Ichigo vs Naruto vs Luffy vs Natsu

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Shonen series, the home to the most popular series EVER, but today, we are looking at the 4 most famous ones ever, Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach, Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto, Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece, and Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail. For this fight, I'm using Ichigo, Naruto and Natsu from their end of series, and I'm using current Luffy, meaning no future feats for Luffy, or for Ichigo if Bleach continues, no future Fairy Tail feats as well for Natsu, and no Adult Naruto.

Here I am ShinigamiHuntsman, and today let's find out who will win.

Ichigo: Shinigami, it may sound like a foreign word to some, but we all know what they are, the Death Gods, as well as a 17 year old ginger haired badass. Ichigo Kurosaki lived a pretty normal life, did great at school, did fighting with his dad, but here is the thing, he can see ghosts.


Oh scary.


One day when he was walking with his mom, Ichigo saw what seemed like a little girl about to kill herself in a river, so naturally, being the badass he always is, he went to save her. Except it wasn't a girl, it was a Hollow, a monster that devours souls, and said Hollow killed his mother... I know... sad. One day, he met the girl, Rukia Kuchiki, who is a Soul Reaper, their jobs are to protect good souls or wholes and send them to the Soul Society, and kill Hollows with their awesome swords, anyway, they were in trouble so Rukia had to share some of her powers with Ichigo, but it turns out Ichigo was a naturally gifted Soul Reaper. In his Soul Reaper form, Ichigo leaves his physical body and is in a body made out of Reshi or spiritual energy, making him invisible and not even be heard in the real world, though for this fight since only 1/3 of his opponents can see him, I will take away the fact Ichigo is invisible to make it more fair.

Ichigo has many abilities, he is super strong, super fast, durable, and can even fly, more accurate to say he walks through the air, using naturally occurring Reshi as foot holds. He also has other abilities, including the Getsuga Tenshou, which allows him to fire a beam of awesomeness, Shunpo/Flash Step, which makes him faster, Blunt Vene, which makes him tougher although he doesn't have mastery, Gran Ray Cero, an ability that allows him to shoot a projectile, Getsuga Juujishou, a variant of the Getsga Tenshou but its more of a cross attack, but now here is his awesome sword, the Zanpaktou, a Shinigami weapon that is connected to their owner's soul, sure you Bleach haters may call it an over sized steak knife but its a Soul Reaper's best friend. Every Shinigami also has a spiritual entity which manifests as their swords, Ichigo has one named Zangetsu, well actually two, long story short, Ichigo is a Soul Reaper, because of his dad, half Quincy, a human with Reshi powers because his mom was a Quincy, he also is half Hollow because a Hollow who possessed his mom, finally he is half Fullbringer, which is a human that had his/her parents attacked by a Hollow when they were still in the womb (not kidding), so with all of that, that's why he knows all of those types of abilities and more which we will cover next.

Since this is a Shonen manga series, we're gonna get lots of transformations, let's start with Shikai, this is Ichigo's base, no multiplier, it just brings out his sword's true form, next is Bankai (named arenas Zangetsu), which makes him 10 times more powerful (normally it would take one 10 years to reach it, but since Ichigo had royal blood, was trained by two captains and used a device that allows him to reach Bankai in a short amount of time, he did it in 3 days), with that ability Ichigo is able to go a whole lot faster, around light speed.

Video time 16:20 to 20:04


Ichigo would have to be moving at faster than light speeds to out pace Byakuya, who reacts to light speed attacks and even went double the speed of his Bankai. Next up he got a Hollow transformation, a Visored Mask, which makes him 10 times stronger, again, how? Well, Ichigo fought Grimmjow with his Bankai and they were relative, then when Ichigo activated his Hollow Mask, Grimmjow got his Resurrecsion, which acts like a Bankai of 10 times, and they were still relative to each other.


Ichigo at one point "died" and the Hollow inside took over and Ichigo turned into Vasto Lorde, who wreaked Ulquiora which Hollow Ichigo had trouble to even make a scratch on. Finally, he got the Dangai Ichigo form, after training for 3 months in the Dangai, in this form wreaked Aizen, who was so powerful his mere existence can disentegrate regular people and his spiritual pressure was undetectable to other Soul Reapers, he had to lower his power level just so they can read him, then here is Ichigo and Aizen couldn't comprehend his power level. Then he got the Final Getsuga Tenshou, which fires a big wave of fuck you Reshi and destroyed Aizen with one shot... but Ichigo lost his powers as a result. Let's skip the Fullbring ones, since they're not even close to Dangai's powers, in fact people even call it the weakest form of Ichigo. Now, Ichigo has two Zanpaktous, one dagger and one big sword, the big one is his Shinigami/Hollow powers, the Dagger is his Quincy. He also has full control over Zangetsu. He also has Merged Hollow, with it he can now fire Gran Ray Ceros. His True Bankai... is unknown but it did fire a Getsuga.

Ichigo can compare to the big bad Yhwach, who is much more powerful than Bankai Yamamoto who destroy whole Soul Society just by existing

And then here is Ichigo, who Yhwach actually got scared of how powerful he would be

So Ichigo should scale to Yhwach who would be able to destroy multiple solar systems and multiple galaxies (multiple universes can be reached).

I mean, Ichigo in just the first time he was a Soul Reaper, he blocked a light speed Cero.

However, Ichigo has some weaknesses, he isn't very experienced, he is gullible, doesn't think strategically in a fight a lot, he gets hit a lot, but don't under estimate this awesome Soul Reaper.

Naruto: In the Hidden Village, ah yes, the village filled with Ninjas, and with the ninja in training, Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto was orphaned but he had a gift, his goal was to become Hokage. So Naruto has to pass ninja school to become Hokage.

One of the activities was that Naruto has to master Chakra, unlike ACTUAL Chakra, the world of Naruto weaponized Chakra, basically he can heal himself, see invisible beings, like when he saw Madara's limbo clones despite the fact they were in a complete different plain of existence, run on things like trees and water, yeah, as well as flashy attacks, he also uses them for Jutsus. Jutsus are basically special attacks that Naruto does, his trademark is the Shadow Clone Jutsu, where he basically makes a bunch of clones of himself, next up we have the Rasengan, he basically makes a ball of Chakra that can destroy stone when he was young, he even has things like the Rasengan plus the wind element, which can cut beings at a microscopic level, he also has knives, shrurikens, basic ninja weapons not including hand to hand training, there is also transformations, to look like someone else or a naked woman, substitutions, meaning if it seems like you actually killed him well no you actually cut a block of wood... how the hell does that even work?! Lastly he also has summoning. It should also be pointed out that Naruto does have a limit to how much Chakra he can use, depending on how much of it he uses, but he has way more than he reasonably should, because he has a beast in him. Basically, on the day of Naruto's birth, his village was conveniently attacked by a Chakra Beast, the Nine Tails, a beast so powerful it can destroy mountains, so the Hokage at the time split the Nine Tails in two and gave one of the half to Naruto. After awhile, Naruto was able to communicate with the beast, they got into fights but then became friends, and Naruto named Kurama. Kurama shares his amount of Chakra with Naruto on a regular basis, and was also able to get Naruto to have a bunch of transformations.

He has Sage Mode, in this form, Naruto has his stats increased, presive the world around him and absorb Chakra with natural energy, though if he's not careful, he will turn into a frog. Next up its the Nine Tails Chakra Mode, much like other previous transformations that happened to Naruto, it increases his physical powers, even better when he became friends with Kurama, which made him even more powerful, added more protection, increased his senses, and make Chakra arms, as well as make an avatar of Kurama. Later, he got Six Paths Sage mode, which made him even more powerful, fly and has Truth Seeking Orbs, which can create weapons and destroy anything they touch, and the same thing with the Avatar of Kurama.

Naruto can dodge a light speed level attacks. KCM Naruto was capable to reach 100 times light speed.

He also got the Chakra cannon, which has like Moon levels of attack potency, scaling to the Madara tree thing

He can rival Kaguya in power, who is a solar system threat,

Though Naruto is SUPER dumb, HE NAMED HIS SON BURRITO BASICALLY! but Naruto will fight for what is right.

Luffy: The story of Monkey D. Luffy is too long for one day, but basically, he ate a devil fruit which made him get stretchy limbs, so he went on an adventure to fin d the One Piece and become Pirate King.

Luffy has tons of attacks with his stretchy limbs, mostly improvised and creatively, but its very effective apparently, he also is super strong, super fast and super tough. He can do things like punch his opponents with immense strength, he can make like multiple inches in blazing speeds, he can make giant hands to crush his enemies, he can launch himself in the air, etc, etc. He also has two more abilities, Gear modes, basically transformation, Gear Second makes Luffy have some sort of a fire ability as it seems and makes him even faster, Gear Three, makes Luffy even more powerful though if he's not careful he will desinflate and not be able to do anything for awhile, finally Gear Four makes him taller, even more powerful, and grants Luffy metallic properties, next is the Haki, with it, he can have a sixth sense, make him tougher and over power the will of others.

Luffy can scale to characters who destroyed islands and continents.

Dodged a light speed level attack


Though the main flaw with Luffy is that he is REALLY REALLY dumb, but even though he has a lack of intellect, he is a skilled pirate who people should stop putting up wanted posters.

Natsu: A long time ago, Natsu was a normal kid who lived in a normal village, until a dragon attacked his village and killed him, the end... just kidding, let's get to the real stuff. Natsu's brother survived and wanted to fight a way to revive him, but he eventually turned evil and is immortal... but hey Natsu is back from the dead, as a demon and was left under the care of a dragon, named Igneel, the king of the Fire Dragons. Igneel taught Natsu to read, speak, learn, shoot fire, normal life... wait what? Yeah Igneel taught Natsu the power of Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, a type of magic that kills dragons... what are these dragons? Regardless, Igneel was happy with the role of dad, until one day, Natsu was put in a time machine and was sent 400 years into the past and his dad disappeared, that sucks, but hey, he got a new family in the form of the Fairy Tail Guild.

Natsu has super strength, speed and durability, he has hand to hand training, enhanced senses such as smelling better, but his main attacks are of fire. These include being able to breathe fire, make fists with fire added, being able to boost himself in the air with fire, and more, but the bastion is being able to eat fire, basically he has a limited amount of fire magic, so he can eat fire to regain that lost amount, he can't eat his own fire.

Since this is anime, Natsu also has forms. First, Lightning Fire Dragon mode, with this he can enhance his attacks with electricity. Next up, Dragon Force, this makes him way more powerful and even makes him be the relative strength of a fully grown dragon. Finally, Fire Dragon King Mode, which allows Natsu to posses abilities only the most powerful of dragons can posses.

Natsu has dodged lightning

Scales to Erza who can out pace meteors

Destroys continents on a regular basis.

But Natsu does have his draws back, he is very hot headed in fights, he does lots of collateral damage, and has motion sickness... yep. But if you cross Natsu's way, he will FIRE you.

Alright, let's get into the fight

The Hidden Leaf Village

Yang Xiao Long jumps out a building and runs into the forest, she has a box with her. A shadowy figure jumps down and its Naruto.

Naruto: Give that back.

Yang: Make me.

Naruto then throws another knife faster than Yang would react. But then Ichigo appears and slashes the knife away.

Yang: Ichigo.

Ichigo: Yang, go with Rukia back to Hat and Clogs' shop.

Rukia appears next to Yang and they run away. Luffy then appears jumping out of a building, with Zoro chasing after Yang and Rukia. Sasuke also appears and gives chase to them. Natsu jumps out of the same building with Luffy and Erza chases after Yang and Rukia.

Luffy: Where's my treasure?!

Natsu: Looks like the 4 of us are after the same goal.

Naruto: Alright, I'm itching for a fight.

Ichigo then gets out of his Zanpaktos.

Ichigo: This shouldn't take long.

Naruto prepairs a Rasengan. Luffy charges up his fist. Natsu has fire on his hands.



Naruto jumps at Ichigo and attacks him with a Rasengan. Ichigo blocks the attack with his Zanpaktos, then proceeds to launch Naruto into the air, flying up behind Naruto and slashes Naruto. Naruto gets cut in half but its revealed to be a tree trunk.

Ichigo: How the hell?

Naruto then kicks Ichigo to the ground.

Luffy has his fist in fire, runs to Natsu and punches him hard, sending him a few miles away. Natsu blocked the punch, and once Luffy reached his limit with how far he can launch Natsu, he grabs the arm and as Luffy retracts back the arm, Natsu uses the momentum to charge a punch. Natsu punches Luffy but Luffy took it like a champ and kicked Natsu into the air.

Ichigo fires a Getsuga Juujishou at Naruto. Naruto then uses shadow clone to evade the Getsuga Juujishou, however it gets to Luffy, which he counters by inflating himself. Luffy returns back to normal, but then Natsu gets down and punches Luffy in the face, seding his head far away, which then Luffy does a strong head butt attack, which Natsu takes like a champ then throws his own combo punch, but then at one point Luffy throws his own punch, and now both Natsu and Luffy are throwing to each other a barrage of punches.

Naruto then charges with a Rasengan Shrunken. Once it was charged, Naruto throws it at Ichigo, however Ichigo just stops it by extending his hand.

Naruto: Impossible!

Ichigo then disappears and appears behind Naruto. Ichigo swings his sword at Naruto, but it was a Shadow Clone. Ichigo is in shock then looks up and multiple Naruto are falling on top of him, all of them Rasengan charged up. They all do direct hits on Ichigo. Ichigo has some blood on his forehead and blood is dripping from his mouth. Naruto then kicks Ichigo to the air. Naruto follows behind with Nine Tails Chakra mode on.

Naruto: You're through!

As Naruto was about to through a punch, Ichigo is then behind Naruto with his Merged Hollow form.

Ichigo: Not bad kid! But I'm going to kick your ass!

Ichigo fires a Gran Ray Cero at Naruto. Naruto is sent to the ground causing a huge crater, he is in a bloody mess. Naruto tries to get up and sees Ichigo just swinging his sword, firing some form of Getsuga. Naruto dodges them. Once Ichigo got close, Ichigo thrusts his swords to Naruto which Naruto blocked. Ichigo notices Naruto's wounds are healing.

Ichigo in thought: What? No way!

Luffy is seen going through trees and he stops himself by grabbing onto a tree branch and landing.

Luffy: Second Gear!

Luffy is now in Second Gear. Natsu is seen in lightning mode, about to punch Luffy. Luffy counters with one punch then as Natsu was about to throw another Luffy instantly threw another before Natsu could react. Luffy then makes a giant fist and sends Natsu away. Ichigo appears behind Luffy and sends a Getsuga Tenshou at Luffy. Luffy tries to punch it, but in the end, he is sent to a different direction to Natsu. Naruto tries to attack Ichigo from behind, but whilst Naruto punches Ichigo to Natsu's direction, Ichigo fried a Getsuga Tenshou to Luffy's direction.

(First Ichigo vs Natsu)


Natsu lands on the ground, but gets up. He then suddenly gets slashed around multiple times. Its Ichigo, but now there seems to be multiple versions of him, due to how fast he's moving. Natsu throws a few fire balls at Ichigo. Ichigo attempts to dodge, but gets hit by one, flying into a tree in the process. Natsu runs to Ichigo and does a combo at Ichigo, ending with a very strong punch that sends Ichigo flying to a mountain. The crater caused some dust to appear and Natsu walks to it.

Ichigo: Getsuga TENSHOU!

A Getsuga Tenshou appears in the dust and goes to Natsu. Natsu barely dodged it. Ichigo just walks out of the dust like a boss.

Natsu: Alright! I'm going to mess you up!

Natsu then breathes fire, hitting Ichigo. Ichigo then slashes at the fire and the disturbance in the air caused the fire to be wiped out.

Ichigo: Is that all you got?

Natsu: Not done yet.

Natsu then breathes fire which Ichigo counters with a Getsuga. The next thing Ichigo notices is Natsu is now in Fire Dragon King mode.

Natsu: Time to end this!

Natsu then makes a giant fire ball and throws it at Ichigo. Ichigo looks up with a really casual face. He just then swings swords at its general direction and destroys the giant fire ball completely.

Natsu: What the!...

Ichigo then cuts off Natsu's head.

Ichigo: Too easy.

Ichigo then has a face of shook.

Ichigo: RUKIA! YANG!

Ichigo then Flash Steps to another fight.


Luffy is seen running away from a series of explosions occurring behind him. Naruto, as well as his Shadow Clones, are firing Rasengan Shrurikens at Luffy. Luffy swings himself to a tree and throws himself to the Naruto army. Luffy throws multiple punches, causing the clone numbers to drop, until one punch sends the real Naruto flying down to the ground.


Luffy launches himself to Naruto, by grabbing onto trees and launching himself like a slingshot. Luffy kicks Naruto then does multiple fast paced kicks on him. Luffy finishes it with an axe kick to Naruto's face and Naruto is sent to the ground. Naruto gets up. Naruto throws knives at Luffy. Luffy counters by inflating himself like balloon. Luffy then charges up a fist and throws a punch at Naruto. Naruto dodges and runs on Luffy's arm then once he got close, he kicks Luffy away.

Luffy: Damn...

Luffy goes into Gear 4.

Luffy: You're dead!

Luffy then jumps to Naruto and punches him in the face. But then Naruto disappears.

Luffy: A clone!?

Naruto is now seen in Six Paths Sage Mode, with a Rasengan on his hand. He uses it on Luffy, killing Luffy.

Naruto: Phew. Now, I have to get back to Sasuke.

Naruto then runs.

To the other fight

Erza and Zoro are seen down, Rukia and Yang are struggling to get up whilst Sasuke is just seen standing.

Sasuke: Hand over the treasure now!

Rukia: Never!


A Getsuga is seen fired at Sasuke, sending him far away, heavily injured as well.

Rukia: Ichigo?

Ichigo lands in front of Rukia and Yang. Naruto arrives next to Sasuke.

Naruto: Sasuke!

Yang: Ichigo.

Ichigo: Yeah?

Yang: I'm sorry you had to come.

Ichigo: What happened to you? All you had to do was get the treasure out of here and look at you. Either it gained a lot of weight or you're too weak because you look all beat up.

Yang has a 'I can't believe you face'.

Yang: Look who's talking. You should have stayed with your sisters rather than come here.

Ichigo has a frustrated face.

Ichigo: You got a lot of never of talking like that to the guy who just saved you!

Yang: I was about to thank you, you idiot! But I'm not going to now!

Rukia then punches both.

Yang and Ichigo: Hey!

Rukia: Shut up you two.

Naruto faces Ichigo.


Ichigo: Get out, let me end this.

Rukia and Yang then run. Naruto knows that his battle with Ichigo maybe so fierce that they will destroy the entirety of the Hidden Leaf Village.

Ichigo: Kid.

Naruto pays attention to Ichigo.

Ichigo: I don't want to fight here. Let's go somewhere else.

Naruto: I agree.

Ichigo and Naruto then fly away from the Hidden Leaf Village. They fly towards a patch of mountains. They both then land on one of the mountains.

Naruto: The village should be safe from our fight.

Ichigo: Agreed... let's finish this.


Ichigo and Naruto then run towards each other. Ichigo swings his swords at Naruto, who counters with one of his knifes, the strikes were so powerful that they destroyed entire mountains. Naruto then kicks Ichigo's face and flies away. Naruto then makes dozens of Shadow Clones. Ichigo fires a Getsuga Tenshou to counter the majority of the clones. Ichigo then moves so fast that a lot of the clones are destroyed. The real Naruto then throws a clone at Ichigo. Ichigo does cut the clone in half. Naruto was about to punch Ichigo who blocks the punch with the dagger.

Ichigo: Too slow.

The next thing that is seen is Ichigo and Naruto flying and moving so fast that all that can be seen are blue (representing Ichigo) and golden (representing Naruto) lights flying around and hitting each other. Both lights then mix together and are flying up. Inside, Ichigo is pushing Naruto away.

Naruto: I will end you!

Naruto kicks Ichigo away onto a patch of mountains.

Naruto: Time to end this!

Naruto then transforms into the Karama avatar.

Ichigo: Bring it on! BANKAI!

Ichigo's two swords then transforms into one giant sword.


Naruto then fires a giant beam with two Rasengans at Ichigo. Ichigo flies towards the resulting beam attack. Ichigo then charges through it like it's nothing. Ichigo then got close to Naruto.

Naruto: NO!

Ichigo then slashes at Naruto pushing Naruto away.


Ichigo then cuts Naruto in half, with blood spewing everywhere as a result.

Ichigo: Now, time to catch up to Rukia and Yang.

Ichigo then flies away.


Wow, that was badass. Whilst Luffy and Natsu have impressive feats, they just couldn't keep up with Ichigo and Naruto's higher level of feats. Poor Natsu especially, I mean, Ichigo and Naruto (with low ball) are 100 to 1000 times light speed, whilst Natsu is lightning level at most. Even Luffy had a way to keep up with his hax, but the fact he is weaker does make a difference, plus Ichigo and especially Naruto have WAY more weapons and haxes than him. The real fight is between Ichigo and Naruto. So let me explain why Ichigo wins.

As established earlier, both characters can move at massively faster than light speeds, however Naruto can reach over 100 000 times light speed, Ichigo can reach over millions of times light speed, way faster than Naruto. However, even though Ichigo can just blitz Naruto, Naruto has Shadow Clones who are equal in stats to Naruto and Naruto can get superb field awareness in Sage mode, so Naruto can dodge Ichigo's lethal attacks and try to land to a deadly blow... if only he could throw a deadly blow. Naruto scales to Kaguya, Who was a solar system level threat... however, Ichigo made Yhwach shit himself, who is basically multi versal.

He was gonna destroy all 3 worlds who are the same size... Yep. Naruto does deserve the equipment category, as he does have weapons that can counter Ichigo's, as well as intellect, combat wise. Both are experienced, Ichigo fought a way more varied category of characters, like a captain using pedals as weapons to Yhwach who can see the future, whilst Naruto did fight since he was a kid, a contest of quality vs quantity. Whilst Naruto may have more weapons than Ichigo, but the strength, speed and durability gaps are TOO big to gloss over.

The winner is Ichigo

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