Chapter 27: The War Is Coming

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Only 3 more chapters left!!

I'm gonna cry.

It seriously feels like I just started writing this book yesterday. Oh wow.

Welp, to stop myself from crying, I'm gonna make these last chapters worth your wild and they are going to be kick ass!

So I'm done with the flu but I'm feeling some after affects like I'm still kinda tired and my nose is runny, but my friend gave me her sore throat and now I'm pissed lol. Because I just got over my sore throat and now I have it again.

Gonna go down an entire bottle of NyQuill lmao.

But finals are next week and I'm really nervous...

So with that being said, I won't update until after Monday or Monday night because I have my anatomy lab final that day. I will try and update after that sometime because then I have my English and anatomy lecture final Thursday.

Please pray for me haha.

Anywhore, on with the chappie chap chap!

P.S.- Make sure you guys add Girls Rule to your library! Second chapter is out!



"Well look at you." I smirked as I took a sip of my coffee and watched Micah waltz into the kitchen. "I notice that sex hair on you any day."

She flipped my off and grabbed a mug. "Don't talk to me until I've had my morning coffee."

I laughed and placed my mug on the counter top. "Is that a bite mark I see?"

Micah glared at me. "Yes it is. We are fully mated thank you very much."

I chuckled. "Was she good?"

Micah winked. "The best I've been with."

"The last one you'll be with." Dana growled softly as she nuzzled Micah's neck.

"Ew. Love." Cooper laughed.

"Be nice." Julia scolded. "Everyone deserves to be happy."

"Except you." River laughed.

Cooper made a face and walked to the living room.

"Fully mated too I smell." Dana teased as I stuck my tongue out at her.

"So what are your plans?" River asked.

Dana sighed. "I don't know."

"She can't leave though. Because then Micah will leave." I said quickly. "She can stay right?"

"That's not up to me." River said as he kissed my forehead. "She would have to talk to her dad."

"I don't want to leave." Micah said softly. "I like it here. My home is here."

Dana smiled sweetly and rubbed Micah's back. "We can stay here. As long as it's okay with the alpha and Luna."

River laughed at Dana.

"She can stay." I said quickly.

"She can now?" River asked in a teasing voice with his eyebrow raised.

I nodded. "Yes. I said so. And even if you would say no, I outrank you."

"My bad your majesty." River chuckled as he bowed.

I nodded with a smile and patted his head. "Good boy."

"Come on Jack." My grandma smiled. "Time to go train."

I groaned but nodded. "Come on Critter."

"Your raccoon is so cute." Dana smiled.

Critter glared at her and let out a hiss.

I sighed. "Critter. She is a good werewolf."

Critter looked her up and down and flipped his tail at her.

"Did I just get flipped off?" Dana asked laughing as Critter climbed up my shoulder.

I nodded with a small chuckle. "It's not you, trust me. Critter can smell if someone is a werewolf. He only likes certain ones here."

"Don't take it personal. He flipped me off too." Hank laughed.

"Glad I'm not the only one then." Dana smiled at Critter.

Critter growled slightly and nuzzled into my neck.

"I'm going to go talk with the guys while you train." River smiled.

"Have fun." I laughed as I walked with my grandma outside.



"What did they say this time?" I asked as I sat down at my desk with the three letters in front of me.

"Here it is alpha." One of my pack members said as he handed me the new letter. "Patrol found it this morning around 7."

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" I growled as I looked over the letter.

"W-we tried." He mumbled. "You didn't answer."

I sighed heavily and read the letter.

"It's the same as the others." I said as I stood up.

I growled as slammed the letter on the table.

"They aren't going to touch her! And now they know that her grandma is one, this isn't good." I mumbled. "There are going to try even harder now."

I am so stressed right now.

'You and me both.' Leo sighed. 'I just want to be wrapped up with Jack right now.'

'Tonight we will be.' I promised.

'We better.' Leo growled.

"This is getting out of hand River." Nolan said as Cooper nodded.

"He's right. They already broke through once and used a trap for us so we would leave. They are planning now." Cooper added.

"Since when do rogues plan?" I asked confused. "They aren't organized like we are. They just do everything without thinking and hope they get it right."

"Well this group of rogues do plan." Cooper sighed as he rubbed his face. "We have to step it up. Get more training done with the guards."

"We need to keep the patrol tight. I want more on the shifts and we change the guards and the times every other day. I think they are studying them. I don't want anything getting in or out." I commanded.

"Yes alpha." The guards nodded as they left my office.

I sighed as I sank back into my chair.

"You okay man?" Cooper asked as he sat down across from me.

"No." I said as I looked at him and Nolan. "This is getting out of hand. They keep leaving letters and I have to make everyone look like nothing is wrong. I feel bad for keeping this from her. And we don't even know where the rogues are hiding. They are sitting back and watching us and we can't even find them."

"You're doing the right thing. She can't know about this." Nolan said softly. "I know it sucks keeping it from her because I have to do the same thing with Julia. But it's for the best. It will protect them and they won't have to worry about it."

"I'm just surprised she hasn't found out about it. I mean the letters get scattered all over the north border. Jack passes it all the time." Cooper said with a shrug.

"Wait a minute." Nolan said as he stood up. "Say the second part again."

"Jack passes it all the time?" Cooper asked.

Nolan shook his head. "Before that."

"I'm surprised she hasn't found about it?"

Nolan groaned. "After that you moron."

"Oh!" Cooper remembered as he stood up. "The letters are scattered all over the north border."

"That's it!" Nolan smiled as he pointed to Cooper. "All the letters that we have received have been on the north border side. That's where the rogues are hiding."

"What if it's just their dumping ground?" Cooper asked as he looked at Nolan. "They could be stationed somewhere else and they are just dumping the letters there."

"It's still worth a shot." I spoke up. "We need to get trackers there."

"I can tell them." Cooper said before his eyes fogged over.

"Once we have enough information, we are attacking. I'm wiping out these rogues once and for all. I'm tired of them messing with my pack." I said determined.


Welp. Keep the comments and votes coming!

Love you all Faithful Shifters!



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