Dinner & Secrets

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"Pizza's here!" Bucky calls as he walks to the front door. Maggie was wide awake in his arms. He tried to be a gentle as he could. He didn't want to hurt her. His metal arm was impressive, but sometimes things could go wrong. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt the daughter of his best friend.

Steve had gone to pick up the pizza. He must've taken Bucky's car. The only vehicle we currently have is Steve's motorcycle. Occasionally, Steve would drive home a car from Headquarters. However, he hasn't driven home in one in a while.

"Can you get the door?" I ask Bucky.

As soon as Bucky opens the door, Steve comes in. Three pizza boxes were stacked up in his arms along with two boxes of breadsticks.

"Are you really that hungry?" I cross my arms and glare at Steve as he places the pizza boxes on the table. "I only eat two slices!"

"I know. We'll eat the rest." He grins at Bucky and then chuckles lightly.

I shake my head. "I can't believe you two." I walk into the kitchen to grab drinks from the fridge. As I pass Bucky, I take Maggie from his arms.

I balance Maggie in one arm, and three bottles of water in the other arm. You learn new skills when you become a mom. This one happens to be one of my favorites.

As I bring the drinks back to the table, Steve and Bucky began to get into an argument over who should be allowed to choose a pizza slice first.


"I paid for it, I get to pick first!" Steve explains.

"I babysat YOUR kid while you borrowed MY car to go pick up the pizza. I get to pick first!" Bucky argues.

"I invited YOU to join us for dinner. I didn't have to! I get to pick first!"

"I'm the guest! I should pick first!"

I sigh and grab a plate before reaching over and grabbing a piece of pizza out of the open box. Maggie gurgles as I take a bite. Steve and Bucky pause and watch.

"Yeah, well I kept YOUR secret." I glare at Bucky. "I gave birth to YOUR kid." I glare at Steve. "Oh, and ladies first."

Steve and Bucky exchanges glances. Then Bucky sighs and Steve shakes his head. They sit at the table and begin pulling slices from the box and placing them on their plates.

"So, is there anything new at Headquarters?" I ask.

Steve and Bucky exchange glances with each other. They pause, holding their pizza slices in their hands. Steve narrows his eyes and shakes his head at Bucky. I raise an eyebrow. They are hiding something from me. Something big. I can see it.

Bucky clears his throat, "Nothing, really."

I glare at Steve. He notices my stare and then quickly looks down at his plate.

"Steve." I begin, "What are you not telling me?"

Bucky swallows his bite of pizza, "Do you want to tell her, or should I?" He speaks.

It falls silent in the apartment.

"Tell me what?" I lower my tone of voice to a more serious sound.

Steve sat up straight in his chair and took a deep breath, like he was about to speak. Then he lost his words and exhaled.

"Steve. Just tell me." I say. Maggie had fallen asleep in my arms and was tossing and turning in her sleep.

Steve looks over at Maggie as she squirms a bit. He reaches out his hand and gently takes her little hand in his. He holds her hand for a minute before he releases it.

"Fury wants you back." Steve says quietly, "He wants you back soon."

I freeze for a moment. Confusion fills my mind to its capacity. I struggle to see why he would do this.

"What? I told him I'm not coming back. I'm not leaving Maggie. That job already pulls you away from your family. I'm not going to let it pull me away." I hear the anger in my voice begin to rise.

"I told him you would refuse." Steve begins, "And I also told him that you shouldn't come back. You've gotten hurt, Alice. I can't stand to think about that one mission that could kill you. All those times you've been shot, stabbed, nearly strangled, and poisoned," Steve shakes his head, "It was luck that you survived. And now here we are with our family. Our daughter. And I hate to think about a time when she might be raised by just one of us. I refuse to think of time when she wouldn't be raised by us at all." Steve sighs. "He said he wants to have a meeting with you, and talk about the job."

I lower my head, feeling confused.

"If you go, tell him you refuse to join again. Please, Alice. Don't join again."

I bite my lower lip and freeze. What am I supposed to do? I can't leave Maggie alone! Steve's thoughts flood my mind. I hate the thought of Maggie growing up without one of us, and the possibility of her being orphaned. I struggle to push those thoughts out of my head.

But what if I choose to go back? It's expensive here in New York with our baby girl. Money gets tight sometimes. Having the extra cash would be extremely helpful. Maybe we could move out of our apartment. Maybe we could settle down somewhere in an actual house. Our own house.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to make this decision. But working for an organization like this, it seems to haunt you forever. Almost like I will never be able to escape from this.

What should I do?


A/N: What do you think she should do? As always, feel free to comment! And don't forget to vote!! Thanks for everything!!

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