1 - Seventeen Birthday Bullets

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-Fourteen Years Later-

"Do it. Do it, I dare you, Rainy." Tony nagged at me from the side. Pepper punched him in the shoulder and laughed lightly. The rest of the team sits around me. In my eyes, they are my family. They always have been.

"Ten bucks says she makes all but one!" Clint pipes up. I lower my gun and turn back to him, giving him an evil glare. Tony chuckles and reaches into the pocket of his jeans. He pulls out a ten dollar bill and lays it on the table next to his beer.

"You're on." Tony shakes Clint's hand and takes another sip of his beer.

"Are you with me or against me, Clint?" I ask.

"Prove him wrong, Maggie!" Nat cheers me on and smacks Clint in the back of his head. He grabs his head and laughs. "You and I always did shoot better then the boys." Nat taunts.

"Snap!" I chuckle and turn back towards the hanging target at the end of the range. I can hear Tony and Clint begin to argue with Nat. Pepper was too busy laughing.

"You did not just go there!" Clint sasses.

"Shut up, I'm trying to make the shot." I yell. They all quiet down with a little bit of laughter in the mix. Then, it was just a gun, a target, and a ridiculous bet.

Since today is my seventeenth birthday, I am challenged to shoot seventeen birthday bullets in the center bullseye. The catch is, I have to shoot all seventeen of the them in one spot. They have to land in the bullseye and in the same hole. It's tricky, but it's fun. 

This was all Tony's idea.

I take a deep breath, release the tension in my shoulders, and place my finger on the trigger. I take aim, drowning out any extra noises and pull the trigger. I fire rapidly, one after the next, after the next. And then, all seventeen bullets are gone. I lower my gun and turn around the crowd behind me.

"That looked..." Clint began.

"Close. You just lost the bet, Barton." Tony jumps in, standing from his chair and walking over to the control center. He punches a couple of buttons, and the target begins to glide back towards us. "Get ready to pay up, Barton."

We all gather around the target and watch as it comes sliding to a stop. I laugh and throw my arms in the air when I look at the target. I nailed the bullseye and made seventeen shots in one hole. That was the first time I had ever done that. Natasha and Pepper each give me a celebratory hug.

"Ooh! Burn, Barton! Now hand it over!" Tony holds out his hand and Clint begins to dig through his wallet, and eventually pulls out a ten. Tony snatches it out of his hand and stuffs it into his pocket. He collects the ten he placed on the table and stuffed it back into his pocket as well.

"You're all children." I smirk and replace the empty magazine with a new fully loaded one.

The gym door opens and closes softly. It's Dad, dressed in his workout clothes and carrying his gym bag. He's probably here to work with the punching bag. 

The gym and the shooting range are in the same giant room. While it is unusual to see these two rooms set up together like that, it does come in handy. When I train, I begin with target practice and then move over to the gym side to run and build my strength.

I do all of this with the hopes of becoming an Avenger. I want to make my parents proud.

 Dad sighs and shoots an evil glare directly at Tony. "Tony, what illegal activity are you teaching my kid this time?" Dad doesn't sound surprised. He sets his bag down on the nearby bench and unzips it. He begins to wrap his hands in bandages.

"We haven't decided what your big birthday stunt will be this year yet, Maggie!" Tony nudges me in the shoulder and smirks.

"I don't know, I don't think anything can top what happened last year." Clint adds.

"I can't lie. Skydiving over Area 51 was quite the thrill." I chuckle and place my gun back in the holster on my side. Dad shakes his head in disproval and approaches the punching bag, bouncing on his toes to warm up for the first punch.

"My favorite is the time you both snuck off the tour of Buckingham palace and played hide and seek." Clint starts to laugh really hard, "And you ended up in the queen's executive office somehow."

"Remind me to never let you both go on a 'business trip' to England again." Dad says, throwing punches. The bag jerks back with every punch, but he managed to not break it.

"Don't forget the year that Tony locked the world famous pianist in his room and snuck you on stage to play at Carnegie Hall." Pepper suddenly joins in.

"I got a standing ovation." I smiled, thinking back to that amazing day.

"It's a miracle that both of you aren't in jail." Dad takes a break and turns back to me.

"The only reason that we both aren't in jail is because I'm Tony Stark." Tony shrugs. Natasha nods slowly in agreement. Pepper smirks again.

Dad crosses his arms and glares at Tony, "I wish you had some common sense, Stark. Maggie's old enough now to know better then pull of stunts like that." He then looks straight at me, "No stunts this year, Rainy."

"Aw, come on, Dad!" I whine and walk toward him.

"No. Rainy, you've got to start acting mature and your own age. You're seventeen now."

"I am mature. I just fired seventeen shots in the bullseye in the same hole. I'm on the path to becoming an Avenger. If that's not mature then I don't know what is." I reply, standing my ground.

"Seventeen shots in one hole doesn't prove anything." He fires back.

"Maybe not to you, but what about everyone else? What about the team? It proves to them that I'm good enough to be one of the world's mightiest heroes. To follow not only in your footsteps, but Mom's as well. Isn't that what you want?" I ask.

"All I ever wanted was for you to live a normal life. Your mother wanted the very same for you. We never wanted to bring you into this life. We wanted to protect you, Rainy."

"But in the end it's my choice. It's my life."

"It is your life, but we just want you to be safe." Dad steps closer to me as well.

"I am safe. Look around you. I'm surrounded by the best heroes the world has ever known. And what about you? You're the super soldier. I'm perfectly safe with you."

Dad shakes his head and chuckles lightly, "You got your mother's strong will and stubbornness." I lose my tension and grin from the corner of my mouth. "It's strange that you don't look exactly like her."

"I'm more like you than mom. At least, that's what everyone tells me." I pause and stare at my feet. "I don't really remember her."

Dad lowers his arms and lets the punching bag swing in the air. "You were too young to remember her. She loved you, and you were her world. That's all that matters." Dad stands in front of me. 

"Your mother was an amazing woman, Maggie." Natasha smiles lightly.

I grin, wishing I could remember Mom. But I was so little. Every story dad would tell me about mom made her seem like the most amazing person, and I never got to know her. Mom decided that she wanted to fly back to New York to to mend some relationships with her friends. I was never told who the certain 'friends' were. I stayed behind with Dad. Mom never made it to the airport. The police found her car completely destroyed and blood soaking the road. It was Mom's blood. They never found her body.

"What happened to your Mother was never supposed to happen." Tony steps closer to me, holding hands with Pepper.

"You still don't know who killed her?" I asked, the sadness building up inside of me.

"There were no other witnesses. No one knows who committed the crime." Tony answers.

I tuck my gun into my thigh holster and cross my arms. I wonder if they are still looking for the one who took my mom. I see no reason why they should stop looking for that person. I would give anything to get my mom back. Maybe this could be my chance. The chance to find the one who killed her. I can become an agent and reopen Mom's case.

"Are you still searching for suspects?" I ask.

"As much as we would like to keep searching, it's no use." Clint speaks up.

"We wrapped it up years ago. It's a dead end, Rainy." Tony finishes, "I'm sorry."

I find my tone of voice beginning to change, "My mother was a part of the team. You are all more than a team. You guys are a family. Don't you think my mom deserves justice?"

"Alice deserves justice. She deserves a lot of justice." Dad steps forwards and rests a hand on my shoulder. I knock his hand off of my shoulder.

"Then why haven't you done anything?" I grow angry.

Dad sighs, "Maggie, we've tried. Every search ended even more depressing then the last-"

"That's no reason to stop!" I argue.

"We never wanted to stop! We were forced to cancel the search. We had other missions. We had to move on." Dad replies. I take off towards the door to the gym. Dad calls after me, "Maggie, stop!"

I whirl around, my hand on the doorknob, "If there's one thing that I've learned from growing up here, it's that this isn't a team. This is a family. A family will fight to protect each other. A family will stand tall and seek revenge when one of their own is struck down. I'm tired of training every day for nothing. I'm tired of watching you pretend that my mother's death is something to 'move on' from. You're the Avengers! If you're going to do anything, rise up and avenge my mom's death! If you won't, then I will." I storm out, hoping that they would find the power to reopen Mom's case.

The tears roll down my face as I walk down the hallway, my head lowered to avoid people seeing me cry. I swipe away the tears on my cheeks.

When times are rough, I always hide away in my room where my keyboard is. It doesn't matter what mood I am in, there's a piece for every mood. Music has always been my escape.

When I find myself at a loss for words, music is always there to be my voice.

Today is one of those days where I just want to play my pain away.


A/N: I may have stayed up until 1 AM writing last night... Oh well! I wanted to get another chapter up today! So, here we go! Please ignore my small writing errors if you find them. Its been a while since I've written, so I'm a little rusty. Thanks for reading :)

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