Chapter 1

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"Alright, let's see," a bluish-grey troll named Branch said, sitting at his dining room table with one of his classmates. In front of the two trolls was a homemade contraption holding different moldy foods.

     "The bread mold..." Branch said to his friend.
"Bread mold..." the yellow troll beside him repeated, writing down what Branch said on a piece of paper.

     Branch looked at the moldy bread carefully.

     "Furry," he said.
"Furry..." the yellow troll repeated, writing it down.

     He poked the bread, sticking out his tongue in disgust.

     "Mushy," Branch said, wiping his hand on his pants to get the gross mush off of it.
"Mushy..." the yellow troll repeated.

     "Next... the fish mold," Branch said, moving from the moldy piece of bread to a moldy fish. "Fish mold..." the yellow troll repeated, continuing to take notes.

     "Spongy," Branch informed, feeling the fish.
"Spongy..." the yellow troll repeated.

     Branch smelt the fish, making another disgusted face.

     "Stinky..." he said, covering his nose.

     Suddenly, the front door flew open, a little purple troll with blue hair storming in.

     "I am so upset!" the purple troll yelled, stomping over to Branch. "You won't believe who I got partnered with for the big showcase!"

     Branch rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. He really didn't care about his sister's stupid showcase, but it's all she ever talked about.

     "Who?" he finally asked dryly, just wanting the conversation to end.
"Poppy Kenton!" she yelled in response. "A ninth grader!"

     "What's the big showcase?" the yellow troll asked.

     Branch's eyes widened at the question, as he turned to his friend.

     "No, no, no! Don't get her..."
"The big showcase..." the purple troll started.
"Started..." Branch groaned, slapping his forehead gently.
"Is a performance they put on at my school every year," she continued.

     "They invite agents, and directors, and producers, and other super powerful people in show business..." Branch mimicked his sister. The thing she said everyday.

     "And it's extremely important!" the purple troll yelled. "Which is why I am so upset!"

     "Ok..." Branch said, nudging his sister away. "This has been a 'great' discussion... but you should really be going now. Get ready for you're big showcase and all. Good bye!"

     "Hold up, Branch," she said. "I'm not going anywhere. Poppy will be here in ten minutes to rehearse, so you and your little friend are the ones who have to leave."

     She turned, grabbing onto the yellow troll, and shoving her out the door.

     "Hey!" Branch yelled. "She and I have a science project due tomorrow! We have to finish our mold bush!"

     "No!" the purple troll screamed in her brother's face. "Mom said I could have the living room tonight!"
"Oh yeah..." Branch objected, crossing his arms. "And when did she say that?"
"She... well... it doesn't matter! Just get out, you little runt!"

     Suddenly, the doorbell rang, the purple troll sighing in anger.

     "Great..." she said sarcastically. "She's here..."

     She walked over to the door, opening it with a glare on her face.

     "Get in here!" she yelled at the pink troll who stood on the other side of the door. "Thanks?" the pink troll said, walking in.

     The purple troll shut the door, turning to her brother.

     "Branch, that's Poppy," she introduced.

     Branch's eyes widened slightly at the sight of this new troll, his heart pounding inside his chest.

     "Hi," Poppy greeted. "You go to Trollywood Arts too?"
"Oh..." Branch said, shaking his head to awake himself from his daydream. "No. I'm... I'm not a performer. I don't sing... or dance..."
"But I do!" his sister interrupted, singing a few terrible notes.

     Poppy and Branch both covered their ears, feeling as if their eardrums where about to explode.

     "How was that!?" the purple troll asked, smiling at the two trolls before her.
"Uh... loud..." Branch said.
"Awesome!" she shouted in victory.

     Branch looked at Poppy, and shrugged.

     "Sorry about my sister," Branch apologized in a whisper. "Leaf can be a bit..." He looked at his sister, who was singing terribly again. "Leaf..."

     "Yup!" Leaf said excitedly. "I've got the talent and he's got the strong teeth." She grabbed onto Branch's face, forcing his mouth to open. "You know, he's never had one cavity?"

     "Let go," Branch ordered, pulling away from his sister, as he straightened out his vest.

     Poppy looked around the room, finally spotting a beautiful grand piano.

     "Nice piano!" she said, sitting down at the piano to play it.

     "Oh my god..." Branch said in awe. "You're fantastic!"
"She's ok..." Leaf shrugged.

     Suddenly, Poppy began to sniff the air.

     "What is that smell?" she asked, sniffing around.

     Finally, she walked over to Branch, sniffing his hand.

     "Fish mold..." Branch groaned.
"Ew!" Poppy shouted, quickly pulling away.

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