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Time unknown


It was painfully cold. I can't feel my own foot or hands, they're all completely numb.

My head felt so heavy, my vision was a blur. I don't know where my glasses had gone to, which later I found out that it is, in fact— not with me.

My bed was strolled along to another room. The room only had a few selectives occupant. I had no idea who they are. Their eyes unfocused, even with my blurry sight I can clearly see how pale they looked. Um, duh. What are you? Stupid? They're sick obviously! I mentally scolded myself.

It was the silence and waiting that irritated me the most. My bed was situated right at the end of the room. It was pleasant if not for the extreme coldness. There's also a huge window for me to squint annoyingly at since I don't have my glasses. I hate hospitals.

I can't really tell who is beside me— I'd have to thank the curtains for that.  I love my privacy thank you very much. But I'm sure that it was some middle aged man because his voice is pretty deep and rough. Like an old person's voice. Lots of cracks. I was minding my own business, thinking of an escape plan, until the man decided to interrupt me.

He coughs a lot, that man. From what I can tell, the shadows on the curtains shows me that all the nurses crowded  him in an instant. It made me feel alarmed for a second there. He was mumbling incoherent words, I can only make out him saying "This ain't fit, agh!"

It took them around 20 minutes to get him wear those hospital pants. I feel the same honestly, laying on an extremely thin bedding, almost naked in a hospital gown. Not to forget that it was cold as fuck too. Makes you think about corpses.

At that moment, I prayed to myself for this to be a one time thing.

Somehow an hour passed. I'm still rubbing my hands and legs all over the bed, trying to get warm. It didn't  work. 

I don't know what time it was, but I realized that my head was getting heavier. I was getting sleepy. I shook my head and sat up. Sitting behind the curtains, I observed all the nurses running here and there to tend others. When will they take me? I thought. It should've been my turn for the operation already.

Turns out it was that old man again. I watched him getting pulled out of the operation room. He was coughing loudly for the whole room to hear. While he was wailing in pain, there's another woman beside me too. She was talking animatedly with a nurse.  Gossiping perhaps? My mind goes.

After the old man calmed down, I assume it was my turn next. I mean, I can't stay like this forever! I'm half naked and freezing as fuck!

That is at least what I told myself for another 30 minutes. The old man— Ismail, his name, I learned after watching 5 nurses and 1 random dude I have no idea where he came from— trying to wake him up from being unconscious. It must've been the sedatives I guessed. That old man sure took his sweet time getting smacked by 5 female nurses yelling at him to wake the fuck up.

A minute passed by. Suddenly 2 nurses slide my curtains and pushed my bed into another room. I knew perfectly well what that room was.

Okay, first of all let me say this. That nurse was a motherfucker a'ight. It's like living up the thug life meme all the way alright. She literally took 3 needles full of liquid inside and fuckin stick that shit up in my motherfucking IV so hard I could've SHIT MYSELF.

Okay. That happened. And I knew right at that moment, I was doomed. She sprayed something in my mouth, it was pretty nasty not gonna lie. Then she gave me a gag which I find not kinky at all mind you. That nurse was going to kill me!


In the end I woke up high as hell and almost tripped on my own IV drip.  Bless. 

I'm so happy that I'm out.

Stay healthy guys. Xoxo.

Signing off,

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