Chapter 5: The Starbucks Run-In

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(Nolan and Julia up top!)

This book is so much fun to write haha.

Had a blast in St. Louis! Oh my gosh it was so much fun.

And that awkward moment when you run into your ex in walmart and he texts saying he was thinking about you the entire way home and how much he misses you.

Pft...bitch please. You don't miss me XD

Anywhore. On with the story shall we?



It's been a couple days since I last talked to the wolf.

Not gonna lie. I'm gonna miss him.

"What are you thinking about?" Micah asked as we waited for our coffee before work.

"Just the wolf." I said standing in line.

"Has he come by again?" Micah asked.

I told her all about the wolf and how he and the other one will come and visit me.

I shook my head. "It's been a couple days. What if something happened to him?"

Micah laughed. "Have you seen the size of that thing? I think they will be perfectly fine."

"I hope so." I said sighing.

I heard my phone ding and I grabbed it out of my pocket.

One New Message it read.

I opened it and smiled.

Errold: Still on for tonight? :)

Me: I am :)

Errold: I'll talk to you later. Have fun at work ;)

"Ooh." Micah giggled. "I know that smile. Errold texted you?"

I nodded.

Critter lost one of his toys, so I made a quick run to PetSmart yesterday.

I ran into a guy my age and it was Errold.

After talking for a little bit, we exchanged numbers and he asked if he could take me out tonight.

Of course I said yes.

"Maybe he'll ask you to be his girlfriend." Micah winked

I giggled. "You think?"

Micah nodded. "Oh ya. He totally fancies you."

"Jack!" The lady at the counter called.

"That's me." I smiled.

"Have a nice day." She smiled as she handed me my coffee.

"Thank you. You too." I smiled back.

"Hot guy at 3 o'clock." Micah winked as she nudged me.

"Where?" I asked as I turned around.

Only to run into a chest.

I gasped as my coffee covered both of us.

Found the hot guy...

"I am so sorry." I said as I took my napkin and tried to wipe off his shirt.

Why does this shit always happen to me?

"It's okay." The guy laughed as he softly grabbed my hand.

I froze.

And I thought my dad had a deep voice.

I slowly looked up and I was met with beautiful deep brown eyes that seemed to be getting darker and darker by the second.

The guy had short brown hair.

Holy fudge cakes. He had to be at least over 6'5 or something.

"Are you alright?" He asked with a dazzling smile.

I gulped and nodded.

I focused on his hand that was still holding mine.

I felt sparks.

The same kind of sparks that I felt when I touched the wolf.

"Jack?" I heard Micah call me.

I snapped out of it and quickly stepped away from the man.

"I'm good. I'm good." I said nodding.

"Jack?" The man laughed. "Isn't that a boy's name?"

I chuckled and nodded. "Ya. The screen during the ultrasound had a missing pixel or something so it made it look like I had a guy part. So my parents named me Jack."

"Well I like it." The sexy man smiled. "It's unique. It fits you."

"T-thank you." I blushed.

"I'm River." He smiled as he stuck his hand out.

I shook it and felt the amazing sparks again. "Jack. But you already found that out."

He laughed and gave me a big warm smile.

"Come on Jack." Micah laughed. "We have work to go to. Then you have to get ready for your date."

I blushed and River frowned.

"You have a date tonight?" He asked tightly.

I nodded. "Ya. It's nothing major."

"Nothing major?" Micah asked astonished. "He could ask you to be his girlfriend tonight. You have to look hot!"

"Micah!" I yelling laughing.

"Um I don't think that's a good idea." River said suddenly. "He could be an axe murder or something."

"It's okay River." I laughed. "I have Critter to protect me."

"He's so cute." River gushed as he looked at Critter.

Critter hissed and swatted at him.

"Critter!" I yelled and took him away from River. "I'm so sorry. He's never like this. He loves people."

River laughed. "It's okay. Honest."

"Okay." I sighed.

"So where is your date?" River asked.

I got a good look at his facial expression.

He looked pissed and jealous.

Why, I would never know.

"He's taking me to Red Lobster." I said smiling. "I love sea food."

"You shouldn't go." River said frowning.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Because I don't want you to go." He mumbled.

I scoffed and put my hands on my hips. "You aren't the boss of me."

River let out a small growl.

He gave me one last look and turned around.

"That was uh interesting." Micah laughed. "Come on. Duty calls."










I sighed as I got home from work.

I jumped as I heard scratching on my back door.

I opened it and smiled as I saw the brown wolf.

"Hey." I smiled as I sat down on the back porch with him.

He let out a purr as I rubbed his head.

"I really need to find you a name." I mumbled.

The wolf looked happy and nodded.

"So let's see." I said studying him. "Todd?"

The wolf shook his head.


The wolf gave me the look.

"Okay okay." I said laughing. It was a cute name though. What about Leo?"

I love that name. I got it from Will & Grace. He is Grace's husband.

The wolf nodded and started to jump around.

"Okay." I giggled. "Leo it is."

The wolf purred and started to lick my face.

I giggled and pushed him away.

I sighed and rested my chin on my arms.

The wolf looked at me and titled his head.

"I'm okay." I mumbled.

Leo gave me the look again.

"Fine. I met this really cute guy today at Starbucks this morning. Well more like ran into the cute guy." I laughed. "It was weird. It felt like a part of me is missing, but when I saw him, I felt whole. I got the warmest feeling ever. It was strange. But I liked it."

The wolf walked over and sat down next to me and put his head on my shoulder.

"His name is River. Tall, tan, and handsome." Leo let out a small laugh. "He was really nice. And rocked cowboy boots if I do say so myself. But then he got mad. I mentioned that I have a date tonight and River got all defensive. What does that mean?"

I groaned and looked over at Leo.

"I don't know what to do. Once I met River, the thought of the date flew out the window. I feel sick just thinking about going." I sighed. "But I already said I would. So I have to go get ready. I'll talk to you later Leo."

I petted his head and gave him a kiss.

Critter hissed at him and ran inside the house.

I rolled my eyes. Weird little raccoon.


Aww. Poor Jack.

Anywhore. Keep the comments and votes comin!

Love you all my crazy little fans ;)


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