Guilt Within

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-Third Person POV-

It was late in the afternoon when Tony Stark had assembled who remained of the Avengers team. Wanda and Pietro had decided to return to Sokovia for a month, leaving them out of the drama. With Alice and Steve currently catching up on sleep they both desperately needed, the remaining Avengers let them sleep in peace. 

Tony stark stood in the center of his private room in headquarters with his fellow teammates surrounding him. Natasha stood quietly by the door with Bucky standing to her left. Bucky wore a long sleeved black shirt to help disguise his arm. Ever since Maggie came home from the hospital, he had adapted to the idea of wearing long sleeved shirts. He was afraid of scaring Maggie in the similar way that she might be frightening by the fat, bearded man who left presents under the Christmas tree. Bucky, even though he wasn't fat and had no beard or red suit, did not want to take any chances.

Bruce Banner leaned against the wall on the opposite side of the room. His arms were crossed and a quiet expression remained on his face. He could not stop thinking about how one of his best friends lost her newborn child. Alice even began to call him Uncle Bruce, in hopes that he would become Maggie's uncle. Although he had his concerns about 'The Other Guy', he hoped that when Maggie grew up, she would understand what happened to him. With Maggie now born, Bruce saw a new reason to try and abandon becoming 'The Other Guy'.

The Asgardian prince stood to the right of Bruce. He had abandoned his normal attire and chose to wear Midguardian clothing. A simple black hoodie and blue jeans made him appear as if he belonged in this world and not in Asgard. He was pleased to discover how comfortable his new clothing was. His wavy blond locks were tied back into a ponytail.

With Clint Barton nowhere to be found, Steve and Alice currently catching up on much needed sleep, and the youngest member of the team, Maggie, currently missing, there was a heavy presence of depression in the room. Even though Maggie was only a newborn, she was already a member of the team. She was a part of this crazy family.

Tony turned to Natasha. "Have you heard anything from Barton?" He crossed his arms and tried his best to avoid eye contact. Not only had sadness taken over, but guilt had sunk in as well.

Natasha's flaming red locks swung as she shook her head. Even though she was Barton's closest friend, she had not heard anything. But the redhead knew something that no one else knew. Something that she had vowed to keep secret. 

Thor looked up from the floor and made subtle eye contact with Natasha. His eyes immediately returned to the floor.

"Tony," Natasha began, "you can't stay quiet forever. Once they find out, one of them is bound to kill you. And I have a feeling she'll kill you before he gets to you." Her face turned pale as Bruce gave a surprised look.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Bruce managed to speak quickly.

"Exactly what you think we are talking about. Everyone here knows what's happened. Everyone in this room knows how to solve it. It's only a matter of time." Tony replied.

"You sick-"Bruce's fist balled into fists and he began to march towards Tony in a fit of rage. His brown eyes began to fade to a bright shade of green. Thor caught him and forced him back against the wall.

"Save your comments, Banner." Thor muttered.

Bruce forced Thor's arm away, "Why should I?" He spat through his gritted teeth. "I'm sick of your shit Tony. How can you live with this? How can you live with the guilt and the shame?"

Natasha pushed herself off of the wall and stood straight. Almost in a defensive position for Tony. Almost as if she were about to take a bullet for him. Tony never moved from his position. He didn't even react when Banner sprang from the wall with the means to attack him.

"I never wanted to lie. I did it for their sake." Tony reasoned. "I thought it would be better if I never told them. I knew they would cave eventually. Exhaustion would take them down. Once they are awake and thinking like themselves, I'll tell them the truth."

"Tony," Natasha spoke up, "I know you meant well, but they will never be the same once you tell them the truth. Their trust in you will be gone instantly. They will never forgive you once you tell them-"

Silence fell over the room as Natasha mustered up the courage to finish her sentence.

"Once you tell them that you've known where Maggie is all along."


A/N: Ready for a plot twist? Short chapter with a big meaning...

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