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Hey guys! I'm really sorry for falling off the face of the earth lol. Work has been hectic and it's so exhausting. I'm doing third shift but I'm also doing first shift for training so this past week I'm running on probably 5 hours of sleep for all of last week and then I barely got any sleep last night because I worked third shift and then I had to wake up for first shift. So It's a blast lol.

And also, if you have a crush on a guy, don't. Throw that crush away because all crushes do is crush your life and make you depressed lmao. Take my word for it!

Epilogue time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please don't cry because then I will cry lol.

Anywhore. Enough of hearing me blab. Let's finally get to the last chapter of this awesome book.



"Guys." I whined. "I don't know how to say it."

"Do you want this?" Julia asked.

I nodded. "More than anything."

"Then you need to tell him babe." Micah smiled as Dana nodded.

I groaned. "What if he says no?"

Cooper and Nolan scoffed.

"Jack. He wants too. He even talked to us about it." Nolan laughed.

"He did?" I asked shocked.

Cooper nodded. "He did. He has been for a while. When we won the war 2 months ago, he has been talking about it."

I smiled and got up.

"Thanks guys!" I yelled.

"She grew up so fast." I heard Micah laugh.

I ran to River's office door and opened it.

River looked up and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey baby." He smiled as I walked over to him.

"Hey." I smiled as I straddled his lap and put my arms around his neck.

He looked at me weirdly.

"What?" I asked laughing.

"You look oddly happy." He chuckled.

"What? I can't be happy?" I smirked.

He laughed and pecked my nose. "No. You can be. But you just look extremely happy for it being nine in the morning. You are usually threatening everyone who even looks in your general direction."

"Oh ya." I said with an awkward chuckle. "But I really needed to talk to you."

"Bout what?" River asked as he pulled me closer to him.

"Well I was wondering." I said as I traced the pattern of his shirt. "If we could move into my house that I lived in before I met you."

"What for?" River asked confused. "I thought you liked living here."

I nodded. "I do. But we are gonna need more room."

"More room for what?" River asked.

"For when we start a family." I smiled as River's eyes went wide.

"Y-you want to start a family?" He asked while a smile grew on his face.

I nodded. "I do. I want to start a family. I mean we got married last week. I want to take the next step River. I want to start a family."

"Oh my gosh. Oh my fucking gosh." River smiled as he jumped out of his chair with me in his arms. "Let's do it. We can start right now."

I chuckled as River walked out of the room with me in his arms as he placed kisses all over my face.

"Where are you guys going?" Cooper asked as we passed everyone.

"To start a family." River said happily.

"Oh my gosh." I groaned into his shoulder. "I can't believe you just said that."

"Ooh get it girl!" Micah yelled with a wink. "Better let your inner whore out!"

"We are gonna start a family." River whispered happily. "It's finally happening."

I smiled as I heard him talk to himself about the future.

It's nice hearing someone being that happy about it.

I can't wait either.


5 years later.

"Don't run with those!" I scolded.

"Sorry mommy." My five year old son, Sean, said with his head down.

I laughed slightly and kneeled down grabbing the scissors. "It's okay baby. But you can't run with scissors. You can get hurt."

He smiled and nodded his head really fast. "And that would be bad."

"Well at least he has werewolf healing." River chuckled as he closed the door.

"That's not the point." I said sternly.

"You're right." He gave me a cheesy smile and kissed my cheek before he bent down. "Hello there little one."

I smiled as he pecked my belly and rubbed it.

"Ooh! I felt her kick!" He said with a killer smile.

"Ya." I chuckled. "She's been kicking a lot."

"That means she's healthy." River smiled.

"When is she going to come out?" Sean asked as he stared at my big belly.

"Anytime now." I smiled as he placed his hands on it.

"Ooh. She's moving mommy." Sean said happily with a giant smile.

I nodded and placed my hands over Sean's hands. "She is. She might be hungry."

"Lunch time!" Sean yelled happily and he ran to the kitchen.

"Oh I forgot. The gang is coming over tonight for supper." River said as he grabbed some plates out of the cupboard.

I nodded. "Works for me. I can make spaghetti."

"Yes please." Sean smiled. "Does that mean Alice, Kevin, and Kennedy are coming over?"

I nodded. "Yes it does."

Nolan and Julia ended up having a boy and Sean and Kevin became best friends.

Cooper ended up finding his mate when a new pack moved in next to us and they have a little girl named Alice.

Micah wanted a daughter and Dana couldn't say no to her. So they went and adopted a little girl named Kennedy.

Kevin and Kennedy are six, while Alice and Sean are both five.

They are all inseparable. They will do anything together.

"So what are you going to ask Santa for?" I asked smiling at River.

River smiled back and took out his phone ready to type everything that Sean says.

"I really want a new firetruck and a tank for my G.I. Joe." Sean smiled. "And maybe a girl G.I. Joe."

"Why's that buddy?" I asked smiling.

"Because you and daddy are in love. I want my G.I. Joe to have that too." Sean explained with a small smile. "Everyone deserves to be in love. And you and daddy are always happy. So why can't my G.I. Joe be happy too?"

"That was so cute Sean." I said as I kissed the top of his head.

"Will I be in love too someday?" Sean asked.

"Of course." River smiled. "You are going to meet someone who is so amazing and you are just going to know."

I blushed as River looked at me.

"Is that how you found mommy?" Sean asked smiling.

River nodded. "I remember when I first laid my eyes on her. She was the most beautiful girl that I have ever laid my eyes on. Her smile, her gorgeous eyes. I couldn't look away. I wanted to talk to her so badly."

"Why didn't you?" Sean asked confused.

River chuckled. "She didn't know about werewolves at the time."

"You didn't?" Sean asked me.

I shook my head. "No I didn't. When I first met your father, I didn't know it was him. I thought he was just a regular wolf who ended up in the vet clinic that I worked at."

"You were hurt?" Sean asked worried.

"I was." River smiled as he ruffled Sean's hair. "Not anymore."

"That's good." Sean sighed in relief. "Because that wouldn't be good. And mommy would be sad. I don't want to see mommy sad."

"I don't either buddy." River smiled as he got up and pecked my cheek.

"Good. Because mommy can never be sad. I won't let it." Sean said determined.

"That's good." I laughed at Sean.

"And every time you get sad, I will be there with you so it will go away." Sean smiled. "Because no girl needs to be sad."

"The words of a true man." River said proudly.

"And I won't ever let my baby sister be sad too." Sean said as he nodded to himself. "I will always make her happy. I can chase away her sadness."

"You will make a great big brother." I smiled.

"I can't wait for her to come out." Sean smiled excitedly as he softly kissed my belly.

"I can't either baby." I smiled as I kissed his head.

"Same here." River smiled as he pecked my lips.

The future is looking bright.


It's officially over.

Gonna go fucking cry myself to sleep now. Seriously. It's so sad.

I really want to thank all of you for reading this book. It means a lot and seeing all the positive comments that you guys have said about this book is why I wrote it. Hell. It's why I write books.

Your comments keep me going and seeing all the support I have gotten for writing books and even about my personal life is amazing. I love you guys so much.

You guys have gotten me through a lot and there were so many times that I just wanted to say fuck it and give up. But then I remember the support that you guys give me and I love it. I love all of you guys so so so much. You are true Faithful Shifters. You guys have stood up to me when people have talked shit about my books and when they steal my ideas. You have always been there for me.

And this is why I write.

I love you Faithful Shifters and I will hopefully see you guys in my next books!

-MommaShifter forever

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