Chapter 13: Ready for a Dance Dance Revolution

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Well, I certainly am glad the dance could go as planned, despite your... odd demands... Seriously, why fog machines ?"

Yang: Come on, we both know a dance isn't complete without these !

"... This is not a rave party, yang, it's a dance to promote unity between the kingdoms and- Don't you pretend to be snoring !"

Yang: Hey, it could be worse, it could be Blake-level of exhaustion. But I think I did a good job convincing her.

Sun: Urg, you... Stupid... Guh, neck trap...

Blake: I knew you'd look better in a tie.

Sun: So... Does this means we're going together ?

Blake: Technically. Though my first answer's spoken for it.

"Oh, so you did manage to convince her to finally take some rest. Well, after such a story, I shouldn't be surprised."

Yang: Don't tell me you were listening...

"Hey, you guys aren't the only ones preoccupied with her health. I wanted to join in at first, but the mood got so heavy, I just stayed outside and... Remembered..."

Yang: ... ... You too, huh ?

"Hm. Spend too much time chasing the horizon and you'll lose what's under your nose... I know that all too well... Though I must say, you depict a way cooler image of Qrow than Ozpin... Or the man himself."

Yang: You met him ?

"yeah, he swung by Oz between two missions, got acquainted... Kind of an asshole reeking of booze"

Yang: That's... Surprisingly accurate. Oh, Ruby, you made it ! You look beautiful !

Ruby: Urg... can we stop and have a serious talk on how Weiss fights in heels like these ? Gh... What are we even supposed to now that our "Invite Blake" mission is over ?

Yang: Just have fun !

Ruby: Does that mean I can change out of these stupid things and into my hood now ? Stupid stilts...

Ozpin: Not enjoying yourself ?

"Perceptive as ever. What gave it away, Oz ?"

Ruby: Oh, no, everything's fine... i'm just not much of a fancy-dancy girl...

Ozpin: well, you can't spend your entire life on the battlefield, even if you may want to.

Ruby: Yeah, that lesson has been floating around a lot lately...

"Oh trust me, you can only be so long on the front lines before starting to long these kind of simpler, happier times."

Ozpin: If you think about it, fighting and dancing aren't so different. Two partners interlocked... Although one wrong move on the ballroom merely leads to a swollen foot.

Ruby: Or a twisted ankle...

"And it's not exactly the same goal you have in mind... In one case that both partners have a great time, in the other that it's your partner's last time. Though some people would argue this works both ways."

Ozpin: Haha. It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way to testing their bonds, but it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget.

"And speaking of not forgetting... Some of our guests seem to have forgotten about tonight... or..."


Yang: You guys are just in time !

Mercury: Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Jaune: ... I see you're hiding by the punch bowl too.

Ruby: Yuuuuuup...

Jaune: ... To the socially awkward. *Clink*

Ruby: Hehe. Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss...

Jaune: Heh, it's fine, Neptune's pretty "cool"... I get why she went with him...

Ruby: ... What do you mean ?

Jaune: I mean, come on, not many people can pull off blue hair.

Ruby: No, I mean... Weiss came to the dance alone. She said she had too much to focus on to worry about that...

Jaune: Grrr... Hold my punch...

Ruby: ... ... *Sip*

"Rivalry detected at 8 O'clock. Something tells me the Arc boy wants to square up against the god of the ocean's namesake..."

Ozpin: Are you going to intervene ?

"Hm... No, I don't think there's any need to. And by the looks of things, I'm guessing something really weird might happen soon..."

Jaune: hey Pyrrha... You okay ? I haven't seen you all night...

Pyrrha: Hello Jaune... Arrived late, i'm afraid...

Jaune: Well, huh, you... Look really nice. Your, uh, date isn't going to beat me for saying that, is he ?

Pyrrha: ... I think you're safe for the night.

Jaune: So, where is the guy ?

Pyrrha: There is no guy. Nobody asked me.

Jaune: H- Huh... What ? But, you're Pyrrha Nikos... How could nobody ask you ?

Pyrrha: ... i've been blessed, with incredible talent and opportunities. I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise... But when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long... You become separated from the people who put you there in the first place. Everyone assumes i'm too good for them. That I'm on a level they simply can't attain. It's become impossible to form any kind of meaningful relationships with people !

Pyrrha: That's what I like about you... When we met, you didn't even know my name. You treated me just like anyone else. And thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime. I guess... You're the kinda guy I wished I was here with... Someone who just saw me for me...

Jaune: ... W- Wait-

Neptune: hey, uh... Jaune, right ? This party's kinda boring, huh , I mean, ballroom dancing... Cute girls, though.

Jaune: ... is that all you think about ? Do you even care about the girls you're hitting on, how they feel about you ?

Neptune: Wow, where is this coming from ?

Jaune: How could you just turn her down like that ?!

Neptune: Wait, wh- Who are you talking about ?

Jaune: Weiss !

Neptune: ... I, uh... It, uh... It just didn't work out. You know...

Jaune: What, are you just too cool for her ? Too many other options to choose from ? Weiss Schnee asked you to the dance, what in the world could possibly keep you from-

Neptune: I can't dance... !

Jaune: ... beg your pardon ?

Neptune: I can't dance, man !

Jaune: But, you're... So cool...

Neptune: Thank you, man. I try really hard...

Jaune: You'd rather break a girl's heart and go to a dance alone than admit to everyone you can't move in rhythm to music ?

Neptune: ... That about sums it up, yeah ?

Jaune: Well, I certainly feel better about myself...

Neptune: Please don't tell anybody... Look if you want Weiss, she's all yours. I won't be getting in your way.

Jaune: ... Do you like her ? Then, go talk to her... No pickup lines, no suave moves... Just be yourself... I was told that's the way to go.

Neptune: yeah, but that-

Jaune: hey. You don't have to look cool all the time. In all honesty, if you could be a little less cool, I'd appreciate it.

Neptune: yeah... okay.

Jaune: Go talk to her. I guarantee it'll make her night.

Neptune: ... Thanks. You're a really cool guy Jaune;

Jaune: Alright, don't lie to my face.

"... Giving love advice now, Mr.Arc ? That's quite unusual of you."

Jaune: i'm just... Repeating what I was told...

"Hm. I'm sure whoever gave you these advice wanted the best for you. And me think you should probably give that person the thanks she deserve."

Jaune: Yeah, I guess... Say, you know where they put all the extra stuff they didn't use, right ? Only one thing left to do...

Ozpin: I hope whatever this was wasn't too serious of a matter...

"Oh, you know how kids are, one second they're bickering over something, the one after they're already back to being friends... though for the love of pops, I cant quite understand why Jaune asked me where he could find more dresses..."

Crowd: *Laughter*

Ozpin: Would that possibly be related to what is currently happening ?

"... What a guy..."

Pyrrha: ... Jaune ?

Jaune: ... A promise is a promise.

Pyrrha: ... ... Pfffrr... Hahahahahahahaha !! J- Jaune ! You didn't have to !

Jaune: Hey, an Arc never goes back on his word. Now do you want to stand here and laugh at me, or do you wanna dance ?

Pyrrha: I would love to dance.

Nora: Ren... This, is, Happening !!

Ren: Wait, what is happening ?

"You go, Jaune ! Show'em how you rock that dress !"

Pyrrha: I had no idea you were a dancer.

Jaune: yeah, well, these things tend to happen when you grow up with seven sisters.

"hehe... Hm ?"

Ozpin: is something the matter ?

"Well, it could be the punch playing tricks on me... But I'd swear I saw a figure sneak around the communication tower..."

Ozpin: Well, maybe that would explain why Miss Rose's locker suddenly went off without any warning.

"Of course she'd go after that of she saw it... Should we inform Ironwood of the situation ?"

Ozpin: i'm sure the General is already aware of it, he just left as well.

"I think that's more related to the three broken toes he has after dancing with Glynda... But if you say he already knows, then there's probably no reason to worry..."

Ozpin: Exactly, so just enjoy the night. Even if it was a problem, the communication tower is out of Beacon's jurisdiction, so I doubt James would be very happy to see it.

"That's actually a very fair point. Then I guess i'll take your advice to heart and have some fun..."

Mercury: ... False alert. The teach didn't leave, only ironwood. Should we intervene ?

Cinder: ... No. We have what we need. I'll be right back.

Emerald: ... Do you think it would've been a problem ?

Mercury: if there was two of them, maybe... But if it's one-on-one, I can't see her losing...

"Making bets about the tournaments, I see ?"

Mercury: Hnggrrrkkk ?! P- please don't just appear out of nowhere like that, teach !

"hey, calm down, calm down. You just had such an air of seriousness I couldn't help it. Come on, have some fun, it's not everyday we can all enjoy ourselves like that."

Cinder: I keep telling them to enjoy the peace while it lasts.

Emerald: C- Cinder ! We were just...

Cinder: Don't bother, I can see it well enough. As for you... I assume you don't have a partner ? If so... may I ?

"Well, since it seems to be true on both sides, it would be my pleasure. So long as you're having a pleasant night."

Cinder: It definitely is pleasant. Maybe even a little... exciting.

"Oh ? I didn't know dances could be that enticing. Something that you would be worried about ?"

Cinder: Hardly. As a team Leader, it is my duty to keep my head clean of such things. isn't it true for you as well, dear teacher~ ?

"If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you're trying to seduce me. And if it's the case, i'm afraid you're looking at a dead-end."

Cinder: What a shame... If I trust this ring on your hand...

"Yes, I already have a significant other... And she means the world to me. I'm quite saddened I had to move away from her for this job."

Cinder: Indeed... But, to be proposed such a job, you seem to be getting along quite well with Professor Ozpin...

"I hardly know the man. He's just full of mysteries. But again... Aren't we all ? Let's just keep the gossip out for now... After all, this is supposed to be a party..."

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