31. Cara

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"Do you feel like coming to see some sweating and muscle flexing Fae male specimens?"

I had to bite my cheek from chuckling as I nodded, my lips tugging upwards. "Your wish is my command, Princess."

"Including my brother." Sera grinned at me, her eyes twinkling mischievously as she whirled around in her tulle green gown, her ocher hair bouncing.

I breathed in and shook my head at the though of Arion.

I have been getting more and more used to Sera's presence and mysterious antics. Of course I've come to know she's not the dull type at all.

As she walked out, I followed her and closed the door to my room.

Yes, my room.

I was quite surprised when Sera and Arion had told me I would have my own room and it was right besides Sera and opposite to the King's.

Suspicious as it was, Arion simply stared into my eyes and his grey orbs made me swallow my questions. While as Sera simple justified it by saying that I was supposed to be her Handmaiden and thus always available.

I would've believe if for the past one week of my stay here, she hadn't given me more freedom that I had ever known. Even as a child I remember there were those rules in the place we lived - away from the civilization.

Sera didn't have me on her beck and call. She let me roam and have time for myself. Though I hadn't done much with it. When I wasn't staying by her side, I would go to the garden.  Or simply stay in my room, turning over restless thoughts in my mind.

The garden was beautiful and there was a section that was filled with lilacs growing about. The first time I stumbled upon it, I'd outright chuckled.

It reminded me of how the guys always told me I had a scent like lilacs and lemons.

That thought had sent me into a spiral.

So every time I was in the small alcove surrounded by chirping birds, shade and the namesake of my apparent scent, my mind would wander to Celera.

How were Damien and Lucien doing? What about Alpha?

It had been two weeks since I last saw them.

I didn't think it would affect me at all but the constant reminders of the jadeite ring, the mark on my neck that was yet to fade and the faded scars on my forearm from when Alpha had bitten and subsequently healed me made my chest feel hollow at times.

It didn't feel as bad when I bad Arion in my sights though.

When I reminisced, I regretted not getting to confront Britt. She was a witch and I was sure if that but the rest made no sense. I missed Theo's presence in the mornings.

Waking up in a soft bed in violet shaded duvets and a matching theme in the princess like room made me vehement enough to go delving into the dark depth of the new visions I'd been having.

I think a small part of me even missed the storm shaded horse; Veta.

Wherever Princess Sera went I followed dutifully. And in the past week I had gained the knowledge of the rough layout of the huge three floored Palace. Sera wasn't just a Princess in name either. She had duties, I learned, that she performed with vigor.

She talked to court members and civilians alike, solved problems that Arion didn't have the time to and kept things in the Palace in working order.

Compared to her brother - the King - she obviously had more time on her hands. She used it to her advantages though and more than once in the past week since I started working with her, I'd attended her tea ceremonies that sadly included Lady Katherine.

But to the Fae Princess's credit, she made sure to keep her in check. Sera wasn't the only one who disliked Katherine though. And the tea ceremonies often resulted in her being singled out with her obsession regarding Arion and her being the next Fae Queen.

Every time she made mention of love or being the Queen, Sera wouldn't even hide her loud scoffs and snickered as if the ideas were so alien she couldn't help but dismiss them. There were other ladies of the court but I refrained from mingling much with them.

There was one Lady that Sera wanted me to meet and said was the only friend she had in this Palace but we were yet to cross paths.

As far as Arion and I were concerned, nothing of importance had happened and though it made me feel weird when all his attention wasn't focused on me, I realised that he had duties as a King of a whole realm and race.

We hadn't seen much of each other as he was certainly catching up and I was still settling in.

The scent of sweat was prominent in the training room as we entered and Seraphima's eyes strayed to her bodyguard Leon who was doing hand-to-hand combat, his muscles flexing.

I snickered to myself and looked around.

I hadn't been to the Training room since I had arrived but the opportunity was here to observe now.

The spacious room was like a whole different world in itself. Granted it was a part of the Palace but it was still a bit away from the main centre.

Shelves laden with weapons of all sorts and metals were shining under the beams of the sunlight filtering in from the ling windows.

Swords, daggers, aiming circles with knives and bows and arrows, scythes. Lances and pikes were poking out. Axes and halberds, clubs with spikes, quarterstaff. Shields with the Valeryn Crest.

I felt the my Silern dagger through my dress, finding instant comfort as the hilt came into contact.

And then there were weapons I'd didn't even recognize but sure looked deadly.

There was a sand filled area where wrestling and slight hand to hand combat was taking place. I looked away finding it of no interest as my eyes kept skimming the large area till they spotted russet hair flopping as Arion jumped to the side.

"There's my brother. Let's go say hi while I ogle me some good muscles."

I'd learnt Sera really didn't let a chance to get some eye-candy go, even though her eyes would end up on Leon whenever while mine would stay to Arion. I chuckled lowly this time and Sera nudged me with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Come on."

We made our way to the sword fighting group and then she folded her arms, whispering in my ear. "And now he'll charm you with his sword fighting skills."

I gaped silently and she chuckled, winking at me. It was starting to worry me how much Sera seemed to ship me with Arion. As though the thought of someone else with him didn't even enter her head. And strangely it made me feel...good.

My pull towards the attractive Fae King remained the same and now that I was in the same vicinity, the beating of my heart automatically amped up at seeing him shirtless.

My eyes trailed over his bare torso littered with small battle scars and a slight russet smattering of hair. I sucked in a sharp breath as I dragged my eyes lower to see his abs, hard muscles and that delicious V-line.

I swallowed and watched as he changed stances, circling the other man, sword in hand, eyes fierce. His back muscles rippled and his broad shoulders moved with every swipe of the sword in his hands.

The one against him was the silver haired General. Mark was shirtless as well and though it was certainly appealing, it didn't stand a candle against the natural pull I had towards Arion.

Lucien was muscled as well. Though I hadn't seen him shirtless of course but out of him, Arion and Damien...I'd say he was the most muscled but not in the freaky kind of way. Not at all. Though there is Alpha to consider as well...

There I go remembering them. It's like when I think of either one the others just pop right in.

My eyes focused on the scene on front of me again and I bit the inside of my cheek as Arion lunged at Mark who dodged.

Damn, his thighs looked so strong straining and flexing just like the rest of his made up body.

With a clang of sword against sword, they both jumped back and a flurry of movements took place wherein some serious blows were exchanged but both remained unscathed. The force behind each of their strikes was eye widening.

Some of the knights training had taken their time and were watching the two powerful Fae fight it out with rapt attention.

Arion was quick on his feet and he whirled just when Markus brought his sword down. Arion's hilt hit the General in the side and the slight knocking of his stance gave Arion enough time to place his sword on Mark's neck.

Just like that they were done.

Arion had won, of course.

And his eyes were staring right into mine as he lowered the sword from his General's neck. His brow was slightly dotted with sweat and I gulped as his chest heaved, the light bouncing against his fair skin, ever brightening it.

My eyes remained locked on his storm grey ones and slowly his lips lifted into a smirk I'd seen too much from him.

"Well done, My King." The silver haired General was smiling as Arion took his eyes off me for a moment to grin at him.

"You weren't so bad yourself, my friend."

Then they were both discarding their swords and walking towards us as another matched pair entered the arena-like space to fight.

"Enjoying the view, are we?" He approached Sera and me, Markus right behind.

Sera raised a brow, "Why are so conceited?"

His answer was simple. "I'm your brother."

Markus chuckled and shook his head. "I love your banter, it's my favorite pass-time."

I found myself smiling a bit because the General had a good point. My eyes met Arion's and he smirked.

I was sure he wanted to say something but held back because of the place we were in.

"Where's Felicia?" Sera questioned and Markus hummed.

"She's at her teaching studio. Sometimes I feel like she's more devoted to being with the piano than with her mate." He narrowed his eyes on nothing in particular and I could tell he was joking.

The Fae King patted his back. "Least you have a mate, Markus."

His grey eyes flickered to mine as he said this and my heart skipped a beat while I sucked in a subtly sharp breath.

The Fae have mates. Just like the werewolves. And the shifters. Except that the other two races besides werewolves don't have so much luck in finding their mates.

Some spend an eternity waiting for the one destined for them and some pick a life of mutual understanding and love but not with their mates. It's a choice and with the female ration lesser than the male it's even harder to find their mates.

Arion's eyes rested on me and I didn't look down. He smirked.

"You should eat more and build up some muscle. I think you need some training what with being my sister's personal handmaiden, don't you think?"

I didn't let my emotions show but I blinked slowly. Of course I'd had better food and my physique was slowly becoming healthier but...

The Fae King wanted me to know how to use weapons?

He continued, still at a fair distance from me. "You shouldn't be a damsel in distress. I'll tell you the other details later, Cara. Perhaps even tonight." His voice dropped an octave when he spoke the last sentence.

An unbidden shiver coursed through me, my breath hitching at the way his stormy eyes bore into my jade ones.

I didn't truly know how to  respond so I just looked down.

Markus looked at me, as if noticing me for the first time after Arion addressed me and was quick in giving me a small smile. I found the notion relieving for some reason.

I cleared my throat a bit and then there was that overwhelming perfume filling my sense again. I sighed.

"King Arion." A sugary smile was directed towards Arion who unlike the last time I'd seen them interact was smirking at her.

"You look handsome. Quite appealing." Lady Katherine stopped in front of Arion, totally pushing a scowling Sera to the side and making me take a step back.


Oh, they're already on fist name basis?

Princess Sera rolled her eyes and then turned around. "My mood is as spoilt as someone's overbearing perfume and shrilly voice."

Markus and I held back an evident smile and Arion ignored us as he rose a brow when Katherine offered him a shirt.

"What's that for?"

"I don't want other females admiring what's mine." She raised her chin, smirking and spared me a sharp glance.

I entertained her with my blandest look.

"But what if I want someone to notice my sexiness on purpose?"

Is he truly a Fae King or just a play boy?

Arion's voice was low and it sent shivers down my spine even if his words weren't meant for me. Or maybe they were because even with my back now turned on him, I could feel his heated gaze like a physical touch.

"Oh, Arion, you flatter me!"

And there went the pleasant shivers.

Now they were shivers of disgust because I couldn't imagine Lady Katherine ogling the muscles I was just a few moments ago.

Arion's russet hair was slightly matted onto his forehead and I wanted to touch it but Katherine leaned forward and with a fond look, brushed the hair falling onto his eyes away.

I bit the inside of my cheek.

It felt wrong. And I didn't want to think on it.

Sera fake gagged and I almost commented loud on her un-Princess like behavior around this Fae female.

"Let's leave, Cara." With a huff she walked away and I followed suit.

As I found myself walking the hallway outside behind Sera, she was silent, seemingly absorbed in her own thoughts.

And so was I.

I looked at the black shiny stone of the palace in this section. I'd noticed this was used in the area of the training room and such as if built later on and separately.

Surprisingly, there weren't many - or should I say, any - guards here. This was also a different route from the one we had taken to arrive here but I believed Sera knew what she was doing.

I stared at the shiny stoned walls till another hallway greeted me on the left. It was leading into something unbidden but I found my feet rooted to the spot at the entrance to it.

I looked straight ahead and there wasn't much revealed because I needed to walk in and turn right in order to see what it truly held.

I gulped, my hand straying to my bejeweled dagger subconsciously as I continued staring in until a melodic voice broke me out of the daze.

"Aren't you coming, Cara?"

Her eyes flickered from me to the other hallway and Princess Sera's lips were slightly up tilted. Her almond eyes held that edge I was starting to get accustomed to whenever she knew something I felt like I should have as well.

She rose a brow, her head still peeking from the next turn of the hallway.

I bowed my head. "Coming, Your Highness."

I glanced one last time at the mysterious doorway before hurrying to catch upto the ocher haired Fae Princess.

Sera smirked fleetingly but I caught it.

I knew I'd be coming back. Whatever was in this room, it was specifically luring me in.

And I would walk right in.



Thank you for all the love guys and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know it wasn't that fulfilling....but oh well. The next chapter is gonna be better I promise lol. You will see some Arion and Cara action hehe.

What are your thoughts about how it's all progressing??

Uhm, sorry if the chapter length was too long...haha....

Also...Thanks so much for 10.1K plus views! Hope you all keep enjoying and reading and don't forget to Vote!

On the side note: Check out the fan covers kennedyrrrr3 made me! I simply adore them and thank you so much girl for taking your time and making them! It made my day! There's one up there and the other two:


With this, I'd say you all are free to make any fan covers or fan art for Vicious Fangs if you want! I'd be more than happy!

Alright then, I hope you enjoyed. Vote, comment, follow for new updates and most importantly again lol have fun reading. Till next time then!


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