39. Cara

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Lady - or as her royal standing stated - Minister Isla was breathtakingly beautiful in the classic Fae manner.

Her hair was dyed a blue and her eyes matched. Her dress complimented her features and was a grape red in color. It was silk at least, smooth and shimmery.

She gave Seraphima a wide smile, showing her straight and white teeth and Sera returned it with one of her own charming smiles that accentuated the apples of her cheeks.


"Good to see you again, Sera."

So they were on first name basis, meaning close enough.

I stood silently behind Sera and observed, head lowered in the customary manner for a Handmaiden. I tilted my head slightly.

There was something special about her. Her eyes looked older, somehow wiser.

Leon was besides me too, face of stone but eyes never leaving Sera. He was almost as good as me at keeping his emotions at bay. Or at least as good as I was before Lucien found me and I started on this journey.

Either way, point was that he and Sera were definitely more than just Princess and Bodyguard but they wouldn't act on their feelings either.

Sera held my wrist and dragged me with her as she took a place on the cushioned chairs. "And this is Cara."

"So you're her." Isla's eyes took me in and then she smiled at me as well. "Nice to meet you."

It seemed like she'd heard of me. But the tone of her voice implied something different altogether.

I gave a polite smile. "Likewise, Minister Isla."

Despite whatever I might think of her,  she was certainly not in the same league as Lady Katherine and was truly an inspiration with how she became a Minister on the Council.

Then someone else entered the room as well and I felt like my eyes would bulge out of their sockets for a mere split second before I got a reign on my emotions and blanked.

There he stood with that ringlet of red curls atop his hair, body strengthened. Minister Isla glanced and smiled a bit.

"This...." She glanced at me as if knowingly. "This is Micah. My bodyguard."

I resisted the urge to scowl as confusion rooted within me. I bit the inside of my cheek and then finally looked at him.

He was staring back at me, face devoid of all emotions but recognition. I tilted my head slightly but he only stared back.

Was that how he had found me? Had been in Valeryn?

"Well, I've been wanting for you and Cara to meet for a long time. It's good it happened finally."

"I'm glad too." Isla tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and then spoke again, "Is Lady Katherine still being delusional?"

Sera groaned, "Don't ask. Now she's Arion's go-to."

I didn't quite understand but I don't think I was meant to either. My eyes flicked back to Micah who gave me a wink and I had to make a conscious effort not to drop my jaw.

I couldn't believe this.

Would I get to talk to him again and about so many things?

I sighed softly as the two females kept conversing and laughing. I listened as well and deduced they were good friends.

Not as good as me and Sera though.

Whoa, where did that come from?

I shook my head and I pondered over that star and chanting vision I'd seen recently with the five females on the five end points. But it didn't make any sense to me.

"Did you know I got a new supply of fur secured from Casteil? We can make high-quality winter clothing now as well."

"Truly Isla, you're amazing. And oh the Palace has been such a bore without you!" Sera rolled her eyes.

Minister Isla chuckled. "Well, traveling is always more fun for me than attending tea parties with all those ladies."

Sera grinned then looked at me, "And this is why I like Isla."

I smiled slightly, agreeing with her non-verbally.

"How have you found Valeryn to be, Cara?"

I shrugged, "Its a beautiful city. The Fae are methodical for sure." I chuckled and the others, including Micah joined me.

"True that." Micah spoke and I was taken aback by the way he spoke confidently, undertones of depth in his thick voice.

It was almost like he was not a bodyguard but more. Was he Minister Isla's lover?

No, that was a ridiculous thought even I could tell. But he spoke freely in the presence of two high-class Fae nobles and that was not customary.

Although I was not restricted either, Sera treated me like a friend - with her fair share of secrets, yes. But I always made sure to fulfill the required role of a Handmaiden in the proper sense when the circumstances rose.

Micah here did not seem like he had any  restrictions from Minister Isla.

I could still not wrap my head around how Micah knew Minister Isla and came to be her Bodyguard.

After about two more hours of conversing, it seemed like Minister Isla was tired form her journey as well and needed to rest.

As we all got up to leave and go our separate ways for now, I glanced at Micah who grinned at me reassuringly but I hesitated.

"I'll see you later then, Seraphima." Isla gave the Fae Princess an air cheek kiss and then gave me a conspiratorial smile.

Regardless of the fact that it didn't compare to Queen Kesla's, it was still baring mysteries regarding me.

I knew I wouldn't get to talk to Micah as soon as he left me, Leon and the Princess to ourselves and joined Minister Isla.

"Well, did you like her?"

I rose a brow and then slowly nodded. "Yes, she's nice."

Sera smiled. "Its relieving to know you don't hate her."

I tilted my head in puzzlement. "Why?"

"Because otherwise it wouldn't settle well with me." Sera's almond eyes looked into mine with utmost sincerity and I gave her an uncertain smile.

"Or her." She added under her breath.

"All right."

She rolled her eyes, out of that intense emotion. "Yes, yes now go if you want to. I'll see you later? I have some more lemon cookies to devour and I have chamomile tea from Braxton too."

She tempted me with a raised brow and a grin. I chuckled at her antics and nodded as I started to leave. "I'd like that."

We spent a lot of time together having fun and talking over things while we ate delicious food. But that was whenever she wasn't busy with her duties. I enjoyed it though.

Leon gave me a curt nod and I shook my head in exasperation.

Sera poked him in the shoulder and he looked at her. "Walk me to my room?"

I waited a moment to watch the response.

Leon opened his mouth but then simply nodded, tugging on her lose ochre curl. Sera blushed and then cleared her throat.

"Alright. To the rooms then." She nervously smiled at him and I think I saw a hint of his lips twitching with the slightest beginnings of a smile before he covered it up.

I smiled to myself as I left them alone, sure that Leon would soon crack under Sera's adorable personality.


When I entered the training room's lobby again, I instantly knew something was wrong.

Very wrong.

The creepy feeling of being watched was tenfold and I felt like darkness was slithering along the walls.

Without much prompting, I slipped my hand and grabbed onto my Silern dagger for mere comfort against an invisible enemy.

Shadows. Whispers.

When I entered the expanse of the room, I felt like there was something there that I couldn't see. Slowly, I turned my face to look at the wall on the side in the darkened room.

A creature's shadow was evident.

Dread slowly uncoiled in the pits of my stomach, a chill running down my spine. I gripped my dagger tightly.

And then there was a hiss.

My breathing quickened and I made a dash for my sword, aware that it was a better chance than my dagger that I slipped back into its place.

With Rubin in hand, I twisted and took up a defensive stance. Although my black velvet dress with ruffles of net and tulle made it slightly more difficult, I didn't have the liberty to go change exactly.

I don't know how or why, but I recognized the thing that appeared to be travelling in shadows.

It was a Daeva.

A Daeva has to be summoned or conjured. However, they will attack the person who summons them as well as the target they are sent after.

It moved along the walls, a hideous shadow.

They are invisible, but their shadows are not. Mostly, they are used as tools by powerful demons in order to take out their enemies.

Was I someone's enemy?

No, why do I even know all this information??

I felt my heart beating faster and I licked my lips as the slithering came again. One moment it was on the left wall and the next it was on the right.

Daeva can teleport and have super strength, as well as dangerous claws. Since Daeva are demons, they won't perish, but light can repel them and black magic can control them.

I, for one, had neither.

So what was I to do?

I still adjusted my grip on Rubin, the ruby on it shining strangely. My dagger felt heavy in the thigh sheath.

Then it spoke.

"Youuuuu....need to diiiiiee....."

The words were said with a heavy accent and clearly the language was not it's own. Of course not, but still it spoke.

To tell me how I needed to die, I thought to myself sourly.

It's not like I'll know the why anytime soon.

"Well, not today." I replied and my voice echoed but I wasn't half convinced that I would make it out alive.

And suddenly it was underneath me, grabbing my leg and I yelped before slashing my sword at it and cutting off a clawed finger.

No effect.

It only regrew within a few seconds as I stumbled to regain my footing.

I gasped, fear overtaking me and I gripped the hilt of Rubin tighter as I took steps back, the dress constricting my movements to an extent and I cursed myself.

Something in the air shifted behind me and my eyes widened.

I whirled around rapidly, swinging my sword with the movement and luckily it cut the Daeva but it only hissed, lunging at me with its claws and catching the flying ends of my braid.

I needed either light or dark magic if I wanted to get out of this alive and in one piece.

I needed a saving grace fast.

Panic washed over me like a high tide and I ran the sword through the creature when it attacked me again but to no avail.

I cried out when one claw scratched my side, blood seeping through. It burned like acid had gone in and torn some flesh out with a pointed nail. 

Scratching sounds came from all round me and I twirled, quick on my feet like Arion had taught me. There were deep gouges left on the wooden target practice wall and the stone had light marks as well.

It lunged forward suddenly, appearing out of seemingly nowhere and I stumbled back, sword in front. Claws slashed at empty air and I pushed one hand to my bleeding side, feeling it come back red and wet.

Damnit, I didn't think it was deep.

I shuddered for a moment, reminded of the time when my parents had been murdered by the red-eyed vampire. All that blood...those creatures...the ambush--

The Daeva was a creature that radiated darkness and was bent over at the waist. Raised and disfigured looking bones covered with blackened and peeling skin. A face that couldn't really be seen.

It was scary and it was disgusting but in the moment all I could do was be vigilant and slash at the air everytime it teleported.

My luck was so bad that it was evening and the three big windows weren't providing light at all.

With the shadows, the Daeva worked even better and it clawed at me hard, my torn dress taking more damage.

My chest rose and fell until it didn't. A strange calmness washed over me, something told me to gather my scattered emotions.

Why was I so worried in the first place?

One step back, sword pointed by my side, I silently watched. The pain in my side lessened momentarily as my focus shifted.

Everything has a weakness to exploit.

This creature of hell is no different. Surely I'll find a way. I only have to be smart. Sharp. The way I was before.

The way I still am.

With controlled breathing, I listened for any telling noises about its whereabouts and my eyes flicked at the smallest movement. Then it emerged from the shadows to my right, knocking over the rack of weapons in the process. The room was already turning into a mess.

What's your mantra, Cara? Remember.

I exhaled sharply and followed its movements as quickly as I could.

Give them power enough to fool them....

I clenched my jaw in determination and this time instead of stepping back, I charged it.

And then I swung Rubin.

....But never enough to lose yourself.

I slashed mercilessly and ruthlessly. But only at its limbs.

From my last attempt, I figured it could regrow its limbs. But if I managed to cut off its arms and legs as fast as possible, it'd take time to regrow. I could use those couple of seconds to my advantage.

It's arm from shoulder down was the first to go.

Black gooey liquid sprouted form the wound and I felt my lips turn down in disgust at the scene and smell.

But I didn't stop.

The other arm was my next target and Rubin was quite effective.

It hissed in anger and jumped but I ducked and used the opportunity to slash through both its legs, dropping to my knees and feeling my side ache as I lost more blood and put pressure on it.

A splash of the foul smelling blood covered me in a vertical line, soaking my dress and my face.

I breathed hard and whirled around as the Daeva fell, a block of chest and a head left.

And then Rubin lit up like a small star in the night sky. The smallest perhaps, but a star nonetheless.

Like a living, breathing entity of power ready to come alive at a moment's notice.

Perhaps I should have been afraid but in that moment I was willing to take whatever I could.

It was enthralling as the sword started glowing beautifully, silver light coating the pristine metal and the ruby was positively radiating power and a glow.

I'd cut off all the Daeva's limbs in a matter of seconds which made it temporarily immobile. It could teleport but apparently seeing the light from my sword made it still and hiss louder, immobilized.

I cried out in anger, my teeth pressed together as I drove Rubin through the sneering creature with the black blood leaking form its wounds.

I felt that thick skin and bone as Rubin pressed in, ploughing through till the point peeked out from it's other side. Meanwhile the creature was regrowing its cut off limbs.

The Daeva's eyes of black beads stared into mine as my heart continued thumping inside my rib-cage. It looked furious but the cries were full of pain.

And then I twisted my sword, that despite being coated in its vile blood, was managing to glow and glow......

......Until it glowed white and bright and then burst out.

The Daeva made a painful noise and my eyes widened as light pierced through it. Like it was a sieve with so many holes, only light coming out from them.

Until there was nothing left of it but dust and thick black blood. I felt nauseous and sick to my stomach. Everything was so catastrophic and seemingly unreal, my stomach turned in unease.

Rubin was free as well. It glowed once, the light within flaring until it died out.

I realized my whole body was trembling and my eyes were wide and watering. My chest rose and fell as I took in deep breaths, overwhelmed beyond limits. That calm phase was gone and my muscles stiffened, still in the pose I'd pierced the Daeva on the ground in.

And in the dimming light, I noticed something that made the blood pumping within me freeze.

The Ruby wasn't a ruby at all. It wasn't a stone.

It was blood, frozen in time with its cracks apparent and so clear that they gave the illusion of a Ruby. Breaking apart and red and glowing, woven together intricately.

The reality came crashing down on me like a ship at sea ready to be devastated by its furious storms.

My hands unwrapped from around the hilt of the magic ruby sword instantly and it clanged against the floor as it fell from my trembling hands.

I'd just killed a Daeva by myself  that came to kill me with a magic sword that glowed and held my mother's ruby that was actually frozen blood in a training room that apparently didn't exist.

A whimper escaped my lips and I felt vulnerable. And scared. As if nothing could protect me.

A song of whispered mysteries chanted along in the wind as the sky darkened and nightfall approached. Was it the wind really or my imagination itself, speaking from within my soul, somehow hidden?

'They are coming....'

I bit the inside of my cheek, feeling like I couldn't get enough air as I asked out loud a question that wouldn't be answered.


That answer though, I didn't know, was about to be answered soon.



So....how was this chapter?

I hope you all liked it! It was pretty action filled one and the Daeva is a true creature to be feared, man lol. Cara is feeling too much and she's confused and I think I'm putting her thoroug a lot but uh, that's my job hahaha. She's fast approaching a break-down and I would too honestly.

And how bout Micah being Minister Isla's Bodyguard? Or the Ruby not being a stone actually?

Oh and uhm....next chapter is Lucien and Damien's POV! Ahhhaa!

Anyways, hope you vote and comment and keep reading! We only have six more chapters and the Epilogue left now. And I'm writing the Epilogue right now. Till next time!


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