Chapter 2

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Our footsteps can't even be heard as we sprint through the underbrush of the forest. We jump over roots sticking through the hard packed dirt and dodge trees and small plants that seem to come out of nowhere in search of our special spot.
A minute later we come to it. It's an enormous tree with lots of sturdy branches. The three of us stop, facing the tree, panting slightly a catch our breath. I smile at Connor and Julia and they grin right back.
I push a curl behind my ear and begin to climb. Grabbing the branch directly above my head I hoist myself up into the tree, finding small foot and hand holds as I go. I reach a set of sturdy branches about three quarters of the way up the tree and slide down one to sit on. Connor comes up right behind me, followed immediately by Julia. We are all skilled climbers so it doesn't take long to scale the giant tree. Once we are all among the branches I lean back against the trunk of the tree and close my eyes.
Connor whistles, low and long. " could be the last day the three of us sit up here in this tree together."
"Connor don't." I snap, eyes still closed.
"He's right, Em," Julia says. "It's the quarter quell and three tributes are being taken to the games this year. Plus tessare."
"I know," I groan. "Perks of living in the Seam, right?"
Connor snorts.
"Let's just not talk like that okay. " I open my eyes and glance at them both. "I want to enjoy this day, if it is my final day with my two best friends."
"Me too," Juila agrees.
Connor nods. "Me three."
I smile.
We sit around for a while, just talking and laughing about nothing in particular. We joke about some people from town and stupid things we've done before in these woods. It's a great time.
At about 10:30 Connor takes a faded blue backpack off of his back and unzips it. "Breakfast anyone?"
"Mm, yes please..." I mumble.
"Is that even a question?" Julia retorts, already stuffing a handful of blueberries in her mouth.
"Hey," Connor laughs, "Save some for me!"
Julia makes a face and stuffs another handful in her mouth, some falling out of her already full cheeks.
I burst out laughing, not even trying to hold it in. I love spending time with my best friends.
Sweeping the area with my eyes I run my finger over the blunt edge of the knife. I spot some critter, possibly a squirrel, scurrying along a brach about ten feet away. I flick the knife.
The squirrel dies instantly.
I'm quite proud of my shot, I have pretty good aim for a fifteen year old.
I reach over my head and pull the rest of the knives out of the hole in the tree trunk where I stash them. We aren't allowed weapons in District 12, but technically out in the woods we aren't in the we stash any weapons out here. Connor has a bow and arrows he uses, and Julia has a slingshot, but we all know how to use knives. I'm the best at it though, by far. They know the basics, but are better at using their other weapons.
Stashing the knives in my jacket I skirt along the branch I'm on, then jump to another, then to the one where the squirrel lies. I take the knife out, wipe it on the hem of my shirt, and take the squirrel back to the tree.
We hunt for a few hours, trying to pass time before the reaping.
After a while the three of us stop, glancing at our half full game bag.
Connor slings his bow over his head and shoulder. "Do you think that's enough?"
Julia takes a look at the bag more closely. "What do we have in there again? A rabbit, two squirrels, some herbs? I'd say so. Plus my family still has leftovers from yesterday so we are good for tonight."
"Alright. Emma we can split the load then, okay?" Connor looks to me.
I nod. "Yep, sounds good to me."
He smiles at me. "Great."
With our weapons stashed away we head for the meadow, our place of entry to the district. There is a small gap under the fence to wiggle under. Yes, it's dangerous, but the fence is almost never electrified so we don't worry about it too much.
After we have all successful gotten back under the fence, we set off for the Seam. We drop Julia off at her house, who climbs back in through her window just like she came out.
"I'll see you at the reaping!" She calls out as Connor and I start to leave.
"Yep, see you!" I wave.
"You two better look nice!"
Connor roles his eyes. "Meh, i'll just wear some ripped pants, yeah?"
Julia scowls. "If you do, I'll kill you." Connor laughs as Julia disappears inside her room. We continue walking. "You know, she won't get the chance if I get reaped for the Games."
I slap his shoulder. "Seriously Connor, stop talking like that."
"Like what?" He stops on my doorstep.
"Like that! About the reaping-the Games!"
"Oh Emma, come o-"
"No, shut up! Listen to me. I may not seem like it, but I'm scared." I admit.
Connor's face softens. "I know."
I stare straight into his blue eyes. "Terrified," I whisper.
He pulls me into his arms. "Me too," he whispers, "me too, Em."
"I don't want to even think about you getting picked," I mumble into the fabric of his t-shirt.
"Or you."
"Or me," I repeat.
We pull away. He slides his hands down my arms. "I'll see you soon, okay?"
I look at my feet, then back into his eyes. "Yep," I nod.
"Wear something nice," he says. "I want you to show Panem how beautiful you are if you do get picked, alright?"
I smile a little bit. "Alright."
I turn to go into my house, but his voice pulls me back again.
"Hey, Emma?"
I stare into his eyes. "Yeah, Connor?"
"It'll be okay."
I nod, then turn the doorknob and head inside. I hear his feet kick some stones as he finally walks away. I lean back against the door and close my eyes as his words repeat inside of my head.
It'll all be okay.

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