Last Goodbye

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-Steve POV-

I sit alone in the jet, all by myself. I don't want anyone to see me cry.

Yes, I'm crying.

People think I'm a stone solid wall when it comes to emotions. That's not the truth. I'm just better at concealing my emotions. But when it comes to Alice, I can't hide anything. Especially my tears.

I burry my face in my hands. I should have never given her that water bottle. I should've never suggested that we run away. Sometimes I wonder if Alice would be better off without me. Because of me, she's now dead, and there's nothing I can do about it. Why didn't the cure work? Why didn't it save her life? Why? Is it too much to ask why?!

Bruce steps out from the back of the jet. He was peeling the plastic gloves off of his hands.

"I'm sorry Steve. I don't know why the antidote didn't work for her. I don't know what the antidote even was. For all I know, that couldn't have even been the antidote. The injection could've been something to make her heart stop. " Bruce speaks.

"There's nothing more that you can do?" I ask.

"I'm sorry." Bruce says sadly.

I stand from my seat and walk back to the room where Bruce was trying to save Alice's life. She way just laying there, on the stretcher. I've never seen her so calm. So lifeless. So peaceful.

I entwine my fingers with her limp hand. And surprisingly, her touch was warm. Did Bruce notice that?

"I don't know where to start, Alice. So how about I start with I love you. You might be gone, but I still love you. I will always love you. I wish we hadn't fought. Every couple is bound to do it eventually. But I wish our final moments hadn't been spent in a fight." I choke out.

I wipe my face with my other free hand. I might be a soldier, but I still have feelings. And my feelings for Alice are unmeasurable.

"I wish it were me instead of you. You deserve to live. You have a future to find. You were bound to do great things in this world, Alice. And now, it was because of my stupidity that you are now dead. And for that I am so sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I wish you could come back to me, Alice. I'd give anything to have you back. You mean the world to me, Alice."

I wipe my tears away and stand. She didn't hear any of that, but I wish she had. I hope she would forgive me for all of the times I have screwed up her life. All I ever wanted was for her to have a perfect life. And now, I can't give her a perfect life.

I begin to walk out of the room, when a faint beeping noise grabs my attention. I spin around.

The heart rate monitor was slowly beeping.

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