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I didn't even grab a parachute, that's how eager I was to get out of this plane. I guess you can say that I've done a lot of missions with Steve. Now, his habit of jumping without a parachute has transferred to me.

Free falling from a jet is one of the most exhilarating feelings in the world. It's almost like flying, except you're flying downwards.

The cool air on your skin, it's quite refreshing in some ways.

Steve's mission was suppose to take place on the coast of Japan, but somehow he was kidnapped. And so, they took him to Iceland.

So, I'm jumping out of the plane, and landing in the waters off the coast of Iceland. I had seen Steve do this several times. By now, I have this mastered.

It was like taking a plunge into the Arctic Ocean, that's how cold it was. But I didn't care. I was on a very crucial mission.

Like I said, revenge is a dish best served cold.

My long brown hair flopped against my back as I climbed onto the rocky shore. A strong shiver trailed down my spine. It was very cold.

I could catch hypothermia, but it won't be as bad as some of the other injuries I have overcome.

I've been beaten, starved, shot, stabbed, and nearly strangled. The only reason I say 'nearly' strangled is because Steve saved me from death.

The base was easily within my eyesight. It was a very small building, but it most likely had underground tunneling systems. Underground tunneling systems are always such a pain to search. Luckily, SHIELD has devices to do that for me, that way I won't get lost.

I reach into my pocket and pull out a small black box with a shiny black screen. I place it onto the ground, and turn it on. It projected a 3D image of the base and all of its underground networking.

Great. Lots of underground tunnels.

"Agent Mathews, report." Director Fury calls me through my earpiece.

"I'm on location now." I answer.

"Well, we received signal from one of our databases. We've found him."

"Who's him?" I ask.

"Then man you're sent to kill. The man who kidnapped Steve. We've found him."

I smirk, "Where is he?"

"I'm sending the live feed to you now. It should appear any second now." He tells me.

Just then, little moving red dots appear on the holographic 3D image.

"The red ones are the enemies. Feel free to wipe out as many as you would like. Blue dots represent SHIELD agents, including you. The only yellow dot represents the targeted subject." He explains.

I close down the projected image and stand on my feet, and begin to walk towards the base.

"Thanks, Nick." I say.

"Agent Mathews, I should warn you-" he begins, but he gets cut off as I turn off my earpiece.

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