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"Cole?" My voice cracks.

"In the flesh." He snarls, tipping back in his chair. His eyes narrow as he stares me straight in the face.

"But-I-I thought you were dead!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. I bet Fury never hesitated to tell you that I was alive." Cole added.

"All this time? You've been alive?!" I shrieked.

Cole stood from his desk, and began walking around it.

"Ever since the accident happened." He answers.

"But they pronounced you dead at the scene!" I shouted.

Cole stopped in front of me, crossing his arms, "No, no. Fury pronounced me dead. Let's just take a moment to add that to the long list of things that Fury hasn't told you."

I stared at him, still trying to believe that he was still alive.

"Cole, why didn't you come find me? Why didn't you tell me that you were still alive?" I begged for an answer.

He crouched down onto his toes, until he was at my eye level.

"Because I had better things to do then try and mess with the past, and by the past, I mean you and SHEILD." He explains.

I looked away in disgust, "What did SHEILD ever do to you? What did I ever do to you?!"

"SHEILD completely destroyed me! I'm tired of the lies that Nick Fury was feeding me! And you! I am so determined to kill everyone on my hit list. I was planning on starting with the Captain. But once I found out that he was in love with you, I knew that he was a waste of my time. If there's one thing that can tear SHEILD apart, it's you. You're a ticking time bomb. And I'm ready to make you explode."

He stood up and began to pace around me. Each time he did, he grew even more angry in his tone.

"What do you mean when you say that Steve was a waste of your time?" I dare to ask him.

"He was worthless to me. Since I was after you, I decided to let him go. And I waited for the moment when a SHEILD jet was flying overhead. I knew they would see him, take him back to SHEILD. And just as I predicted, you came back seeking revenge for the man you love. And just like that, you fell for my trap." He tells me.

"You're gonna regret coming after me." I threaten him.

He grabs me by my hair, "No, I'm not regretting it at all."

The door flies open, "Sir! He's here! The super soldier! He's here!" One man cries out.

I grin, "See! I told you that you would regret this!" I cry out in excitement.

"We haven't even gotten to the best part yet, Alice." He grabs my hair once again and pulls me onto my feet.

He shoves me out the door.

"Showtime." He grunts.

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