3 - What's Best For You

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"You know, this is where I took your Mother for our very first date." Dad grinned as we walked along the sidewalk towards the restaurant. 

I could see the little building off in the distance. It was at the end of the street. Although this place served amazing food, the outside of the building was a total dump. I'm surprised Mom actually agreed to a date here. I would be concerned if someone brought me here for a date.

"The building is a little worse on the outside than it used to be, but the food hasn't changed." He continues. "It's just as amazing as it was back then."

As we continue to walk towards the restaurant, I can't help but feel like Dad has a reason for bringing me here. Maybe it was because I was missing my Mom and coming here would help us both feel better? Maybe Dad just wants to talk about the future. 

"Dad," I begin. "Is there a reason why we are going out for dinner tonight?"

"Do we need a reason to go out for dinner?" He replies, acting a little too casual.

I raise my eyebrows in suspicion. "Well to be completely honest, I don't remember the last time we actually went out for dinner together. We go out as a team sometimes, but the last time we went out for dinner together was the night before you left for Sokovia. You know, back when you had to find Loki's scepter. You told me it would be dangerous." My tone grows quiet as I remember the overwhelming emotions from that night.

Dad sighs softly. "I know. I'm sorry I haven't taken you out for dinner more than I have-"

"You're avoiding my question." I cut him off.

We reach the front of the restaurant when Dad stops and turns to me. "Yes, there is a reason why I brought you out for dinner tonight."

I begin to worry. He could be leaving for a sudden mission tomorrow that I didn't know about, and he just now finds the time to tell me. "A good reason?"

Dad looks a little nervous. This can't be good.

"I hope you'll find it to be a good reason." He responds and grabs the door to the restaurant. He holds it open for me, but he can see that I'm worried. "Relax, Rainy. I'm not leaving for a mission."

I let out a huge sigh of relief and pass through the door.


The empty supreme pizza pan sat in front of us with nothing but a few bread crumbs remaining. Dad and I had completely demolished one large pizza together. To be fair, I only had two slices. Dad ate the rest. He could probably eat another pizza after this. I can't say that I blame him. It was truly delicious.

"Okay. You said you brought me here for a reason. Tell me what it is." I wipe a mixture of grease and cooking oil off of my hands with my napkin.

Dad sighs and looks down at the table as he searches for words. Whatever he has to tell me, this has to be huge. Maybe this is what I've been waiting for. Maybe he's finally come to his senses and decided that I can become an Avenger. It's what I've always wanted.

"I've really had to think about this for a while, Maggie." He begins. My mind is already beginning to perk up. This is the start to something great. "I hope that you'll be happy with my decision. I made this decision because it is the best for you. It's what your mother and I always wanted."

Wait a minute. This isn't right.

"I signed you up for high school, Cloud." He offers a smile and tries to sell the information to me as happily as he can, but all I can give in response is a dropped jaw.

"You did... what?"

He chuckles a little in happiness. "Surprise! Now, I know this information is a lot to take in, but I really think you'll love it! Hopefully, you'll love school more than I did. Alice and I always wanted this for you. Now, we are finally able to explore that option!"

"I'm sorry... what?"

Dad begins to look puzzled as if he thinks I don't understand what he's saying, but I understand every single word that's coming out of his mouth. "High school, Maggie." His expression drops flat completely as I continue to absorb the information I just learned. "Midtown School of Science and Technology. It's in Queens. I've been looking into it for a while now and I think it's a great school for you. You've always been gifted when it comes to science and such thanks to Bruce and Tony. I've heard good things about it and the staff. I've heard it is an amazing school."

My brows scrunch together as I look down at the table in confusion.

"Come on, Maggie. Say something! Aren't you excited?"

I try to think of any other way to tell Dad that this is the dumbest idea that he has ever had. I try to think of how to say it nicely and without erupting into a cursing fit. All of these years that I have worked and trained to be an Avenger, and Dad just goes off and signs me up for some stupid high school in Queens? I've always been homeschooled by Tony and Bruce. They have always taught me everything that I had to learn for my homeschooling courses. They are excellent teachers! Now, Dad just decides that they aren't good enough for me anymore?

"You... you didn't ask me first." My tone comes out more serious than I wanted it to be. I can see that Dad is shocked and he looks a little pissed.

"Rainy, listen-"

"No. You listen." I blurt out. I'm definitely going to get grounded for this. It's too late to turn back now. "You can't just sign me up for some random high school without my permission. This is my life and my education that you're talking about. You can't just tell me that I can't be homeschooled anymore. I should get to choose! You're trying to lay out my entire life right in front of me when you don't even consider what I really want, and you know what I really want! You're just so caught up in me choosing the 'normal' path in life that you don't realize how badly I just want to carry on your legacy and Mom's."

Dad is growing a little tense, but he also looks absolutely shocked. "Maggie-"

"You think you're doing what's best for me. You're not. I want to be an Avenger. I want to fight for this world. I want to keep the legacy alive, and I want you to understand!"


"Just because you can sign me up for high school, doesn't mean I'm going." I stand and shove my chair back from the table. 

I march right out of the doors and pull out my cell phone. I scroll through my contacts until Tony's number pops up on the screen. I continue to stomp down the street as I press the call button. I look behind me to see if Dad is following me, but he's not. He's still sitting at the table.

"Hey, Mags." Tony's voice comes through my phone.

"Tony, please come pick me up." I reply quickly. "Please."

My hand starts shaking slightly as fear starts to take over me. I've never snapped at Dad like that before, and now I'm probably going to be grounded for life. I'm definitely not going to be an Avenger now. 

I can feel my eyes start to glaze over with tears.

"Hold on, Maggie. Are you okay? Where are you?" Tony sounds worried.

"I'm walking out of the pizza place that Dad took me. You know which one it is. I'm walking back towards the old Avenger's Tower. Please, Tony, please come get me."

"Okay. Hold on, kiddo. I'm on my way now. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I don't even know where to start." A single tear slides down my cheek as I begin to choke up.

"Okay, relax. Just hold on, okay? I'm pulling out of the building now. I would take one of my suits, but Friday is busy updating some of the software. Where's Steve?"

"Just meet me at the old tower, okay? I'll be waiting for you." Without giving Tony a chance to reply, I end the call and shove my phone back into my pocket as I continue down the street.

The new Avenger's building is out in the woods of upper New York. It will take Tony about twenty minutes or so to get here, depending on whether he speeds or not. Either way, it's a ten minute walk to the old tower. 

I need to clear my head. I need to relax. I need to talk to someone who isn't Dad. Tony has always been my second emergency number. My father is the first. I know Tony will understand everything.

Maybe he can be the voice of reason I need right now.


Steve Rogers sits alone at the table by the window in the pizza place. He squeezes his eyes shut as he thinks about everything that his daughter said to him. 

They were things he didn't expect to hear from her. He was hoping that she would be happy with the decision to go to high school. He was hoping she would thank him for the opportunity.

He now sees that she may never be happy if she continues to try for the 'normal' life that Alice had always wanted her to have. How could he be mad at her? Her reaction was completely like Alice. She stood her ground and stated her case and said exactly what was on her mind. She wasn't afraid to stand tall for something that she was passionate about.

Steve reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out his old compass from the 1940's. It was the same one that he took with him into war. It was the same one that he placed on the dashboard of the HYDRA jet when he decided to put it in the water in order to save countless lives. 

Now, the metal compass was rusted around the edges. As he pulled on the lid of the compass he found himself trying not to choke up.

Inside of the compass, right where Peggy Carter's picture used to sit, his beloved wife Alice smiled back at him. 

It was a simple picture of her. It was taken before they were married. Her light brown hair sat in loose curls that framed her face. Her bright eyes were so colorful and full of life.

All of this was back when she was full of life.

I'm trying, Alice. I'm trying so hard. What more can I do?


A/N: A world of change for Maggie! I'll try to publish more chapters within the next two weeks. I'm not sure how often I will be able to write once college starts! I'm starting college soon... this is crazy!

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