Passing Time

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-Alice POV-

As time passed for both of us, and by time I mean one week, we slowly healed.

Physically and emotionally.

My stab wound healed and Steve didn't have as many scars as I thought he would. He bulked up in size, once again. He got stronger and even faster. Not only that, but he refused to let me out of his sight.

He asked about Cole once.

Only once.

He asked me how I knew his name. Of course, I didn't want to tell him how I really know Cole. However, I don't think I really know who he is anymore. After all, he did put a knife to my throat and try to kill me.

So I lied.

Terrible, I know. My excuse was really bad as well. I told him that I overheard one of his thugs saying his name. It didn't help that I slipped up when I answered the question.

I think he caught on, but refused to tell me.

-Steve POV-

She's not the same anymore.

She was held captive by the same man I was, but I was missing a key factor. Something really big.

I know that she lied to me.

I could tell that she was lying when she slipped up. She's a terrible liar.

She knows that man. She must've met him somewhere before.

I didn't want to ask her about it, I could tell that she was already having a hard time recalling memories of what happened.

I didn't want to make her upset. I have to respect her boundaries, just like she respects mine.

Although, it was hard to contain my emotions when she asked about Peggy.

I told her bits and pieces, but never the whole story.

If I told her the whole story, she would most likely be uncomfortable.

Ever since I met Alice, I promised myself that I wouldn't let anything happen to her. I made my own choice so many years ago when I brought that plane down. I saved hundreds of lives. But I lost the one woman who I truly loved.

I can't lose Alice.

She means the world to me, just like Peggy did.

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