into Millie's Family's Ranch & probably become a farmhand there." Blitzø said

"Okay, although I highly doubt you would be welcomed there." Verosika said

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Blitzø looked at her

"Oh Nothing, I wonder if they would believe that their daughter & son-in-law's boss was the cause of their arrest. Regarding how badly you treated Moxxie & Millie, they might put the blame on you thinking that you drove Moxxie & Millie into killing Stolas." Verosika said

"What?" Blitzø said in shock

"If you started working for them, they might give you a very hard time & make your life a living Hell as punishment." Verosika said "Who knows what other punishments they would give you, they might put you in chains & lock you up in a basement, horse whip you & starve you."

"No, no, they like me, they wouldn't do that." Blitzø denied "...Would they?"

"Maybe, but that's me probably talking shit." Verosika shrugged before she stood up. "Well, I have to go, I'll see you around."

As Verosika left, Blitzø sat there in thought. Would Millie's Family do that to him? What if he couldn't take the punishment anymore & decided to leave, would they let him go willingly? Would he be able to survive those punishments given to him? Would he be able to escape? The thought of them doing those things terrified him. Blitzø stood up & rushed out the door.

"Verosika." Blitzø called out

"Yes?" Verosika looked back

"...Are you sure it's not any trouble if I move in with you?" Blitzø said

"Of course, I really don't mind." Verosika said

"Okay, I'll pack my things." Blitzø said

"Excellent, see you there, hon." Verosika said

Blitzø went back into the house to pack as Verosika left with a sinister smile

Later, Verosika was at her place when the doorbell rang. She opened the door & saw Blitzø who was carrying two suitcases with a carry pack on his back.

"Hey Blitzø, you made it." Verosika smiled happily

"Hey V, I hope I didn't pack too much stuff." Blitzø said

"Oh no, it's totally fine." Verosika said before thinking "Besides this is your new forever home anyway."

"Where's my room gonna be?" Blitzø asked

"We can get to that later, here, let me take those off your hands." Verosika said as she took the suitcases & the bag "You just have a seat at a table, dinner is just about ready."

"Okay." Blitzø said before thinking "She's friendlier than usual, must've finally gotten over our break up."

While they were having dinner

"Mm, this is really good." Blitzø said

"Thank you." Verosika smiled before thinking "& there will be many more meals for you to have once we're official again."

"So, Verosika, you seeing anyone?" Blitzø asked

"No, how about you?" Verosika said

"Nope, although I was a part of an affair by Prince Stolas." Blitzø said

"Oh, did you have any feelings for him back then before he was killed?" Verosika said

"Oh, pfft, as if. The reason why I slept with the bastard was because I wanted his book to gain access to the living world for my company." Blitzø said

"Oh, so nothing romantic." Verosika said

"Of course not, ever since then I've been bothered by him to come over & be his fucktoy & I hated every moment of it. It's the reason why I'm glad he's dead." Blitzø said

"& you certainly have me to thank for ending his life & freeing you from his corruption." Verosika thought

"But overall, I kinda feel bad for Stolas, because it seems like he never experienced love before, I mean he was married but did Stella ever give him any love?" Blitzø said

"Well, whatever it was, it's certainly none of our business." Verosika said

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Blitzø said "But other than that, while I was on my way here, I got confronted by Tom Trench & the news crew."


Blitzø was on his way to Verosika's place

"Mr. Blitzø." A voice called out

Blitzø looked back & saw Tom Trench & a camera man approaching him

"Oh, fuck me." Blitzø muttered

"Mr. Blitzø, do you have a moment?" Tom asked

"I'm not in the mood, Trench." Blitzø said as he was about to walk away

"Wait a minute, Mr. Blitzø, please sir, just let me just ask you a few simple questions, it'll only take a moment." Tom said

"Fine, let's get it over with." Blitzø sighed

"Great, now, how do you feel about losing your company?" Tom said

"How do I feel? I'm very upset & outraged about it, because everything I created is now taken away." Blitzø said

"Okay, how do you feel about Stolas' death that was caused by your former employees?" Tom said

"Unbelievable, Stolas was my one ticket to the living world for my company only for those two backstabbers to screw the company over & murder him in order to close off the deal me & Stolas had." Blitzø said "But my deepest condolences go out to his family, especially his kid."

"I'm not accusing you or anything, but aren't you the one who sent Moxxie & Millie to kill Stolas?" Tom asked

"What kinda fucking animal do you take me for? No, I didn't send them to kill him! Look, I don't know what drove Moxxie & Millie to do this, but I had absolutely nothing to do with Stolas' demise." Blitzø glared

"Where were you during the time Stolas was killed?" Tom asked

"I was at his mansion to talk business with him. Stolas wasn't home, so I sat down on his front porch & waited for him. I waited for him for a whole fucking hour until I couldn't wait anymore, so I just went back home & went to bed." Blitzø said

"Alright, before we end this, now that IMP is disbanded, what will you do now?" Tom said

"Just because my company is down doesn't mean I'm down, so don't count me out just yet. I won't back down so easily, & one of these days I'll get back on track, just you wait." Blitzø said

Flashback End

"Wow, that's a very inspirational speech." Verosika said

"Yeah, well, it was sort of inspired by you & Fizz." Blitzø said sheepishly

"Really?" Verosika said

"Yeah, you two managed to get back on track & achieve so many accomplishments after the shit I did to you both. I...I admire that very much." Blitzø blushed

"Aww, B, I'm so happy to hear that, I could just kiss you." Verosika smiled adoringly

"Yeah, I hope while I'm under your roof, I'll be able to make it up to you & maybe make it up to Fizz." Blitzø smiled back

"I'm sure you will." Verosika said

At night, Blitzø was sleeping in his room, Verosika quietly entered & slowly approached him. She saw a picture of him & Loona in a frame, she also saw a pair of scissors next to it & noticed that the picture was cut in some areas, Verosika assumed that Blitzø cut the parts where Moxxie & Millie were in the picture & smirked at that. Verosika looked down at Blitzø before gently placing her hand on his cheek & softly rubbed his cheek with her thumb without waking him up as she stared with loving gaze

"Soon, my love, it'll be just you & me, & no one else will be in my way of making you mine." Verosika thought

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