Morning Phone Calls

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The sound of my phone alerts me the next morning. It jolts me out of my deep sleep. Steve heard it too. He rubbed his eyes and groaned.

"Who's calling at this time in the morning?" He asks.

"I don't know." I groan before I answer my phone. "Hello?"

"Morning! Didn't wake you and the Capsicle did I?" It was Tony.

"Actually Tony, you did." I sigh.

"Well I think what I'm about to tell you  is worth getting up for." He says.

"What is it, Tony?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. Steve looked at me with an annoyed expression on his face.

"We've got a trace. The sensor picked it up this morning."

"What!" I sprung up in the bed. Steve was alarmed and jumped up too.

"Now you're awake!" Tony laughed.

"We will be right over. Is the team together?" I ask. Steve had gotten out of bed and began to dig out some clothes from his closet. I jumped out of bed. Steve tossed me one of his oversized shirts and a pair of my denim shorts.

"They are all on their way." Tony replies. Steve motions to me that he wants to talk to Tony. I hand the phone over to Steve before I head to the bathroom.

"Tell me what's going on." Steve begins to talk to Tony.


"So, he's here, in the United States?" I ask.

Tony nods his head, "That's what the scanner had picked up. It wasn't very clear, and that's as far as it could pinpoint a location." He explains.

"So it could be months before we find out what state he's in?" Nat asks.

"Great." I sigh sarcastically.

"Is there any way that the sensor can pick up a stronger signal sooner?" Steve asks.

"It's fully upgraded. There's no way to speed it up. It could take months." Tony says.

"How many months?" I ask.

Steve looks at me. I think we both have the same idea. Maybe it would take long enough that we could get through our wedding worry-free.

"The earliest could be towards the end of July, maybe the beginning of August." Tony answers.

Steve clutches my hand, "That's past our wedding. Everything will be fine." He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"So, until we get a stronger signal, we just have to live our lives normally. If something changes, we all need to know about it. If anything happens, we alert the team. We can't fight this alone. We're a team, and we're gonna act like one. Once we find him, we go after him. Whenever that time may be. It's about time that we put an end to this." I stand up and give a mini speech.

"Steve, giving speeches is your thing! Why are you letting your woman take over?" Clint jokes.

"She knows what she's doing." He simply replies.

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