Chapter 16: The Invaders

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Guess who doesn't have anything to say in this author's note lmao.


So just got back from a docs appointment. And well....I'm screwed!

We have to go to talk to a neurosurgeon and see if I can be fixed lol.

It's worse than we thought.

And that awkward moment when your ex texts you....AGAIN.

Anywhore. Who is ready for an action packed chapter???? ;)

(Spoiler alert. There may or may not be action in this chapter.)




I smiled as I leaned against the door and felt my lips.

The goodbye kiss from River was amazing.

The sparks that I always feel when I touch him, are getting more and more intense. Almost like they are more noticeable now.

"Have a good date Ms. Banks?" Hank asked with a smirk.

I cleared my throat. "Uh y-yes."

Hank laughed as I stood up straight.

Hank's eyes fogged over real quick and his jaw clenched.

"Um I need to uh go get groceries." Hank said quickly as he grabbed his car keys. "I'll be right back."

"But didn't you just get them the other-" I paused myself as Hank slammed the door shut. "-day."

I shrugged. Oh well.

I smiled as I heard my back door rattle.

"Leo is here." I smiled to Critter.

Critter ran in front of the door and let the biggest growl I have ever heard.

"Critter?" I asked confused.

He's never done to this Leo. Only a hiss.

I looked back up at my door as it continued to rattle even harder.

That isn't Leo.

I ran to my room and unlocked my gun case.

I grabbed my shot gun and a box of shells, stuffing them in my sweatshirt pocket.

"Okay." I said to myself as I got my gun ready.

I opened my back door slowly and saw a brown wolf, but this one had red eyes.

I screamed as it growled loudly at me and slammed the door in its face.

I laughed as I heard it whimper when the door hit its face.

"Critter run!" I yelled when my back door got knocked down.

"As long as you don't run, everything will be fine." A guy smiled as he walked in with another guy and a wolf.

I gulped and held my gun tighter.

"Who the hell are you guys?" I asked. "And why are you in my house?"

"We are just looking for a guy that we need." The one with blonde hair said.

"What guy?" I asked.

"That is none of your damn business." He growled.

And yes. I do mean growl.

"Did you just growl?" I asked.

What human growls?!

The wolf growled and lunged for me.

I screamed and pointed my shot gun at him.

I pulled the trigger and watched the wolf slide across the ground.

Oh holy shit! I cannot believe I just did that!

"You bitch!" The one with the black hair yelled as they ran towards me.

I screamed and ran for my room.

Okay. Now I actually wish Hank was here. Even if he is evil.

I closed my door and ran for my bathroom.

I flinched as I heard my bedroom door burst open.

"Get out here!" I heard a guy yell.

"Shit!" I yelled as my bathroom door fell on the ground.

How the hell are these guys so strong?!

And they don't even look like they are tired at all!

I quickly looked around for anything that I could use.

I smiled as I grabbed my baby powder.

I started to swing my arms around and squeezed the bottles.

The two men coughed as baby powder filled the air and they were both covered in white powder.

I quickly grabbed my hair dryer and flung it at both men.

"OW!" They both yelled as my hair dryer made contact with their heads.

I jumped over them both and grabbed my gun.

"Critter!" I yelled.

I heard little feet run across the floor.

I looked over just in time to see a crazed, red eyed wolf chase Critter.

The wolf jumped for Critter, but Critter dodged at the last second causing the wolf to land on my cowboy boots.

"You little mutt!" I yelled as the wolf's claws sunk into my boots. "Those are my favorite pair of boots!"

The wolf looked confused before looking down.

He realized what he was stepping on and carefully got off my boots.

"You mutt!" I yelled as I grabbed my gun and marched over to him. "You don't fuck with my boots!"

The wolf looked scared and slowly dipped away from me.

"Oh hell no you don't!" I yelled as I shot him in his shoulder.

He cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

"That was for my boots. And this is for trying to kill Critter." I spat as I rested the gun right in between his eyes. "Bye bye wolfie."

Once I pulled the trigger back, the giant blonde colored wolf dropped to the ground.

Critter jumped up my leg and hid in my sweatshirt pocket.

"It's okay." I said as I petted his head. "I got you."

I jumped as more people and wolves barged into my house.

"Now we must run." I stated before running outside. "Hold on Critter!"

I hopped on my crotch rocket and made a bee line for the woods, after I put the gun in my lap.

I can't really go to the road, wolves are blocking my exit.

So to the woods it is.

I looked behind me and saw wolves chasing me.

I pushed the throttle in more and quickly dodged the trees.

'Of course I left my phone inside.' I thought to myself as I jumped a log.

Thank you dirt hills.

I quickly squeezed the brake as I was met with more wolves in a small clearing.

I groaned and parked my bike next to some trees.

"So you're the girl who is messing with my pack." A man said as he glared at me.

"Okay one, I don't know who your "pack" is." I stated. "And two. THEY are the guys who broke into my house and tried to kill me."

The man laughed. "We are trying to find a boy. We were just searching the area."

"Okay that's all nice and dandy, but I'm pretty sure you're search doesn't involve breaking into my house and trying to kill me and my pet raccoon." I said seething. "And who is this boy you are looking for?"

"Someone who will be very useful to us." The man said as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Uh okay. Well as you can tell, I don't really know who this 'boy' you are speaking of." I said. "Now if you could please leave me the hell alone, that would be wonderful."

"We can't." The man said with a smirk. "You already know too much. So we have to get rid of you."

I gulped. I really didn't have any plans of dying today.

Critter jumped out of my hoodie and stood on his hind legs while growling at the men.

"Damn!" Another guy laughed. "He's feisty!"

I quickly grabbed Critter and put him back in my pocket.

I watched carefully as a wolf walked up to the "leader".

"Holy shit." I whispered as the wolf started to shift.

I watched frozen as the crack and pop sounds stopped and a naked man was standing there.

"W-werewolf." I whispered as a shiver ran down my spine.

The man nodded with a smirk. "Yes. We are werewolves."

"B-but how?" I asked shaking my head as all the other wolves shifted and stood by the rest of the men. "T-they are only myths."

The black haired guy that broke in my house earlier walked forward with the blonde haired guy.

I had to hold in a laugh as I saw some baby powder still in their hair.

Oh that's gold.

"They aren't myths." Black haired guy said smirking.

"Oh in that case." I smirked. "You a stupid dog. You you you stupid dog."

"Did you just do that in the song of you a stupid hoe?" The black haired wolf guy asked.

"You listen to music?" I asked teasing.

The guy growled. "Ya. We have radios."

"Ohh. I though you lived like cavemen." I smirked.

"That's it." The guy growled before he started to shift.

"Fine. You want to play it that way?" I spat as I loaded up my gun and cocked it. "Let's play."

The wolf charged and jumped upward.

I waited till he was close enough and then I shot.

The wolf howled and came crashing to the ground.

I cocked the gun again as the shell casing flew out.

"Who's next?" I asked.

Everyone else growled and shifted.

Wow. I'm facing a giant group of werewolves.

You can't say that every day.

The wolves charged and I got ready.

But right as I was about to shoot, I felt a sharp pain in my foot.

Another wolf had managed to bite my ankle and pull me to the ground.

I screamed in pain and shot the wolf in the face.

I pushed myself backwards on the ground and cocked my gun quickly.

But right before I shot the other one, a brown wolf jumped right over me and landed on top of it.

I watched in horror as the brown wolf grabbed the others wolf's neck and bit down. Hard.

I gasped as the wolf suddenly dropped dead and the other wolves stopped in their tracks.

The brown wolf turned towards me and stopped right in front of me.

"Leo." I mumbled as I looked into its golden glowing eyes.

Leo howled and that's when more wolves poured out from the trees.

But these wolves looked different.

They looked bigger, healthier, and they didn't have those crazy red eyes that were dull and lifeless.

The group of red eyed wolves quickly turned around and ran out of here.

Leo nodded his head towards the wolves and some of the healthier wolves nodded and chased them.

I tried to stand up, but fell back down due to the bite on my ankle.

"Shit." I groaned as I saw blood oozing out of my ankle.

I lifted my gaze up and saw Leo with his eyes closed.

"Leo?" I asked.

Leo sighed and took a step back.

'What the hell?' I thought to myself as I heard cracks and pops again.

I gulped as Leo started to shift.

"River?" I asked in a whispered as Leo fully shifted. "Y-You're Leo?"

River looked at me sadly and gave me a small nod.

Oh good Lord.

That was my last thought as I blacked out.


Poor Jack.

But if I saw that happen, I would probably black out too.

But oh well.

Love you Faithful Shifters!!


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