Chapter 25: Rouge Attack

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Sorry rant over. As you can tell, I had to do a 10 page paper and study for 2 tests in anatomy.

I'm slowly going insane.

But on the good side. I finally got my paper done and I really hope I got a good grade because if not, shit will hit the fan.

And this flu is totally kicking my ass right now. Like holy shit. This is the first time ever in my life that I got the flu and I never want to experience it ever again!

Thank you everyone for the get well wishes, it really means a lot! This is why I have the best fandom ever!

And guess who got a job?!?! Me! I will be working at the front desk at where I use to work before the car accident lol.

Anywhore. I'm going to write this chapter and you guys might see me in a mental hospital.

P.S.- I'm gonna try and make this chapter longer because I've been so busy with school that my other chapters were quite short. And I'm really sorry about that.

P.S.S.- Don't worry, I didn't forget about the surprise ;) MY NEW BOOK GIRLS RULE IS OUT SO MAKE SURE YOU GO ADD IT TO YOUR LIBRARY!



"Punch harder!" River yelled as he held the punching bag in place. "You aren't punching it hard enough. The bag isn't even moving."

I groaned in frustration. "I am! You, a freaking alpha werewolf, is holding the punching bag. It can't move with a wall of muscle holding it!"

River smirked as he flexed his arms. "Wall of muscle, eh?"

I punched his shoulder.

"Ow." He whined as he rubbed the red spot.

"Pay attention." I said as I got back in my fighting stance.

"Okay sorry." River mumbled as he placed his hands back on the bag.

"Don't hold it as tightly this time." I said as I landed a kick and got back to throw a punch.

River loosened his grip slightly and that's when I struck the bag with my fist.

I smirked as the bag moved back a couple inches and River rolled his eyes.

"Told you I was punching hard." I said while sticking my tongue out.

"Told you I was punching hard." River mocked in a high pitched tone.

"I do not sound like that." I said as I took a swig of my water bottle.

I cursed mentally as I felt some dribble down my chin.

I was about to wipe it away, but I saw River staring at the drop of water that is slowly running down my neck.

I cleared my throat and his eyes slowly lifted to mine.

"Sorry." River said hoarsely as he coughed. "Back to training."

I smirked as he got a little flustered.

This could be fun.

A plan was made up in my mind.

A little revenge won't hurt.

He's been hounding my ass lately about training. Kick harder. Punch harder. You're not doing it right Jack!

I narrowed my eyes at his back and followed him to the mat.

"Let's see what you can do little mate." River winked as he got in a fighting stance.

"My pleasure." I said seductively with a wink.

As Micah always puts it. Embrace your inner whore.

River's footsteps faltered for a second before he fixed it and charged for me.

I did a turning dodge and then faced him.

With his back still to me, I ran full speed towards him.

But he saw it coming.

He pushed me down and landed on top of me.

I groaned as my face hit the mat.

"You have to be faster." River mumbled next to my ear.

I smirked to myself and lifted my backside so it was pressed against his front.

"What was that?" I asked innocently as I pushed and put slight pressure on his friend.

River choked on his words and clenched his fists which were right next to my head.

"J-Jack." River whispered with a slight growl.

"Huh?" I hummed as I did it again.

River got distracted quickly and I used that to flip us over and pin his hands above his head.

I heard a deep laugh and saw that River's eyes were pitch black.

"Clever little mate." Leo smirked. "Very clever indeed."

I did a small bow. "Thank you Leo."

"I will say. I am impressed that you improvised. It's nice to know that you are quit to come to a conclusion and that you can think through problems." Leo laughed but then turned serious. "But you better not use that tactic with any other males little mate."

I smirked and lowered my face so my lips were hovering right over his. "Or what?"

Leo growled and tightened his grip on my hands. "Then I will slowly rip them to shreds. No one touches what is mine. You are my mate only. Not theirs."

Damn I love when he gets all possessive.

I smiled and lowered my face down a little bit.

Leo smirked and leaned forward to meet my lips.

But right as our lips were about to touch, I pulled back a little bit.

Leo growled and tried to lean forward again.

I did the same thing, but again pulled back right as our lips touched.

Leo growled again.

"Angry alpha?" I asked teasing.

Leo smirked and flipped us over.

"Nah. I can always overpower you." Leo chuckled as he bent down so his lips were right about mine. "And in more way than one."

I gasped as Leo said that, and he used that to swipe his tongue in my mouth.

He growled and pushed his lips harder to mine.

He released my hands and I immediately put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

"Damn." Leo growled softly as he kissed my mark. "I would take you right here, right now if I could."

"Alpha!" Someone yelled.

Leo growled and quickly got off of me and stood in front of me protectively.

The guard's face turned bright red and I smacked my forehead.

Of course someone would walk in on that.

Poor Leo. Just got cockblocked.

"What?" River asked as he gained control.

"Rogues. South border." The guard said.

River cursed under his breath but nodded. "Go get my men. Tell them to wait outside. And call guards for Jack."

The guard nodded and ran off.

"Be careful." I mumbled as I hugged him from behind.

River turned around and pulled me close to him.

"I will. I love you." River said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too dork. You better come back to me." I threatened.

"You know a woman truly loves you when she threatens you." River teased. "But yes. I promise that I will come back."

I nodded and watched him run off.









I sighed as I looked through the fridge for something to eat.

I ended up grabbing an apple and I walked outside to sit on the porch.

I smiled at the quiet air.

No one was outside and the only noise was the wind blowing through the trees.

But right as I took a bite of my apple, I felt it.

The feeling of dread.

I quickly stood up and scanned the area.

That's when I saw it.

A group of rogue.

How did they get pass?

I dropped the apple and ran back inside.

"Everyone get out here now!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs.

Every room I ran passed, I banged on the door.

"Luna what's wrong?" A guard asked as he ran out of his room when he heard my panicked voice.

"Rogues. Outside. We are under attack." I mumbled as I stared at them.

"Did you say under attacked?" Micah asked as she walked towards me with my grandma.

I nodded. "I was outside and I felt it. Dread. I looked up and I'm staring at a large group of rogues."

"But how?" Julia asked. "Everyone is fighting them at the south border."

"That was a set up." A guard growled. "Everyone get ready! It's about to get messy."

"Luna. You need to go get safe with Miss Julia, Miss Micah, and your grandmother." Another guard said worriedly.

"Oh hell no." I said as I stood up straight. "I'm in charge. River is gone and I'm the Luna. We are going to attack."

"What should we do Luna?" A guard asked as he stared down at me proudly.

I will admit. That felt nice to have someone look at me like that.

"We are going to go head on. They already know that we know that they are here. So we don't have the element of surprise. Get everyone who can't fight to safety. Grandma you should follow them and-"

My grand laughed and cut me off. "Do you know how many times I've escaped from rogues? Bitch please. I got this."

I watched amazed as my grandma pulled out a small machine gun.

I shit you not. It was slightly bigger than a handgun.

"Is that a mini machine gun?" Micah asked.

My grandma nodded. "You'd be surprised at what some werewolves give you when you help them. Let's roll children."

"Luna?" The same guard asked me. "I love your grandma."

"Me too." I smiled as I watched her run down the hall. "Now let's go."

We all ran downstairs and out the front door.

I stopped dead in my tracks as the rogues were right in front of the porch.

"Bout time. I thought I was gonna have to send someone inside. I thought you got lost." A rogue mocked.

"What do you want?" I asked getting annoyed by his presence.

That feeling of dread is stronger than ever.

"You." His simple answer was. "The great ancient healer."

The guards growled stood in front of me.

"You want the Luna? You're going to have to get through us." The guard in front of me growled.

Damn I love my pack.

"Works for me." Another rogue growled.

"Let's win this!" I yelled as I grabbed my gun.

My pack members growled and shifted.

I still think that looks painful.

I watched as a rogue jumped over my shifting members and ran into the house.

"Come on." Micah nodded at me and Julia.

We both nodded and darted inside to face the rogue.

The rogue stopped and growled at us.

"Stupid children." A rogue laughed as he stood next to the wolf. "I can't believe the tough alpha believed it."

"Believe what?" I asked as I raised my gun.

"The small rogue group by the south border." The man laughed. "I knew that would be a great distraction. But I didn't expect the tiny worthless human Luna stepping up and leading this attack."

"Well think again." I smirked as I saw two of my pack members walk up next to me in their wolf form. "And if you think I'm worthless, then why do you want me?"

The man laughed and my pack members growled. "You might be a tiny human and worthless in fighting, but you are the ancient healer. It makes sense now. We heard it was someone named Jack so we were looking for a guy. But it was you all along."

"Wait a minute." I mumbled as I stared at the man. "You are one of the guys that broke into my house and tried to kill me!"

Once he smirked, I knew I was right.

"Bout time you recognized me." He chuckled. "I should have taken you when I had the chance."

I shivered in disgust.

Thank the Lord for River showing up.

"Quit yapping." The man growled. "Let's end this."

"Fine by me." I mumbled as I cocked my gun.

More rogues started to pour into the house and I got scared.

We are so outnumbered.

"Oh hell no you don't!" My grandma yelled as she grabbed her gun.

I watched amazed as she pulled the trigger and rogue after rogue went down.

After she was done, she blew on the barrel and put a roll of new ammo in the gun.

"Can I ask you were you got that?" Micah asked.

"Russia. Helped a pack against rogues and they gave me a couple of these as payment. It was around the time that the healers went into hiding. It was for my protection." My grandma explained.

"Always Russia." Julia laughed.

Micah laughed, but then screamed as a rogue checked her against the wall.

"Micah!" I yelled.

The rogue stood over her and bared his teeth.

I was about to shoot, but a girl popped up out of nowhere and growled at the rogue.

She had long wavy brown hair and piercing electric blue eyes.

She was tall and built and looked pissed off to no end.

I watched as the girl walked right up to the rogue and grabbed him around the neck.

She growled and immediately tightened her grip and the rogue began to whimper.

Holy shit she is strong!

"Don't touch her!" The girl growled as she literally threw it across the room.

I watched amazed as the girl stood protectively in front of Micah.

Oh my gosh. Can it be?

"Are you alright?" The girl asked as she grabbed Micah's hand and lifted her up.

She pulled Micah into her and sniffed her neck.

Oh my gosh. River does that to me when he is trying to calm down.

"Uh y-ya." Micah stuttered as she pulled back and quickly ran over to me.

The girl frowned slightly, but followed Micah over here.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I checked for any injuries.

Micah nodded. "Who is that girl? She is smoking hot. And the way she threw that rogue. Damn."

The girl stood behind Micah and smirked.

"You think I'm smoking hot?" The girl asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

I recognized that look in her eyes. That's the same look that River gives me.


"Uh I-I didn't say that. I-I was just..." Micah trailed off as the girl laughed.

It's weird seeing Micah stutters. She never does. She's always the confident one and the ones she's trying to get with stutters.

"Don't worry little one. I'm glad that my mate thinks I'm hot." The mysterious girl winked at Micah.

"Holy hell." Micah whispered.


MICAH HAS A MATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Everyone deserves to be happy :)

Soo...who do you think she is? Comment what you think. I want to know what you guys come up with ;)

Love you Faithful Shifters!


P.P.S.- Hope you guys like the really long chapter! Literally. I write all of this on Word and it's 9 pages long!! So you guys better like it!


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