Chapter 1

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Khanna mansion

Prakash - Shweta ji have you prepared the breakfast ?

Shweta - Waits for 5 minutes. ( She speaks from kitchen )

Bebe - Madam Madonna you and tortoise are siblings in terms of speed.

Shweta comes towards dinning table along with containers consisting of dishes.

Shweta - Whats Bebe I wokes up lates. That's why I gots lates in preparings breakfasts.

Bebe - Prakash let's go to hospital.

Prakash - Why bebe ? Are you alright ?

Bebe - We have to admit English language there cos your lovely wife have broken the leg of the poor  language. ( She says sarcastically ).

Shweta - Bebe you always do thats. 

Bebe - By the way, why you woke up late.

Because she was with me. ( A voice comes from behind, they all looked in the direction of voice.)

A wide smile appeared on their face after looking at the person standing there clad in white shirt and royal blue pants. Her hairs were tied in a high ponytail and she was smiling while looking at her life her, family.

Bebe - Avni, come beta have breakfast. ( smilingly ).

Avni comes forwards and hugs Shweta from behind, Shweta smiles at her gesture. 

Avni - ( while hugging Shweta ) Bebe yesterday night, when I was making the presentation mom joined me,  she provided me with coffee, jokes etc etc so that I can work properly and when I drifted into sleep in her lap she didn't disturbed my sleep and that's the reason why she got late.

Avni kisses Shweta's cheeks while Shweta kisses Avni's palm. Bebe and Prakash adores their bond.

Shweta - Now come and have breakfast Avni.

Avni sits and was about to take parantha but Shweta stopped her.

Avni - What happened maa ?

Shweta - You waits for 1 minutes.

Shweta went and comeback with a plate and kept it in front of Avni. Avni's happiness knew no limits.

Avni - Poha ( excitedly ) thanks maa.

Shweta - No thanks and all, just eat it.

Prakash - So Avni, presentation is ready ?

Avni - ( while having poha ) Yes papa, presentation is ready I hope that we would be able to grab this deal.

Prakash - I very well know how much you have worked on this deal so even if we don't get it, I won't regret cos my daughter have given her 100%. ( smiles ).

Bebe - Avni.

Avni - Ji Bebe.

Bebe looks at Shweta who gives an assuring look to her.

Avni - What happened ? Is everything fine.

Bebe - See Avni, I know I shouldn't speak on this topic but it's been 4 years since Neil .. ( tears escaped from her eyes.) Don't you think that you should move on. I mean we are here with you but everyone needs a partner with whom he/ she can share everything, make memories. How much you will wait ? We don't even know where is he ? Is he alright or not ? ( She speaks in tears.)

Avni was crying after listening her words, Prakash and Shweta tried to console her.

Avni - Just answer my one question Bebe. What's my relationship status ?

All went numb, they weren't able to answer her.

Avni - Am I single or divorcee or a  widow. No one have an answer. All I know that I am a victim of Destiny. I am married but wasn't able to start my married life with my husband. Destiny have played very cruel game with both of us. What's my relation with him. I don't even know this. We can't be even  termed as friends. I only have few memories with him. ( Tears were flowing freely from her eyes.)

She drowns into the memory lane.

4 years back

Ayesha - Avni you know that Neil is an amazing person. When  you will get to know him then you will understand, why your father chose him for you.

Avni - Mom, do you think I am ready for marriage.

Ayesha - Yes bacha, you are and don't worry Neil's family is also very loving.  You know Neil have trained under your father so Ashish knows him very well.

Avni - Well, if you guys are saying this then he must be an amazing person. ( smiling ).

Ayesha - Now come let's go. Khanna family  have arrived and are waiting for you.

Avni comes downstairs and was about to move towards the living room where everyone was sitting but her foot slipped cos of  water spilled over the floor, Avni was about to touch the ground but she was held in between two muscular arms. She closed her eyes in fear and when she opened her eyes, she saw a well build man with hazel Brown eyes is holding her. She got lost into his eyes. He smiles at her while she smiles back, he made her stand properly.

Ayesha witnessed the scene and smiles.

Ayesha - Avni he is Neil and Neil she is Avni my daughter or I would say your future wife. ( smiles ).

Neil smiles at her while Avni blushes.

Ayesha - I am going. You both come together.

She left.

Neil - You are fine ?

Avni - Yeah. ( smiles ) .Thanks.

Neil - What you do Avni ?

Avni - I am applying for jobs. Tomorrow I am having interview.

Neil - Oh !! I am Captain Neil Khanna. I have learnt alot from your dad Major Ashish Mehta. He is like my teacher who gives the best preachings.

Avni - ( smiles ) Even I need his advises at every phase of my life.

Neil - If you want you can join my dad 's  business.

Avni - I will see to it.

Neil - Are you ready for this marriage ? I mean you aren't doing this under some pressure. Right ?

Avni - I am nervous. I mean.

Neil - No need to be nervous, we both will try to adjust.

Avni - Yeah, Mr. Captain. ( smiles ).

Neil chuckles.

After two days they got married.

They both were tied with the thread of arrange marriage. When they came to Khanna mansion after their wedding, Neil was called for duty.

Neil went in his room and packed his stuffs. When he came down, he saw that everyone was sad as he is leaving too soon but for him his responsibility towards nation comes first.

He hugged everyone as he can't see their sad faces but then he saw that someone who was an important part of his life now, his newly wedded wife Avni was standing there with a smiling face, he can feel that she was breaking inside but for him she smiled. He understood that she is very bold and she will manage his family in his absence. He went towards her and she forward her hand towards him for a handshake, he gently shook hand with her.

Avni - All the best. Make us proud Captain Neil Khanna.

Neil smiles

Neil - Take care Avni, I know you will manage everything here cos you are very strong.

With that he left. It's been four years since he is missing along with some other soldiers.

Flashback ends

Avni - ( crying ) When we got to know that Neil is missing, I promised myself that I will wait for him. Even if I have to wait for my entire life I am ready.

Everyone hugged her.

Avni - Papa we should leave now or else we will get late for the meeting.

Prakash nods and she went to her room for collecting her papers but then she saw Neil's pic lying on the side table of the bed, she took his pic and caressed it.

Avni - I hope you are fine Neil. ( teary eyes ).

She wipes her tears and went downstairs.

Avni and Prakash were about to leave but stopped after Prakash received a call from Ashish.

When he cut the call, he was shocked, tears were flowing down from his eyes but his happiness knew no bounds.

Bebe - What happened Sunny ?

Prakash - Bebe, Neil. Our Neil is back ( teary eyes ) he escaped from his enemies clutches. He is back in his country.

( Here is the first update. Do drop your views. )

Much love
Thanks 💓

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