A Risk Taker

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Bruce would remove the bullet, here, at Stark tower. Not quite a hospital environment, but it will have to do.

Unfortunately, Bruce could only numb my leg, and I couldn't sleep through the pain.

This will be interesting.

I didn't want to watch him. It's not that I don't have a strong stomach, it's just I don't want to watch a bullet get removed from my hip.

The elevator doors slide open. The whole team was there. The entire team went straight to the bar to get a drink. Well, Except for Steve. He ran straight to the couch. He knelt beside me, taking my hand in his.

"Hey, sweetie." He whispers. He kisses my forehead. I see his eyes were beginning to gloss over.

I reach out and press my hand to his face. I swipe my thumb across the bottom of his eye. The tear, which had not yet fallen, was collected on my thumb. He grabbed my hand before I could pull it away from his face.

"What did you say to him? The guy who came to get the money, what did you say to him?" Steve asks.

"The Winter Soldier could hear the whole conversation we were having. So I insulted him. I was a little bit sassy." I smirk.

"You're lucky your sass didn't get you killed." Steve replies,

"It was worth it." I add.

"You are quite the risk taker." Steve chuckles.

"Funny how that same man told me that as well." I comment.

Bruce digs into his bag and pulls out a few more instruments. "I'm going to pull the bullet out." He tells me.

Steve takes my hand and squeezes it tightly. It's nice that he's always right by side during situations like this.

"Painless, right Bruce?" I ask.

"No promises." He replies.

Bruce managed to grab the bullet. I wince when it comes out. Steve held my hand and tried to keep me calm.

"Not that bad, right?" Bruce asks.

"Not terrible, but I wouldn't call it painless." I answer.

I attempt to sit up on the couch, but I could move. The pain in my leg was too strong. Steve helped me sit up. He rubbed my shoulders as Bruce put some bandages over the hole in my leg.

"That was an interesting fight." Clint speaks.

"Not how I was hoping it would end." I speak up.

"Needless to say, I don't think we were really prepared for that." Nat admits.

We all nod our heads. Everyone was quiet. Tony kept pouring shots for everyone. Honestly, a drink sounds good right now. But I can't only because I got shot. It wouldn't work well with the pain medicines Bruce had given me.


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