Five More Days

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-End Of June-

"Can you believe that there's only five more days until our wedding?" I giggle like a five year old.

"Five days is too much time. I just want to marry you now! I can't wait until your last name is Rogers!" Steve hugs me tightly.

"Alice Rogers. I love it!" I kiss him.

Steve holds me tightly in his arms. I feel so protected when he holds me this way. It's like I'm invincible. Like nothing can hurt me and I am forever safe.

"Everything is going to be perfect. I just know it. I just wish that time would move faster." I break the short pause of silence.

"Believe me, I want it to go faster too. Then I just want time to stop on our wedding day. That way, we can live in that day forever." He smiles.

"Absolutely." I reply.

I rest my head on Steve's arm. His bicep made a pretty good pillow. He kisses the top of my head. The radio that we had turned on continued to play. And of course, at just the right moment, a slow song began to play.

Like I'm Gonna Lose You began to play. I lifted my head from Steve's arm.

"Dance with me?" I smile.


He stands and takes me by the hand, guiding me out to what little space we had in our living room. He pulls me close and I rest my head on his shoulder. We slowly spin around, swaying to the beat of the music. His feet never stepped on mine. Which I found as a great achievement for him.

"You're not stepping on my feet. Have you been practicing?" I smile.

"I might have."

"Who've you been practicing with?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"No one, actually." He answers, "I got online and watched a couple of videos. I used this one website. MeTube?"

"You mean YouTube."

"That's the one." He finishes, "I thought that learning how to dance would be a nice surprise wedding gift."

"I guess I will have to act surprised." I smile.

"No, you don't have to. But all you have to do is watch your footsteps. I don't need you to step on my feet." He joked.

"I won't try to." I reply.

"Good." He smiled.

And then out of nowhere, he spins me around and dips me. He landed a strong kiss on my lips. He stood me back up and smiled.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for another kiss.

"I love you." He spoke.

"I love you more." I replied.

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