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She sprayed on the rich faint rose mixed with notes of musky sandalwood onto her burgundy bodycon gently, allowing the fabric to absorb the fragrance.

The sounds of shoes clicking against the wooden floor was slowly approaching her.

"Areum, where are you going?"

She turned around to face the person. With a slight smirk, she started walking towards the tall, lean figure.

"I am coming with you. How is this?"

She runs her hand over her curves, trying to outline her perfect hourglass figure.

"I told you not to come. It's just a small office party" He clicked his tongue.

"Why not?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't want you to be the slut you are at every party"

Her jaw dropped.


"No I'm serious, you do this every single time. Aren't you satisfied with me?"

She didn't speak a word but instead attacked his lips without warning. He couldn't help but kiss back. Their tongues fight for dominance and his winning the round.

Although soft moans escaped into the kiss, and their bodies slowly losing control, it was as if she has done some magic on him.

But he quickly got back to his senses and pulled away.

"I won't do anything this time, I promise"

She clinged onto his arm. He just hummed in response and harshly pushed her away.

"Let's just go, we are getting late"



No reply.


Yet again, no reply.


"What? Let me drive. Do you want me to crash the car?"

She gulped hard. The silence definitely did not help when it came to ignoring Taehyung's anger.

The way he was driving showed it all. Speed above 100 km/h and sharp turns every time they approached a roundabout.

The only thing that broke the awkward silence every few minutes was his phone. Notifications kept coming and it made her curious.

"Who might be texting him so much?"

She tried to extend her hand near the charging portal to take his phone but he ended up grabbing her wrist.

"Stop touching my phone"

She sighed.

"Let me see who is this person texting you so much"

She tried to free her hard but his grip tightened

"It's my girl- my colleague"

"Your what?"

He took a turn and stopped at a service lane.

"Do you want me to leave you here alone? If not, then stop asking questions"

His eyes were clearly burning in anger. She couldn't do anything but glance at her heels as he blurted out instructions like every other time they went out together.

"Now take this and stuff it in your mouth till we reach. Dare you removeit before that"

He handed over a lollipop to her. The label read 'extra spicy'. She knew she didn't have another choice, so without any further questions she put the round, spicy ball of sugar in her mouth, trying not to let her tongue touch it.


He removed the stick from her mouth. Her lips swollen and trembling. It was too much for her to bare.

"I'm sorry princess"

He cupped her face and placed a lingering kiss on her lips. It sure wasn't for that long but definitely helped her feel better.

"It's alright"

She smiled.

"Shall we go now?"

He asked. She nodded in response.

Opening the car door, he got off and quickly made his way to the opposite side before opening the door for her.

She linked her arm into his and entered the hotel which was marvelously decorated and had extravagant arrangements within the interiors.


Its been ten minutes since Areum was trying to find Taehyung, but he didn't seem to be anywhere near where she was currently standing.


Someone tapped her shoulder.

As she turned around, she saw a familiar face. One which brought a huge smile on her face.

"Daejung! It's been so long"

Her arms locked his upper body while he embraced her.

"I know. I missed you a lot"

They broke the hug.

"How are you doing?"

Her expressions changed. The before excited and cheerful one was replaced by a scared one.


She stammered.

He knew what that meant so all he did was nod in response.

"You know what? Let's forget about about everything, including Taehyung, for sometime and have some drinks shall we?"

If there was anyone she could trust, it would be Daejung. Afterall, they knew each other for years.



"I must tell you Areum, you look stunning in that outfit"

They were at the bar, sipping on their champagne cocktails.

She tucked a stand of hair behind her ear before answering.

"If only he could say that" her tone reflected sadness and disappointment.

He couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"It's okay Areum, I'm sure he will accept you one day"

She heaved a sigh. Suddenly, she felt some pressure at her lower stomach.

"Uh Daejung, I need to use the restroom. I'll be back in five minutes"

She quickly got up but was stopped by him.

"Hold up, I'll come with you. It isn't save for you to go alone"

She mouthed an 'okay'.


"I'll be done quick"

She was about to enter the restroom but stopped when there were some weird noises coming from the inside.

"Don't worry it's pretty normal here"

Sounds of intense moaning could be heard. It was a mix of a deep and a really sharp, high pitched voice, the deep one dominating.

She shrugged and opened the door.


His and the girl's extremely heated make out session near the sink counter got interrupted.

He quickly put her down and buttoned up his shirt.

By this time, Daejung entered the restroom too.

"Areum it's not what you think-"

She didn't allow him to speak. Acting quickly, she grabbed Daejung's collar and pulled in him for a long kiss.

Taehyung's fists clenched as his anger started reaching heights. He definitely did not like what he was seeing.

"I knew you would do this again. Let's just go home"

Areum broke the kiss and turned to him.

"I am going with Daejung, you can take this bitch along with you"


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