Flying Solo

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I knew he wouldn't go far. Especially since James lives in New York now. It was all too easy to figure out. He had taken refuge in James's apartment. The only reason I know is because James told me himself. But he asked me not to say anything to anyone. He was going to talk to him and try to convince him to come back. But I'm wondering if he will.

"I just want him to come home." I bite my lower lip and try not to cry.

"I'd kick him out in hopes that he'd come back here, but I know he would most likely go to headquarters and stay in his private room. I'm sorry, Alice. This isn't like him." James hands me a tissue from the coffee table.

"He doesn't understand. If he only understood." I dab the tissue under my eyes and shake my head.

"Alice, I'm not even sure if I understand. What's going on with you?"

"It's hard to explain," I begin, thinking back to the night Steve left, "Bruce warned me that the amount of pain might increase. That would make the birth extremely difficult. Maybe even deadly for me or the baby. So, I decided that if anything should happen to me and it came down to a choice between myself and the baby, I would want Steve to promise to pick the baby. I couldn't live with myself if I lived and the baby didn't." I explain.

I single tear goes gliding down my cheek. I can't do this without Steve. I need him here with me. He's my everything and without him, I might as well be shattered glass.

"I never hoped it would come to a choice like this. But I just want him to promise me. That way I know our baby will be safe." I wipe away more tears.

"He'll come around, Alice. I know that he will." James try to console me. "He was my best friend growing up, and he was never shy to a fight. Maybe he's afraid now, but that doesn't mean that he's gone forever, or even giving up. I just know he will come back."

I hate crying in front of people, so I do my best to keep my face hidden as I continue to cry. The tissue was already soaked with tears. James hands me another one and I thank him.

"It's so hard being alone." I sob, realizing that now I am truly alone. My brother turned evil and is now six feet under. Both of my parents are gone as well. I don't have any family. I have Steve and our baby. They are my only family left.

"I know." He begins, "Believe me, I'm not lying, you're not alone. I lost everything the minute I fell from the train. And when I couldn't remember anything, I felt so isolated. There was no one to talk to, and no one that I could depend on." He looks me straight in the eyes, "Alice, you're not flying solo. Just remember that you have the entire team here too."

I nod, thinking about everything. "Thank you, James." He nods, and stands and begins to walk towards the door. I stop him before he leaves, "Please tell him that I'm ready to explain everything. Tell him that I still love him and that I forgive him."

"Of course." He replies, "If you need help with anything, give me a call. I might purposely leave my phone with Steve." He smirks.


A/N: Auditions for my school's next play are this Friday. This ought to be fun! Anyways, enough about me, more about this. I'm going to post a sequel for Vibranium Strong as soon as it's finished. However, homework has really been piling up recently, so I'm posting chapters slowly.

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