Chapter 6

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Branch walked into the room he was told to go to, accidentally bumping into a grayish-purple troll with a red Mohawk. The troll gasped, as she accidentally spilled her coffee all over herself.

"Oh... I'm... I'm sorry..." Branch apologized, backing away.
"Dude!" the Mohawked troll screamed. "What is wrong with you!?"
"I... I just..." Branch stuttered.
"Oh, you are so gonna pay for that!"

     She raised her fist, getting ready to punch Branch in the face, as he stood their staring up at her helplessly.

"Hey, hey, hey..." another troll wearing a black beanie said, stepping in between the two of them. "Relax."
"This doofus just spilled coffee all over me!" the red Mohawked troll shouted.

Branch backed away farther, lowering his head a bit.

"S... sorry..." he said softly, trying to avoid eye contact.
"It's ok," the troll in the black beanie said. "My girl friend here just has a bit of a temper. Isn't that right, Barb?"

The troll with the red Mohawk growled softly, glaring at Branch. Branch gulped, backing away even further.

"Oh my god!" a troll wearing a ragged robe yelled, running into the room. "There's a huge fire!"

Everyone in the classroom began screaming, panicking about the fire.

"Kidding, I'm kidding," the troll laughed. "Just wanted to get your blood pumping. Which I did! Ha! All right! Now, let's get started..." He walked up to the front of the room, turning to the class. "Rumps in chairs."

"He's our teacher?" Branch whispered to Poppy, as he sat down in the seat next to her. Poppy nodded, keeping her attention on the teacher, Mr. Sikowitz.

"Ok..." Mr. Sikowitz said. "First, I'd like to introduce our new student, Branch." He gestured towards Branch, who forced a smile, waving nervously. "And I'd like to thank Branch for his generous gift of $2. Which he handed me outside this morning," the teacher continued. "Not necessary, but much appreciated."

     "Why'd you give him $2?" Poppy whispered to Branch.
"I thought he was homeless," Branch whispered back with a shrug.

     "Now today we're going to continue our studies in group improv," Mr. Sikowitz said. "Branch, I assume you're familiar with improv?"

     Branch looked around nervously for a moment, finally turning his gaze back to the teacher.

     "N... no. I... I'm not..." he admitted softly.
"Okay, then," Mr. Sikowitz said, clapping his hands together. "Crash course. Improv is acting without a script. Which means the actors must make up their own actions and dialogue, as they perform the scene. Understood?" Branch nodded. "Excellent. Barb, you will captain the first group of the day. Choose your actors."

     Barb smirked, standing up to head to the front of the class.

     "Cooper, Poppy, Riff..." She glanced at Branch, smirking evilly. "And Branch." Branch's eyes widened, as he gulped.

     Slowly, he stood, heading up to the front of the room with the group.

     "It's ok," Poppy assured, petting his shoulder comfortingly.

     "Ok! Let's give 'em a place," Mr. Sikowitz said to the class.
"Home!" the blue troll with the worm suggested.
"Home," the worm scoffed. "Real creative."
"You be quiet," the blue troll scolded.

     "And now we need a situation," the teacher announced.
"Big news," a red troll suggested.
"Andre..." Mr. Sikowitz said, shaking his head slightly. "Nobody wants to see big nudes."
"News..." Andre repeated.
"Oh..." Mr. Sikowitz said in realization. "Well that's different. Big news."

     Barb turned to Branch with a mischievous grin.

     "Why don't you go wait in the hall..." she said.
"Uh... o... ok..." Branch responded, slowly walking out into the hall.

     "Ok. At home, big news..." Mr. Sikowitz said, taking a seat. "And action."

     "Hey, babe," Barb said to Riff, kissing his cheek. "How was work today?"
"I got fired..." Riff replied, sounding sad.
"Again?" Cooper said, seeming disappointed.

     "It's okay," Barb said with a smile. "I have great news that'll cheer up this whole family."
"What is it?" Poppy asked.
"Tell us!" Cooper yelled with a laugh.

     "I went to the animal shelter and got us..." Barb said, heading to the door. She lead Branch into the room, bringing him up front. "A dog!"

     Branch looked at her confused, and then at the room full of trolls watching him.

     "Uh... yep," he said nervously. "I'm the new family dog. Woof..."

     "Ugh!" Barb groaned, rolling her eyes, as she turned to the teacher. "Sikowitz, will you please tell this amateur that dogs can't talk, and that they don't walk on two legs."
"It's true, Branch," Mr. Sikowitz said. "If you're going to play a dog... be a dog."

     Barb smirked over at Branch, who sighed, dropping down to all fours.

     "Woof," he barked.
"And action!" Sikowitz yelled.

     "Uh, I went to the animal shelter and got us a dog!" Barb repeated, getting back into the scene. "Awesome!" Poppy exclaimed, she and Cooper petting Branch as if he where a dog.

     "Uh-oh..." Barb suddenly said, moving her fingers through Branch's hair. "Looks like this dog has bugs in his fur."
"Uh... woof?" Branch said, looking up at her confused.

     "Gross," Cooper said, he and Poppy quickly moving away from Branch.

     Branch looked at Poppy, mouthing the words; 'what is happening?'

     Poppy shrugged, mouthing the words; 'I don't know...'

     "Aw, it's okay," Barb continued, staying in character. "I read on the internet that coffee works great for getting rid of fur bugs."

     She walked over taking a cup of coffee from one of the other students.

     Poppy's eyes widened, realizing what Barb was doing.

     "No, Barb! Wait!" Poppy yelled out, but it was too late...

     Barb poured the coffee all over Branch's head.

     Branch gasped, his hair falling over his face, dripping coffee all over the floor.

     Slowly, he stood, looking at Barb in disbelief, the entire class silent, as they watched.

     "What's the prob? Dog..." Barb smirked.

     Branch didn't say a word. He just turned, running out of the room, as quickly as possible.

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