Run To Him

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Sprinting down the hallways, shoving people out of the way, that's what I was doing. I had a good reason to be sprinting and shoving people out of my way.

Steve had just returned from a mission.

He had been missing for awhile, but they had just found him.

He was finally home.

I have to see him again.

Fury steps out of nowhere. I was running so fast, I didn't have enough time to stop myself.

"Alice, what are you-" Fury begins.

"MOVE!" My scream echoes through the hallway.

I shove Fury out of my way and continue to run.

Run all the way to the hospital wing. That's where I'm going. And I'm not stopping till I get there.

They found Steve in the enemy camp. They had kept him prisoner. He hasn't eaten very much. He was dehydrated. He was extremely weak.

I'm hoping that they didn't torture him. If someone tortured him, I will hunt them down. No one is allowed to hurt my Steve.

No one.

I reach the hospital wing, and my lungs are on fire. But that will not stop me from seeing him.

"Agent Mathews!" A doctor yells at me.

"W-where is he? Where's Steve?" I demand to know.

"Agent Mathews, let me inform you-" he begins.

"WHERE IS STEVE?!" I scream.

Just then, another agent enters the room. In his hands, is Steve's shield. It's scratched up and needs to be repainted. He carries the shield into a hospital room.

I shove the doctor out of my way, "Steve!" I scream.

I dart towards the door.

He's here, and he's just inches away from me. This is it. The moment I've been waiting for. All that time, praying that he wasn't dead.

Now he's here.

I shove the door open, and it collided with the wall.

And there he sat.


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