Water Bottle

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SHIELD had managed to track us down to the hotel we were staying at. Steve and I had to make a run for it the next morning. We wondered how long it would take them to find us. Apparently, not very long.

So we took off once again. Walking on foot, until we would reach the nearest town. However, we didn't know that we would be walking down an empty highway for what seemed like forever.

I was becoming exhausted, as we haven't stopped to sleep in two whole days. I had the largest headache in the world due to sleep deprivation. Steve, being the solid stone wall he is, could go on forever. I stopped and sat down on the side of the hallway, Steve didn't even notice until I coughed a little. My throat was dry, and the weather was insanely hot.

"Alice?" Steve jogs back to me, kneeling down to my level. I begin to feel my eyes water. I'm not sad, I'm just upset that I haven't slept. Steve lifts my head up and makes me look him in the eyes.

"You need to rest." He states, gently rubbing my back. He reaches into his backpack and pulls out a half empty water bottle.

I snatched it from his grasp. "Why didn't you me you had water?!" I was about ready to shout, but my soar throat stopped me. I coughed once again. Steve gently patted my back.

"We'll stop here for the night." Steve says, looking in both directions down the highway.

At first I thought he was crazy. We were in the middle of an empty highway. Someone could attack us easily in the middle of the night.

"Okay." I reluctantly agreed. I took a sip from the water bottle. Then I really started to cough. Why was I coughing? It's just water! It tasted just fine.

"You alright?" Steve asked.

"I'm fine. Here." I handed him the water bottle. Steve pushed it back towards me.

"No. You need it more than I do." He insisted that I take it.

I didn't want to drink any more from the bottle. It made me cough every time I took a sip. However, I need to keep drinking. I took another drink and then coughed again.

"What's wrong? Why are you coughing so much?" Steve asks. I'm not even sure why I'm coughing so much.

"Have you drank from this bottle?" I asked. Steve shook his head. Strange. The bottle was half empty. Was he lying to me?

"Then why was it half empty?" I asked.

"I don't know. I found it half empty in the fridge when we were back at the hotel." Steve answered.

I had no answer. Something wasn't right. This water bottle just happens to show up in the refrigerator in our hotel room?

I stand up for a minute and stretch my arms and legs. Then I started to cough once again. This time I was coughing nonstop. My vision blurred and I feel on my knees.

"Alice!" Steve is at my side immediately.

"Steve. Help. Check the. Water." I mutter through my coughing spell.

Steve holds the bottle to his nose and takes a deep breath. He drops the bottle and starts to cough as well. He stops after a few seconds. I was still coughing.

"Oh god. Alice, it's poisoned."

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