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She took refuge in the Lord's house.

After tiring herself as she ran around to find a safe place to hide herself, she came to a calm area where the city church was located, surrounded by tall and large Neem trees.

She stopped as she came near the tall building. Its white covering shone brightly under the sun's glow and that was the moment she took a deep breath.

Panting and trying to catch her breath, she bent a little. Her palm landed over her stomach as she greedily breathed through her mouth while her eyes stared at the top of the building where the cross stood.

Birds passed by and the sun glowed behind the intersection.

Tears welled up in her bright brown eyes and she decided to walk inside, hiding her face from the bright, blinding sunlight.

The chaser couldn't even imagine the place and Delilah was sure of it. Surely we think of God at such hard times but thinking of visiting His house really doesn't come to many's minds.

Delilah found the place safe.

Monday mornings always left the churches empty and serene. People were busy in their own lives. Only a few came to meet the Lord and Delilah was glad that there weren't many people inside the church.

She walked inside with tired limbs and throbbing muscles. Her feet hurt, being bare. Because of striking against rough surfaces, her feet experienced cruel abrasion. Some cuts were even on the verge of bursting open.

Her grip was tight around her phone and as soon as she came under the high ceiling, through which fans were hanging, she breathed in relief as she grabbed a seat nearby. Cool wind passed through her sweaty skin.

Her body slouched and her forehead lowered. Her eyes fell shut and tears rolled down freely.

"So much happened in a few hours and it was so horrible, Lord," she began in a low whisper and wavering tone. "Save me. Hide me, Lord, under your palm. I don't know who they are but they claim to know my Dad."

Flashes of what happened a few hours ago started coming before her closed eyes and she shuddered in terror. As much as the boldness she showed while knocking them down, she was afraid to let it happen once again because she didn't belong to violence and goons.

"I don't even want to know who they are. Please, make it all normal like it was before. I don't want that. And please, keep my Dad safe."

She was all alone inside the huge building. There was nobody inside except for a priest who took care of the house. He would always know who entered the church and who didn't so he was there again, standing near the altar.

"I know he might be searching for me but if You're listening to me, don't let him find me here. I've come under Your roof."

The old and weak eyes of the priest looked at the girl. Her small figure was slouched on one of the benches placed in the last row, near the gate. She looked tired and her trembling body indicated that she was crying silently. He had seen many people like that; broken, tired, and bleeding. She wasn't a rare sight.

He decided to go to her.

Silent footsteps never let her hear who was coming closer to her. She indeed relaxed while begging.

"In my times of trouble, you're my refuge. You're my fortress, oh, Most High God."

"Indeed He is, daughter. He welcomes the weary," he said as he heard her crying silently.

Delilah immediately looked up, alarmed. Her big and scared eyes stared at the priest and her breath hitched. But once she discovered it wasn't a threat, she relaxed the very next instant.

The priest realized that the girl was in serious trouble. Her alarmed nature told him that. Though confusion met his mind, he didn't let a frown surface on his facial features. He remained calm, silently wondering what made the girl so scared.

"Are you alright, my child?" He asked very gently, making sure she wouldn't react the same way again.

Delilah realized why he was so gentle with her, as if talking to a toddler. She didn't say anything about that. "I am," she mumbled, regaining her posture.

He smiled. "Do not be afraid. You're in the house of the Lord."

She nodded her head as more tears rolled down. "I just want to make sure; is He with me?"

"Every time, daughter. You remember His Word? In Isaiah, God says, 'So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.' The Lord is with you every time, as king David says in Psalms, 'He's our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.' The Lord will never leave your side as He promised in Isaiah once again, 'When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.' As the Lord promised Joshua, so He promises you, my daughter, 'As I was with Moses, so I will be with you: I will not fail you, nor forsake you.' So, my daughter, be strong as David said, 'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you're with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.'"

Having received the Word of the Lord was another experience of her life where she found strength because the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Doesn't matter who said them, she was sure it was the approval of the Lord.

At least, she wasn't alone, and there, she found strength.

She nodded her head and he smiled in response.

"God bless you, my child. May He be with you as He was with Moses. May He help you with everything. Just don't lose courage."

Courage was something that could easily break and Delilah counted her life as really important. Along with that, saving her father from their clutches was another important thing.

However, she found some strength and she knew if God was with her, nothing could be impossible for her as Jesus says in Matthew, with men, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. And God was with her.

"I won't."

"In the name of Jesus, Amen."


The response was pleasant, and after receiving it, Delilah made her way outside. She grabbed her phone and dialed her father. On the very first ring, he answered her and the first thing he asked her was, "How are you?"

"I'm safe. For now." She sighed, sitting on the stairs. The wall behind her helped her hide from the killing sunrays. The trees around provided her with some cool.

Her father couldn't waste time, keeping in mind that the call could be tracked and it takes around only ten seconds to do it. So he played well just like he was doing until now.

"It's good to know, my daughter that you're alright. Now listen to me and listen very carefully. They're behind us and I'm sure they can trace my location through you so listen to what I'm telling you. I've contacted a man who knows me. His name is Waqas Salazar. He'll be there anytime and he knows where you're. To confirm it is him, check the tattoo on his forearm. It's in Aramaic and you'll know the meaning because you know the language. Now I'm disconnecting. Take care, okay?"

She couldn't even answer her father and her phone beeped, showing that the connection had broken off and she felt bad.

After whatever happened in a few hours, Delilah wanted to talk to her father but she wasn't even getting that chance. She knew her father was being cautious but still, human emotions rarely remain in check.

Another second passed and right before her eyes, her phone confirmed that the number was invalid.

She groaned, dropping the phone on the stairs. She was stuck. She heard what her father said but is this how she was going to live for the rest of her days? How long was it going to go?

The way her father answered her, she could tell he was well aware of everything and she silently wondered if her father really betrayed those goons.

Who lied or not was not her concern for the moment that passed. She only thought about Waqas now. She didn't know who he was, but she had heard that her father had a business partner named Salazar.

She could trust her father but she wanted to know what was happening around her. Why and how her father was in contact with such dangerous goons? Why did he put himself into such a heavy mess?

Seconds passed which she spent praying under her breath and soon, she saw a car that came closer. She got up, her lips still moving. Her eyes wandered over the white vehicle. It was a spotless Toyota. She wished her father told her about the car, too.

It stopped near the main gates of the church and she carefully walked ahead. A man came out of the car, looking to be in his early thirties.

He was tall and muscular. He wore a white cotton shirt which complimented the khaki trousers he wore, and his sleeves were rolled up. His hair was curly, a bit messed up and his features were hard. A scar was on his cheek and Delilah realized she had seen him already.

But she never knew his name.

Realizing the man was actually whom her father talked about, she walked to him, uttering, "Are you here for me?"


But she couldn't trust him so easily. As her father said, she let her eyes inspect his arm which was indeed tattooed. The texts were in Aramaic and she read them in her mind; nothing lasts forever.

It was him.

"Done inspecting? Now come inside," he said, his voice rough and deep.

Delilah obeyed him silently. She didn't meet him. It was only for once he came to their home and walked into the study room of her father. There they discussed for an hour and he walked out silently.

Delilah noticed him when she was in the garden of her house. She could see him through the window. He was stoic as always and never smiled.

Being respectful towards her father's business, she grabbed her book and the glass of juice and walked away from that place so that they couldn't see her and she couldn't see them.

After that, she never saw him. That small interaction of eyes never let her notice he had a tattoo, too. But now, he came to save her.

"Thank you, Jesus," she mumbled as she sat inside and fastened the seatbelt.

He seemed to hear her whisper as he answered, "Jesus didn't save you. It's Waqas."

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. He sat like a heavy rock upon a squeezy seat but the joke wasn't funny enough to make her laugh in such a dreadful situation.

"And it is Jesus Who controls you." That answer shut him up. He started the engine when she said, "Well, thanks to you, too. For coming here."

"It's fine."

She nodded her head. The car started moving and she relaxed. At least she was with a man who was muscular enough to beat some men down. She couldn't thank enough.

"Delilah, disable your phone. They can track you."

She did as he said, putting in his palm the sim cards. He put them aside, focusing on the road ahead. It was wide and clean. There was no one except them because the area was calm.

"How did you know my location?" She proceeded to ask, having many questions like that in her head. Full of suspicion and fear.

"I have my ways." His answer was short like always. Delilah didn't mind it.

"Can the goons do it now?" She pointed towards the tracking of location if the goons could do it. After what had happened, she knew being careful was something to follow until it became normal.

"They don't have enough information and your father knows you so it was quicker for me."

"Okay. But why are they before my father?"

"Business issues and nothing else." He shrugged, making her realize it was all normal for him.

"Do people kill in business?"

"Much more happens than killing."

"What's worse than dying?"

"Getting raped, tortured, seeing your sons and daughters die before your eyes, selling yourself, prostituting yourself to your rivals, giving babies to—"

"I don't want to know further. You can stop it."

He chuckled as if it was funny and his eyes never wandered off the road. Delilah fell silent but her mind couldn't fall shut. It was still chaotic. There were a lot of questions in her head.

"Is it really because of betrayal?"

"You don't have to know about it."

So she proceeded to ask something. "Where's Dad?" Because Delilah knew if people forbid her from doing something, it would be better not to overlook the threat.

God forbid Adam not to eat the fruit but he ate it and the results weren't very nice.

"Somewhere safe."

She sighed, running her palm down her face. Her head was starting to ache now. She wondered how it was going to end. There were a lot of mysteries and she wasn't told a single thing. But she considered it well for herself. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

"Can they stop if my Dad apologizes to them?" She asked out of nowhere and in Waqas' language, it was called absurdity yet he said nothing.

"You're such a naive girl to think that, Delilah."

"I'm a human."

"Sarcasm can cost you dearly, Miss Seth."

"I don't either tolerate nonsense, Mr Salazar."

He chuckled in the end. "Fiesty," he commented, nodding his head and tapping his finger against the steering wheel.

Waqas hid it well but the girl intrigued him, too. Just like Maddox was mesmerized. Those who rebel are loved by the tamers but in Delilah's sense, she wasn't wrong and she was right about it.

When God made the earth, He didn't put cruelty, violence, and hatred into it. He never did it. Rather, He wanted love to spread but the devil didn't let it happen. Those who still follow what God wants are indeed normal as Delilah says because that was the way they were created but those who don't follow Him carry a curtain on their eyes that needs to be pulled up.

"He can't. Because they won't forgive him. We're not normal, Delilah," he accepted with sincerity because if thought deeply about it, Delilah was wrong in no sense. They weren't ordinary. They were cruel creatures, inspired by the world and the prince of darkness.

Delilah caught the word 'we' when Waqas said it and she realized they all knew something which she did not. Even her father was with them. 

. . .

You know when I was in sin and I was writing this story, I decided not to send Delilah inside the church bc I was ashamed of what I was doing. I knew God knows everything but still, I was trying to hide myself.

Idk about others but I don't use God's holy name and things related to Him and His church this easily. It's only when I have to preach about Him and when I was in sin, I felt too ashamed to use God in my book which was sinful and morally wrong.

I felt like, no, it's wrong. God isn't a toy rather i'm a speck of dust. But today, I've changed and I'm glad I can give glory to Him through my work.

Anyway, thanks for reading. If possible, please share it to someone whom you believe they'll read the story. It'll be very helpful. I want more readers or I won't be able to continue this story. I'm not threatening but honestly, I can't push words. I need them to flow.

Stay happy, stay beautiful.
Jesus loves you <3

Instagram:- @wattpad.ahava

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