19. Cara

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How again did I end up here and doing this?

Oh right. Thanks to Lucien.

I bowed my head and took  a couple of steps back so I could stay out of sight yet at their beck and call.

So far the Celeran and Valeryn Royals had only conversed formally and nothing of interest had been mentioned. Then again, I don't think they would discuss such important matters without the confines of four well-protected walls.

To say I would rather be anywhere else would be an understatement.

I was literally suffocating here. Serving them wine and fruits and what-not, I was one of the many maids around the table who were sure to keep their distance.

I hadn't gotten the opportunity to glare at Lucien either and that was a down.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I glanced at the Princess first.

Getting only a glimpse was enough to tell me of her beauty. The Fae features were confirmed with the heightened beauty and her slightly pointed ears. She had ocher colored long hair, a gown of purple color and eyes the color and shape of almonds.

Before I could take note of anything more–to be exact, the King–Britt was hissing at me while shoving the bottle of wine into my hand. I gave her a perplexed look.

"Go! Serve." She prompted me and I shook my head subtly.

"You do it."

But she was already gone.

I'd managed to remain unnoticed so far but having to go up and serve wouldn't do well for my intentions. Despite that, I was left with no other choice since Britt had vanished and I was left with a bottle of Fae wine in my hand. Taking a breath and bowing my head, I approached the table.

Holding the bottle, I firstly served the three other members of the Valeryn court and one member I wasn't acquainted with of the Celeran court. With that out of the way, I felt the bottle emptying. No one had even spared me a glance and in a long time I once again felt the way I had for the past five years–invisible.

This lack of attention had been unusual for me so it was actually manna. 

I thought I could back away since the bottle was empty but out of nowhere, some server came and taking the empty bottle from my hands, exchanged it with a rather large and full one.

I wanted to glare at him but that would be showing emotion and I refrained from doing so. 

Where did he even come from?!

Anyways, nevermind. 

I inhaled, kept my head lowered and first approached King Harold. He didn't give me any attention so I swiftly filled his glass and made my way to the queen.

I don't think this one will let me off that easy and I was proved right. Just before I moved on, I glanced at Queen Kesla only to see her give me a fleeting smirk loaded with unspoken mysteries. 

I felt irritation itching under my skin. 

I don't like her at all. She keeps me so baffled.

But all that considered,  do you have any idea how intimidating this task actually was? Serving a table full of royals of not one but two courts was scary.

I was just a mere slave girl one of the General seated here had caught and the Prince had drank from and the Fae King's eyes had found in the crowded room upon entrance.

Yeah, on second thought it doesn't seem that simple.

Gulping, I poured the wine into the Prince's glass. For some reason, the hands that had been steady while serving the King and Queen were slightly shaking.

My heart skipped a beat but I refused to acknowledge Damien's blue eyes gazing at me. I had enough thoughts about our conversation and the 'incident' warming up my neck and cheeks.

I tilted the bottle back and moved to serve Lucien. 

I bit the inside of my cheek, the memories fresh in my head and avoided glancing at him. Blood had already rushed to my cheeks.

My hands were still shaking subtly.

I wanted to groan and glare at the two morons so badly but I dared not raise my eyes. 

Well, two down...

I headed towards the Fae Princess.

Two more to go.

I glanced at her from beneath my lashes, very cautiously because I was curious and I had been right. She was too pretty.

And she was smiling at me.

I poured her wine and blinked.

According to what I had heard so far, Sera was the Fae Princess of the Valeryn court known to be rather a....slave sympathizer. Seeing her smiling at me though.....it wasn't as unnerving as it should have been. With a familiarity I couldn't pinpoint, she smiled softly at me before resuming talking to Damien.

The Fae didn't share the same opinions regarding humans as the Vampires did. As in they didn't treat them like objects. Slavery wasn't barred but it wasn't practiced in bulk either.

Now don't get me wrong, the Fae were no kind-hearted creatures even if they were far better than the Vampires regarding some of their ethics. They were conniving and tricksters. Coyness and seduction thanks to their Fae beauty were their weapons. Aside from the werewolves, neither of the four main species provided safe haven to the humans. 

You wouldn't even know you were being tricked by a Fae while they would loot you of any priced possessions or knowledge you have. I speak of this one thing from experience. Life in slavery wasn't as futile if you paid attention to your surroundings and used the status of worthless and invisible properly to your advantage.

Once that was done, I moved on to the final person. 

The King of the Fae realm, the kingdom of Valeryn.

It was rumored that King Arion was kinder than most, just as a ruler but ruthless when it came to protecting his kingdom or his possessions. Apparently, he was quite a straight-forward person who was blessed with the power of telekinesis. His handsomeness was well-know though. But I hadn't expected his eyes to be the same color as the sky on a stormy day or the sea when it's ready to destruct.

I was pretty tempted to look at him but I refrained and simply poured his drink.

Oh, how I wish that was the case.

The curiosity within me won the battle and whatever I had felt earlier made me glance at him even as I poured the drink.

Only to find him staring back at me. His hair was the color of rust and a chiseled jawline made me suck in a shaky breath. Perfect eyebrows and lips tilted up slightly, he looked back at me with his grey eyes.

I locked eyes with him, a strange feeling washing over me. 

It was like when Lucien talked to me and I couldn't hold my tongue or back down when the General invaded my personal space. 

Or like when Damien touched me and drank from me, so sensually yet I didn't have it in me to push the Prince away and not out of fear.

And then a zing traveled up my hand, making butterflies erupt in my stomach. I blinked, quite taken aback. The King seemed to have felt it too - if the slight diluting of his pupils was any indication - before he smirked.

I still didn't look away but his hand was holding mine, the one with which I was pouring hence the bottle was no longer tilted.

Without even realizing it, I'd completely filled his glass and it was about to overflow. In hindsight, I hadn't expected to be in an 'eye-contest' with King Arion. It was supposed to be just a glance. Not something outrageous like this!

He remained wordless but tilted his head slightly as if he was perplexed - the idea made me feel humoresque. The smirk gracing his lips stayed intact but his movement had made the bangs of his russet hair fall over his forehead in a very attractive manner. I had thought his slightly pointed ears would have been weird but they were hardly noticeable and seemed to be right on him. 

I hadn't moved and I probably would't have either; much like Arion if someone hadn't interrupted.

Lucien boring a hole into the back of my head and Damien clearing his throat was enough to break whatever spell this was.

Rather flustered, I bowed my head, breaking our eye contact and taking the bottle, retreated to the back. I could feel my heart pounding and released a shaky breath.

Cara! Remember your motto!

I closed my eyes briefly, willing the heat in my cheeks to cool down and the pounding of my heart to stop.

Give them power enough to fool them...but never enough to lose yourself.

Yes, remember that. You've already had a few slips.

But I was also more than aware that if I was to be in the presence of these men then I wouldn't be living an invisible, silent and submissively deluding life.

I bit my cheek, sure that it was going to bleed soon with how much I had abused it today. But I couldn't even afford that.

My head was still bowed, staring at the shiny floor as I thought over in my head.

"Say, Queen Kesla..."

I broke out of my thoughts to focus in on Seraphima's voice.

"Would you mind if I have Cara as a personal handmaiden for the time of my stay here?"

My eyes widened and I resisted the urge to snap my neck towards the Princess who had said such dooming words. 

How did Sera even know my name? 

I don't remember introducing myself saying 'Good evening, I'm a mere slave girl picked up on her escapade and living a strange life where she gets attention from strange males and riddled mysteries from strange Vampire Queens. Would you like to join in and make my life even more perplexing? Oh, you would? Splendid!'

 Why does she need a handmaiden, that too - me? 

And why do I feel like the Queen is having a really good time?

"Of course, I wouldn't mind." I could hear the smirk in her tone and the smile the Princess returned.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

I inhaled slowly and raised my eyes to see Lucien's eyes narrowed on Sera. Damien had a small frown creasing his handsome face.

"You wouldn't mind, Cara, would you?" Kesla looked at me smiling sweetly.

Does she honestly need to rub salt in the wound? Yes, yes she does. 

I stepped forwards, abandoning the beautiful shadows. 

Bowing my head and keeping my face blank, I replied. "No, Your Majesty." 

That being said I know Kesla was aware that I did mind.

When I looked at King Arion to see his reaction, he was giving his sister a mild look of confusion and then turned to look at the said person, me. Instant recognition flashed in his eyes and it seemed he was now very curious and invested in the girl called Cara.

I curse the gods and I curse these supernatural and powerful and handsome males.

Oh, and the Queen.

And the Princess too!

And Gallum.

Perhaps a few more people.

King Harold, for once, looked at me with a forlorn look that wasn't quite conveying pity alone and I figured he was aware of whatever his mystery spouting bloodsucker wife had picked me for. I'm not stupid and I'm coming to a stronger realization that I'm not normal. But still, I was just a human slave girl.

I maintained a look of neutrality and looked down as the king resumed conversation.

Fidgeting with my hands, I felt uneasy.

What was I to do now? The Fae Princess' Handmaiden for a week or so? Would that mean I was going to run into her grey-eyed brother? And the royals would stay with them as well. Most importantly, Lucien and Damien.

This wasn't good at all. 

I wanted escape and I needed time. This wasn't supposed to have happened. 

My visions had been more frequent, replaying the usual ones with the addition of the latest 'blob of darkness' one too. And that was stressful enough.

I clenched my hands tightly and then felt a probing on my ring finger. Slightly furrowing my brows in confusion, I looked down to see it.

What I saw made my eyes widen despite my efforts. My lips parted in surprise and my heart seemed to swell.

The jadeite ring Lucien had shown me a couple of hours ago now rested on my finger. I don't know how he managed to slip it on, I really don't.

The beautiful green stone was now resting on a twisting golden band.

It appeared that the ring had changed it's band's appearance to seemingly fit me. But it was simply lovely. 

I glanced at the platinum blonde Shifter but he wasn't looking my way.

Lucien wasn't like Damien. He didn't show emotions so easily. Much like me. He kept them under lock and key. He was the cold General of Vammal after all. So to think that he would part with a ring that protected him from illusions, was quite special and obviously something he was fond of and associated some connection with made my heart flutter.

I felt betrayed by my feelings, knowing this wasn't a reaction I should have towards Lucien. 

It was almost like Lucien was laying his claim after Damien had marked me with his fangs. The thought made a tingle run down my spine and I blushed furiously.

I couldn't help the small smile that played on my lips. The gesture had made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I don't remember the last time I genuinely smiled. Heck, I don't even remember smiling. 

The dark, brooding and cold man had given me the ring that would definitely provide me some sort of protection. That just made me smile, making me feel an emotion that was unknown to me.

I hadn't expected the person who brought me to this darkness to be the reason a smile of light would grace my lips.

If only I'd known that this eventful day would end with me wearing a magical ring given to me by none other than the Shifter General of the Vampire Army who was known for his power, ruthlessness and coldness all across the length of Vammal.



Ok, what did you think of this chapter?!?!? Was it good??

How about what Sera said and now Cara is going to be her handmaiden?

And Lucien's ring on Cara's finger? *grins conspiratorially* 

And I won first place with Vicious Fangs in the Golden Gems Awards! I know, I'll soon post the awards chapter so you can see the sticker and vote and all lol. But later.

I'm very appreciative and thankful for the support you guys have shown me so far and all the comments motivate me even more because your thoughts make my day and my book. Truly. So please feel free to drop a vote and tons of comments and never stop haha. And do recommend if you think I deserve it! Lol.

Also, next chapter will be in Arion's P.O.V so be on the lookout hehehe. Hope your excited! 

Till next time!!


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